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1. Tariff elimination - The major developed countries committed themselves to phasing out tariffs on pulp and paper products over the next 8-10 years. Several other products, including furniture in the major developed markets, also saw tariffs eliminated.

2. Tariff reductions - tariffs on most forest products were reduced with the recommendation of a general tariff reduction of 33 percent on a trade-weighted basis.

3. Reduction in tariff escalation - the extent of tariff escalation for forest products will be reduced in most importing markets.

4. Reduction/elimination of preferential tariff margins - the tariff distinction between "Most Favoured Nation" (MFN) and "General Scheme of Preferences" (GSP) rates will be reduced and in some cases eliminated.

5. Tariff binding - the proportion of bound tariff rates was increased, with developed countries committing themselves to complete binding, largely at reduced tariff rates, and many developing countries opting for bound rates.

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