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ABARE; Quarterly Forest Products Statistics; December Quarter 1995; Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics; 1995.

Baddeley, C J; (per. comm.) South Pacific Logging Code; 1996

Chandrasekharan, C; Some information about forests and forestry in New Caledonia; 1977; Unpublished.

Cole, R V and Tambunlertchai, S (eds); The Future of Asia Pacific Economies: Pacific Islands at the Crossroads?; National Centre for Development Studies; Australian National University; 1993.

Commonwealth of Australia; National Forest Policy Statement: A New Focus for Australia's Forests; 1992.

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Crocombe, R (ed); Land Tenure in the Pacific; University of the South Pacific; 1987.

Dolman, K; A Forest Minister for every season; New Zealand Forestry pp 9-10; February 1996; New Zealand Institute of Foresters..

Europa; The Far East and Australasia 1996; 27th Edition; 1996.

FAO; Forest Products Yearbook 1982-1993; 1995.

FAO; Forest Resources Assessment 1990 Global Synthesis; FAO Forestry Paper 1995.

Fiji Forestry Department; Country Report: South Pacific Heads of Forestry Meeting; 1993.

Fiji Forestry Sector Review; Terminal Report: Preliminary Draft; 1988.

Foran, W; Forestry Section Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 1992; Government of Niue; 1992.

Forest Resources Committee; Australian Forest Resources: Present areas and estimates of future availability of wood; Australian Forestry Council; 1989.

Forestry Section; The Natural Forest of Niue Island: Merchantable forest survey; Dept of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Niue; 1990.

McLarin, M; A Report on Wood Supply and Demand in Australia; NZ Ministry of Forestry; 1995

Neck M, Curtotti R, and Sar L; Outlook for Forest Products in Australia; ABARE Outlook '96 Conference; Australia; 1996.

Neck M, Stephens M and Hansard A; Developing a modelling approach for assessing regional forest resource use impacts; ABARE Conference Paper 95-16; 1995.

Oliver, W W; Plantation Forestry in the South Pacific: A Compilation and Assessment of Practices; Project RAS/86/036,; FAO/UNDP; 1992.

Papua New Guinea Forest Authority; Papua New Guinea Country Statement: 1995 Mid-term review of progress towards the achievement of the ITTO Year 2000 objective; 1995.

Papua New Guinea: The Independent: 12.4.96; "Chan's Malaysia trip smells disaster for forestry resources: Yaki"; 1996.

Resource Assessment Commission; Forest and Timber Inquiry Draft Report; Commonwealth of Australia; 1991.

Robinson, M; Mabo Decision; Internet site:; September 1995.

Sledge, P and Bull, T; Market outlook for recycled paper in Australia; Quarterly Forest Statistics; ABARE; March 1995.

South Pacific Forestry Development Programme; Forestry resources of the South Pacific: A system for assessment and monitoring: Project RAS/86/036; 1989.

South Pacific Forestry Development Programme; Proceedings of Heads of Forestry meeting 21-25 September 1992 Apia, Western Samoa; Project RAS/92/361; 1993.

Stafford, B; Australasia: Let the Good Times Roll; Asia-Pacific Papermaker; January 1996.

Thaman, R R and Whistler, W A; Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati and Tuvalu: A Review of Uses and Status of Trees and Forests in Landuse Systems with Recommendations for Future Actions; Project RAS/92/T04; FAO; 1995.

Turner, J C P; Training in Wood Utilisation; Project TCP/CKI/8851; FAO; 1990.

UNDP; Living Conditions in Nauru;

UNDP; Living Conditions in Niue; Project UNDP/RR/NIU/Rev.3; 1989.

UNDP; Living Conditions in Tuvalu;

Vanuatu Department of Forests; First Draft: National Forest Policy; 1995.

World Bank; Market Prospects for Forest Products from the Pacific Islands; Report No. 8545-ASI; 1990.

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