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Notes for all tables

Table X. - State of exploitation, total production and nominal catches by selected species groups fished in the Northern Pacific (FAO Statistical Area 61), in metric tonnes, years 1950-94

Catches ('000t)
Stock or species group Main fishing countries in 94 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 State of exploitation
Chum(=Keta=Dog)salmon Japan,Russian Fed. 83 65 84 149 174 184 232 204 164 209 220
Pink(=Humpback)salmon Russian Fed.,Japan 132 93 96 95 51 164 83 236 100 129 132
Other Salmons,trouts,smelts, 43 49 34 20 17 12 12 13 21 20 15
23-Salmons,trouts,smelts,... 258 206 214 263 242 360 326 454 284 357 367
Alaska pollock(=Walleye poll.) Russian Fed.,Japan,Korea Rep 199 882 3289 4292 5108 4827 4207 3521 3523 3048 2823 F
Pacific cod Russian Fed.,Japan,Korea Rep 45 71 82 180 208 201 181 157 234 170 151 F
Other Cods,hakes,haddocks,.. 13 20 45 66 53 40 43 49 61 52 27 F
32-Cods,hakes,haddocks,... 258 973 3416 4538 5370 5068 4431 3727 3819 3270 3001
Yellow croaker China,Korea Rep,Other Asia 93 115 69 50 46 39 53 86 104 111 144 F-O
Other Redfishes,basses,congers 534 728 1277 1237 1154 1223 1339 1198 1055 965 1158 F
33-Redfishes,basses,congers,.. 627 844 1345 1287 1201 1262 1391 1284 1158 1076 1302 F
Japanese jack mackerel Japan,Korea Rep,Other Asia 229 455 154 149 268 205 240 239 251 350 365 F
Pacific saury Japan,Korea Rep,Russian Fed. 372 341 309 261 347 331 436 402 382 400 335 F
Other Jacks,mullets,sauries, 118 171 325 607 563 666 787 797 723 587 775
34-Jacks,mullets,sauries,... 719 968 788 1016 1177 1202 1462 1439 1355 1338 1475
Pacific herring Russian Fed.,Korea Rep,Japan 304 367 357 176 213 118 109 120 120 122 93 F
Japanese anchovy China,Korea Rep,Japan 364 417 398 343 304 316 536 614 663 1001 821 M
Japanese pilchard Japan,China,Korea Rep 228 47 795 4560 5429 5143 4732 3774 2489 1796 1294 M (D)
Other Herrings,sardines,anchov 94 99 128 147 175 159 136 142 138 153 161
35-Herrings,sardines,anchovies 990 930 1679 5227 6121 5736 5514 4650 3409 3072 2368
36-Tunas,bonitos,billfishes,.. 289 439 398 464 539 516 597 611 544 636 595
Largehead hairtail China,Korea Rep,Japan 342 505 622 617 531 591 655 706 759 742 1 030 F
Chub mackerel Japan,China,Korea Rep 338 717 1672 1272 1138 981 612 618 669 1153 1235 M (R)
Other Mack.,snoeks,cutlassfish 1 1 3 4 4 4 3 13 5 4 3
37-Mack.,snoeks,cutlassfishes 680 1224 2297 1892 1672 1576 1269 1336 1433 1899 2268
38-Sharks,rays,chimaeras,... 118 93 109 98 74 92 108 104 99 102 72
39-Misc. marine fishes 1239 2107 3183 4046 4583 4709 4611 4661 5181 5285 5339
Gazami crab China,Korea Rep,Japan 3 2 14 64 135 175 163 172 176 146 317
Other Sea-spiders,crabs,etc. 221 316 374 443 491 571 541 651 679 828 889
42-Sea-spiders,crabs,etc. 224 318 388 508 625 746 704 822 856 973 1 206
Akiami paste shrimp China,Korea Rep 78 99 92 189 202 239 236 235 258 287 345
Other Shrimps,prawns,etc. 49 95 170 265 366 254 272 222 233 248 274
45-Shrimps,prawns,etc. 127 194 263 454 568 493 508 457 491 535 619
Yesso scallop China,Japan,Russian Fed. 16 10 82 155 163 192 232 181 197 227 274
Other Scallops,pectens,etc. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55-Scallops,pectens,etc. 16 10 82 155 163 192 232 181 197 227 274
Japanese carpet shell China,Japan,Korea Rep 70 132 160 148 106 99 83 87 71 87 60
Other Clams,cockles,arkshell 125 186 194 182 184 167 177 152 140 160 146
56-Clams,cockles,arkshells.. 195 318 354 330 290 265 260 239 211 247 206
Squids nei China,Japan,Other Asia 82 112 198 357 359 448 436 331 298 262 362 M
Japanese flying squid Japan,Korea Rep 428 530 355 238 206 278 285 352 534 538 493 M (R)
Other Squid,cuttlefish,octopus 46 68 97 142 126 153 141 133 110 106 103
57-Squid,cuttlefish,octopuses 556 710 650 737 691 878 862 816 942 906 958
Selected groups 6296 9332 15165 21015 23317 23095 22276 20780 19979 19923 20049
Other groups 486 917 1069 952 814 713 704 779 1050 1031 1085
Total aquaculture 0 0 0 1176 2481 2458 2540 2673 3080 3653 3882
Total productions 6782 10249 16234 23143 26612 26266 25520 24232 24109 24607 25016
Total marine capture 6782 10249 16234 21967 24131 23808 22980 21559 21029 20954 21134