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1960 - 1966

K001 Schuster, W.H., 1960. Synopsis of biological data on milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal, 1775). FAO Fish.Synop., (4):58 p.

K002 Deelder, C.L. and J. Willemsen, 1964. Synopsis of biological data on pike-perch Lucioperca lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Fish.Synop., (28):52 p.

K003 Alikunhi, K.H., 1966. Synopsis of biological data on common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758). (Asia and the Far East). FAO Fish.Synop., (31.1):73 p.

K004 Maar, A., M.A.E. Mortimer and I. Van der Lingen, 1966. Fish culture in Central East Africa. Rome, FAO, 160 p.

K005 Sarig, S., 1966. Synopsis of biological data on common carp Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758). (Near East and Europe). FAO Fish.Synop., (31.2):35 p.


K005.1 FAO/UNDP, 1967. Report to the Government of Burma on the development of fish culture. Based on the work of H. Chaudhuri. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2298):17 p.

K005.2 FAO/UNDP, 1967. Report to the Government of USSR on the second group fellowship study tour on inland fisheries research, management and fish culture in the USSR. Rep.FAO/UNDP (TA), (2443):16 p.

K005.3 FAO/UNDP, 1967. Report to the Government of Uganda on the experimental fish culture project in Uganda. 1965-66. Based on the work of Y. Pruginin. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2446):19 p.

K005.4 FAO/UNDP, 1967. Report to the Government of Jordan on the inland fisheries development and fish culture. Based on the work of K.M. Apostolski. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2448):19 p.

K006 Gaudet, J.-L. (ed.), 1967. Symposium on feeding in trout and salmon culture. Symposium sur l’alimentation dans l’élevage de la truite et du saumon. Fourth session European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Quatrième session Commission Européenne Consultative pour les Pêches dans les Eaux Intérieures. Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 9-14 May, 1966. EIFAC Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech. CECPI, (3):94 p.

K007 Pillay, T.V.R. (ed.), 1967. Proceedings of the World Symposium on Warm-Water Pond Fish Culture. Rome, Italy, 18-25 May, 1966. FAO Fish.Rep., (44)vol.1:55 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

K008 Pillay, T.V.R. (ed.), 1967. Proceedings of the FAO World Symposium on Warm-Water Pond Fish Culture. Actes du Symposium mondial organisé par la FAO sur la Pisciculture en étang à température élevée. Actas del Simposio mundial de la FAO sobre Piscicultura en estanques de agua templada. Rome, Italy 18-25 May 1966/Rome, Italie, 18-25 mai 1966/Roma, Italia, 18 a 25 de mayo 1966. Vol.2. Regional and country reports. Rapports régionaux et nationaux. Informes regionales y nationales. FAO Fish.Rep./FAO Rapp.Pêches/FAO Inf. Pesca, (44)vol.2:174 p.

K009 Pillay, T.V.R. (ed.), 1967. Proceedings of the FAO World Symposium on Warm-Water Pond Fish Culture. Actes du Symposium mondial organisé par la FAO sur la Pisciculture en étang à température élevée. Actas del Simposio mundial de la FAO sobre Piscicultura en estanques de agua templada. Rome, Italy, 18-25 May 1966/Rome, Italie, 18-25 mai 1966/Roma, Italia, 18 a 25 de mayo 1966. Vol.3. Review and experience papers of meetings 2 and 3. Etudes spécialisées et comptes rendus d’expériences des réunions 2 et 3. Documentos de información y experiencias de las reuniones 2 y 3. FAO Fish.Rep./FAO Rapp.Pêches/FAO Inf.Pesca, (44)vol.3:423 p.


K010 Backiel, T. and J. Zawisza, 1968. Synopsis of biological data on the bream Abramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Fish.Synop., (36):110 p.

K011 Conroy, D.A. (comp.), 1968. Partial bibliography on the bacterial diseases of fish. An annotated bibliography for the years 1870-1966. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (73):75 p.

K011.1 FAO/UNDP, 1968. Report to the Government of Syrian Arab Republic on fish culture projects and related fields. Based on the work of D.R. Riedel. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2445):40 p.

K011.2 FAO/UNDP, 1968. Report to the Government of USSR on the first and second group fellowship study tours on inland fisheries research, management and fish culture in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 15 July-15 August 1965 and 31 May-2 July 1966. Lectures. Rep.FAO/UNDP (TA), (2547):183 p.

K011.3 FAO/UNDP, 1968. Report to the Government of Uganda on the fish culture development. Based on the work of K.M. Apostolski. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2575):11p.

K012 Gerberich, J.B. and M. Laird, 1968. Bibliography of papers relating to the control of mosquitoes by the use of fish. An annotated bibliography for the years 1901-66. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (75):70 p.

K013 Jensen, L.W. and J.-L. Gaudet (comps.), 1968. Bibliography on nutritional requirements of salmonoid fishes. Bibliographie sur les besoins nutritifs des salmonides. EIFAC Occas.Pap./Doc.Occas.CECPI, (2):28 p.

K014 Jhingran, V.G., 1968. Synopsis of biological data on catla, Catla catla (Hamilton, 1822). FAO Fish.Synop., (32)Rev.1:78 p.

K015 Mistakidis, M.N. (ed.), 1968. Proceedings of the World Scientific Conference on the Biology and Culture of Shrimps and Prawns. Mexico City, Mexico, 12-21 June, 1967. FAO Fish.Rep., (57)vol.1:75 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

K016 Nair, K.K. (comp.), 1968. A preliminary bibliography of the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Valenciennes). FAO Fish.Circ., (302):16 p.

K017 Pillay, T.V.R. (ed.), 1968. Proceedings of the FAO World Symposium on Warm-Water Pond Fish Culture. Actes du Symposium mondial organisé par la FAO sur la Pisciculture en étang à température élevée. Actas del Simposio mundial de la FAO sobre Piscicultura en estanques de agua templada. Rome, Italy, 18-25 May 1966/Rome, Italie, 18-25 mai 1966/Roma, Italia, 18 a 25 de mayo 1966. Vol.4. Review, experience and working papers of meetings 4, 5 and 6. Etudes spécialisées, comptes rendus d’expériences et documents de travail des réunions 4, 5 et 6. Documentos de información, experiencias y trabajo de las reuniones 4, 5 y 6. FAO Fish.Rep./FAO Rapp.Pêches/FAO Inf.Pesca, (44)vol.4:492 p.

K018 Pillay, T.V.R. (ed.), 1968. Proceedings of the FAO World Symposium on Warm-Water Pond Fish Culture. Actes du Symposium mondial organisé par la FAO sur la Pisciculture en étang à température élevée. Actas del Simposio mundial de la FAO sobre Piscicultura en estanques de agua templada. Rome, Italy, 18-25 May 1966/Rome, Italie, 18-25 mai 1966/Roma, Italia, 18 a 25 de mayo 1966. Vol.5. Review and experience papers of meetings 7, 8 and 9. Etudes spécialisées et comptes rendus d’expériences des réunions 7, 8 et 9. Documentos de información y experiencias de las reuniones 7, 8 y 9. FAO Fish.Rep./FAO Rapp.Pêches/FAO Inf.Pesca, (44)vol.5:411 p.

K019 Segi, T. and W. Kida, 1968. Synopsis of biological data on Monostroma latissimum Wittrock in Japanese cultivation. FAO Fish.Synop., (39):7 p.


K020 Allen, G.H., 1969. A preliminary bibliography on the utilization of sewage in fish culture. FAO Fish.Circ., (308):15 p.

K020.1 FAO/UNDP, 1969. Report to the Government of USSR on the seminar/study tour in the USSR on genetic selection and hybridization of cultivated fishes. Moscow, USSR, 19 April-29 May 1968. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2722):11 p.

K020.2 FAO/UNDP, 1969. Report to the Government of Iran on a programme for the development of the inland fisheries of Iran. Based on the work of E.W. Surber. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2723):64 p.

K021 Gaudet, J.-L. (ed.), 1969. Symposium on New Developments in Carp and Trout Nutrition. Fifth Session. European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Rome, Italy, 20-24 May 1968. Symposium sur les Récents développements dans la nutrition de la carpe et de la truite. Cinquième session. Commission Européenne Consultative pour les Pêches dans les Eaux intérieures. Rome, Italie, 20-24 mai 1968. EIFAC Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CECPI, (9):213 p.

K022 Mistakidis, M.N. (ed.), 1969. Proceedings of the World Scientific Conference on the Biology and Culture of Shrimps and Prawns. Actes de la Conférence scientifique mondiale sur la Biologie et l’élevage des crevettes. Actas de la Conferencia científica mundial sobre la Biología y cultivo de camarones y gambas. Mexico City, Mexico, 12-21 June, 1967/Mexico, Mexique, 12-21 juin 1967/Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, 12-21 junio 1967. Vol.2. Review, regional summary and experience papers. Exposés généraux, résumé d’expériences. Documentos de reseña, resumen regional y documentos de investigación. FAO Fish.Rep./FAO Rapp.Pêches/FAO Inf.Pesca, (57)vol.2:77-587

K023 Mistakidis, M.N. (ed.), 1969. Proceedings of the World Scientific Conference on the Biology and Culture of Shrimps and Prawns. Actes de la Conférence scientifique mondiale sur la Biologie et l’élevage des crevettes. Actas de la Conferencia científica mundial sobre la Biología y cultivo de camarones y gambas. Mexico City, Mexico, 12-21 June, 1967/Mexico, Mexique, 12-21 juin 1967/Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, 12-21 junio 1967. Vol.3. Experience papers. Comptes rendus d’expériences. Documentos de investigación. FAO Fish.Rep./FAO Rapp.Pêches/FAO Inf.Pesca, (57)vol.3:589-1165

K024 Toner, E.D. and G.H. Lawler, 1969. Synopsis of biological data on the pike Esox lucius (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Fish.Synop., (30)rev.1:32 p.

K025 Zenny, F.B., 1969. Comparative study of laws and regulations governing the international traffic in live fish and fish eggs. Etude comparée des mesures législatives et administratives régissant les échanges internationaux de poissons vivants et d’oeufs de poisson. EIFAC Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CECPI, (10):57 p.


K026 Costello, T.J. and D.M. Allen, 1970. Synopsis of biological data on the pink shrimps Penaeus duorarum duorarum (Burkenroad, 1939). FAO Fish.Synop., (103). ln FAO Fish.Rep., (57)vol.4:1499-537 (see ref. K032)

K028 Doudoroff, P. and D.L. Shumway, 1970. Dissolved oxygen requirements of freshwater fishes. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (86):291 p.

K028.1 FAO/UNDP, 1970. Report to the Government of Nepal on the fish culture development. Based on the work of K.K. Zwilling. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2754):11 p.

K028.2 FAO/UNDP, 1970. Report to the Government of Nigeria on the experiments in brackish-water fish culture in the Niger Delta. Based on the work of K.K. Nair. Rep.FAO/ UNDP(TA), (2759):14 p.

K028.3 FAO/UNDP, 1970. Report to the Government of India on the regional seminar on induced breeding of cultivated fishes. Barrackpore, Cuttack and Bombay, India, 15 July-18 August 1969. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2814):19 p.

K029 George, M.J., 1970. Synopsis of biological data on the penaeid prawn Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers, 1878). FAO Fish.Synop., (97). In FAO Fish.Rep., (57)vol.4:1335-57 (see ref. K032)

K030 Lennon, R.E. et al., 1970. Reclamation of ponds, lakes and streams with fish toxicants: a review. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (100):99 p.

K031 Lindner, M.J. and H.L. Cook, 1970. Synopsis of biological data on the white shrimp Penaeus setiferus (Linnaeus, 1767). FAO Fish.Synop., (101). In FAO Fish.Rep., (57) vol.4:1439-69 (see ref. K032)

K032 Mistakidis, M.N. (ed.), 1970. Proceedings of the World Scientific Conference on the Biology and Culture of Shrimps and Prawns. Actes de la Conférence scientifique mondiale sur la Biologie et l’élevage des crevettes. Actas de la Conferencia científica mundial sobre la Biología y cultivo de camarones y gambas. Mexico City, Mexico, 12-21 June, 1967/Mexico, Mexique, 12-21 juin 1967/Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, 12-21 junio 1967. Vol.4. Species synopsis. Synopsis d’espèces. Sinopsis de especies. FAO Fish.Rep./FAO Rapp.Pêches/FAO Inf.Pesca, (57)vol.4:1167-627

K033 Mohamed, K.H., 1970. Synopsis of biological data on the jumbo tiger prawn Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1978. FAO Fish.Synop., (93). In FAO Fish.Rep., (57)vol.4:1251-66 (see ref. K032)

K034 Mohamed, K.H., 1970. Synopsis of biological data on the Indian prawn Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards, 1837. FAO Fish.Synop., (94). In FAO Fish.Rep., (57)vol.4:1267-88 (see ref. K032)

K035 Perez-Farfante, I., 1970. Sinopsis de datos biológicos sobre el camaron blanco Penaeus schmitti Burkenroad, 1936. FAO Fish.Synop., (100). In FAO Fish.Rep., (57)vol.4:1417-38 (see ref. K032)


K036 EIFAC, 1971. Salmon and trout feeds and feeding. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (12):29 p. Issued also in French

K036.1 FAO/UNDP, 1971. Report to the Government of USSR on the seminar/study tour in the USSR on genetic selection and hybridization of cultivated fishes. 19 April-29 May 1968. Lectures. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2926):360 p.

K036.2 FAO/UNDP, 1971. Report to the Government of Burma on the fish culture development. Based on the work of H. Chaudhuri. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2954):45 p.

K036.3 FAO/PNUD, 1971. Rapport au Gouvernement du Rwanda sur la pisciculture et le déve- loppement des pêches. Etabli sur la base des travaux de J. de Vries. Rapp.FAO/ PNUD(AT), (3002):15 p.

K037 Hirth, H.F., 1971. Synopsis of biological data on the green turtle Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Fish.Synop., (85):71 p.

K038 Thorslund, A.E., 1971. Potential uses of waste waters and heated effluents. EIFAC Occas.Pap., (5):23 p.


K038.1 FAO/UNDP, 1972. Report to the Government of Philippines on fishculture development in Laguna de Bay. Based on the work of Y. Pruginin. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (3062):35 p.

K038.2 FAO/UNDP, 1972. Report to the Government of Israel on the potential for oyster culture at Elat on the Gulf of Aqaba. Based on the work of P.R. Walne. Rep.FAO/UNDP (TA), (3076):13 p.

K038.3 FAO/UNDP, 1972. Report to the Government of Seychelles on oyster culture feasibility. Based on the work of K.W. Cox. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (3085):22 p.

K038.4 FAO/PNUD, 1972. Informe al Gobierno del Peru sobre el fomento de la piscicultura en el callejón de Huaylas. Basado en la labor de W.C. White. Inf.FAO/PNUD(AT), (3086):10 p.

K039 Pillay, S.R., 1972. A bibliography of the grey mullets, family Mugilidae. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (109):99 p.


K040 Berka, R., 1973. A review of feeding equipment in fish culture. EIFAC Occas.Pap., (9):32 p.

K041 Dill, W.A. (ed.), 1973. Report of the Symposium on the Major Communicable Fish Diseases in Europe and their Control, organized by FAO/EIFAC with the support of OIE. Amsterdam, 20-22 April 1972. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (17):40 p. Issued also in French

K042 Dill, W.A. (ed.), 1973. Symposium on the Major Communicable Fish Diseases in Europe and their Control. Panel reviews and relevant papers. Symposium sur les Principales maladies transmissibles des poissons en Europe et la lutte contre celles-ci. Exposés des groupes et communications apparentées. EIFAC Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CECPI, (17)Suppl.2:255 p.

K042.1 FAO/UNDP, 1973. Report to the Government of Thailand on shrimp farm development. Based on the work of H.L. Cook. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (3147):13 p.

K042.2 FAO/UNDP, 1973. Report to the Government of Jordan on inland fisheries development and fish culture. Based on the work of K.H. Alikunhi. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (3186):25 p.

K042.3 FAO/UNDP, 1973. Report to the Government of Greece on survey of trout diseases. Based on the work of C.P. Carlson. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (3230):7 p.

K043 GFCM, 1973. Brackishwater aquaculture in the Mediterranean region. Stud.Rev.Gen. Fish.Counc.Mediterr./Etud.Rev.Cons.Gén.Pêches Méditerr., (52):129 p. Issued also in French

K044 Krupauer, V., 1973. Pond fish culture in Czechoslovakia. EIFAC Occas.Pap., (8):33 p.

K045 Lubet, P., 1973. Exposé synoptique des données biologiques sur la moule Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819) (Atlantique et Méditerranée). FAO Fish.Synop., (88):47 p.

K046 Matthes, H., 1973. A bibliography of African freshwater fish. Bibliographie des poissons d’eau douce de l’Afrique. Rome, FAO, 299 p.

K047 Thompson, P.E., W.A. Dill and G. Moore, 1973. The major communicable fish diseases of Europe and North America. A review of national and international measures for their control. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (17)Suppl.1:48 p. Issued also in French


K048 FAO, 1974. Control of major communicable fish diseases. Report of the Government Consultation on an International Convention for the Control of the Spread of Major Communicable Fish Diseases. Aviemore, Scotland, 30 April-1 May 1974. FAO Fish.Rep., (149):17 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

K048.1 FAO/PNUD, 1974. Rapport au Gouvernement du Rwanda sur la pisciculture et le développement des pêches. Etabli sur la base des travaux de I.G. Dunn. Rap.FAO/PNUD(AT), (3244):39 p.

K048.2 FAO/UNDP, 1974. Report to the Government of Nepal on inland fishery biology. Based on the work of E. Woynarovich. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (3287):24 p.

K049 Jhingran, V.G. and V. Gopalakrishnan, 1974. Catalogue of cultivated aquatic organisms. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (130):83 p.

K050 Johnson, R.P., 1974. Synopsis of biological data on Sarotherodon galilaeus. FAO Fish.Synop., (90):42 p.


K051 ADCP, 1975. Aquaculture planning in Africa. Report of the first regional workshop on Aquaculture Planning in Africa. Accra, Ghana, 2-17 July 1975. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/75/1:114 p. Issued also in French

K052 Conroy, D.A., 1975. An evaluation of the present state of world trade in ornamental fish. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (146):128 p.

K052.0 FAO/PNUD, 1975. Informe al Gobierno del Ecuador sobre pesca continental y piscicultura. Basado en la labor de Arno Meschkat. Inf.FAO/PNUD(AT) (3312):55 p.

K052.1 Farmer, A.S.D., 1975. Synopsis of biological data on the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Fish.Synop., (112):97 p.

K053 Hepher, B. and J.-L. Gaudet (comps), 1975. Bibliography on nutritional requirements of warmwater fishes. Bibliographie sur les besoins nutritifs des poissons vivant en eaux chaudes. EIFAC Occas.Pap./Doc.Occas.CECPI, (10):87 p.

K054 Khan, H.A. and V.G. Jhingran, 1975. Synopsis of biological data on rohu Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822). FAO Fish.Synop., (111):100 p.

K055 Shehadeh, Z.H. (ed.), 1975. Report of the Symposium on Aquaculture in Africa. Accra, Ghana, 30 September-2 October 1975. CIFA Tech.Pap., (4):36 p. Issued also in French

K056 Woynarovich, E., 1975. Elementary guide to fish culture in Nepal. Rome, FAO, 131 p.


K057 ADCP, 1976. Feasibility of establishing a regional aquaculture centre in Pirassununga. Report of a mission to consider the establishment of a Latin American Regional Centre for Aquaculture in Pirassununga, Brazil. 22 August-14 September 1976. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/76/1:30 p.

K058 ADCP, 1976. Aquaculture planning in Asia. Report of the regional workshop on Aquaculture Planning in Asia. Bangkok, Thailand, 1-17 October 1975. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/76/2:154 p.

K059 ADCP, 1976. Aquaculture planning in South America. Report of the regional workshop on Aquaculture Planning in Latin America, Caracas, Venezuela, 24 November-10 December 1975. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/76/3:173 p. Issued also in Spanish

K060 Ardizzone, G.D., 1976. A bibliography of African freshwater fish. Supplement 1 (1968-1975). Bibliographie des poissons d’eau douce de l’Afrique. Supplément 1 (1968-1975). CIFA Occas.Pap./Doc.Occas.CPCA, (5):40 p.

K060.1 Broom, M.J., 1976. Synopsis of biological data on scallops Chlamys (Aequipecten) opercularis (Linnaeus), Argopecten irradians (Lamarck), Argopecten gibbus (Linnaeus). FAO Fish.Synop., (114):44 p.

K061 CIFA, 1976. Supplement 1 to the Report of the Symposium on Aquaculture in Africa. Accra, Ghana, 30 September-2 October 1975. Reviews and experience papers. Supplément 1 au Rapport du Symposium sur l’Aquaculture en Afrique. Accra, Ghana, 30 septembre-2 octobre 1975. Exposés généraux et comptes rendus d’expériences. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (4)Suppl.1:791 p

K062 EIFAC/CECPI, 1976. Workshop on Controlled Reproduction of Cultivated Fishes. Report and relevant papers. Réunion sur la Reproduction contrôlée des poissons d’élevage. Rapport et communications apparentées. Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, 21-25 May 1973. EIFAC Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CECPI, (25):180 p.

K063 FAO, 1976. Report of the FAO Technical Conference on Aquaculture. Kyoto, Japan, 26 May-2 June 1976. FAO Fish.Rep., (188):93 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

K064 GFCM/CGPM. 1976. Ponte contrôlée et élevage des larves d’espèces marines sélectionnées de la Méditerranée. Controlled breeding and larval rearing of selected Mediterranean marine species. Etud.Rev.Cons.Gén.Pêches Méditerr./Stud.Rev.Gen. Fish.Counc.Mediterr., (55):173 p.

K065 Heidinger, R.C., 1976. Synopsis of biological data on the largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacépède, 1802). FAO Fish.Synop., (115):85 p.

K066 Naylor, J., 1976. Production, trade and utilization of seaweeds and seaweed products. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (159):73 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

K067 Tokyo University of Fisheries, 1976. An assessment of the effects of pollution on fisheries and aquaculture in Japan. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (163):105 p.


K068 ADCP, 1977. Establishment of a pilot project for coastal aquaculture in Kenya. Report of a mission to plan a pilot farm. February-March 1977. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/77/2:11 p.

K069 Comisión Asesora Regional de Pesca para el Atlántico Sudoccidental (CARPAS), 1977. La acuicultura en América Latina. Actas del Simposio sobre acuicultura en América Latina. Montevideo, Uruguay, 26 de noviembre a 2 de diciembre de 1974. Vol.1. Documentos de investigación. FAO Inf.Pesca, (159)vol.1:374 p.

K070 Comisión Asesora Regional de Pesca para el Atlántico Sudoccidental (CARPAS), 1977. La acuicultura en América Latina. Actas del Simposio sobre acuicultura en América Latina. Montevideo, Uruguay, 26 de noviembre a 2 de diciembre de 1974. Vol.2. Documentos de reseña. FAO Inf.Pesca, (159)vol.2:130 p.

K071 Comisión Asesora Regional de Pesca para el Atlántico Sudoccidental (CARPAS), 1977. La acuicultura en América Latina. Actas del Simposio sobre acuicultura en América Latina. Montevideo, Uruguay, 26 de noviembre a 2 de diciembre de 1974. Vol.3. Informes nacionales. FAO Inf.Pesca, (159)vol.3:136 p.

K072 FAO/OIE, 1977. Control of the spread of major communicable fish diseases. FAO/OIE Government Consultation on an International Convention for the control of the spread of major communicable fish diseases. OIE Headquarters, Paris, 25-28 January 1977. FAO Fish.Rep., (192):48 p. Issued also in French.

K073 Mistakidis, M.N., 1977. Culture of marine fishes in the Third World. FAO Fish.Circ., (704):6 p.

K074 Tapiador, D.D. et al., 1977. Freshwater fisheries and aquaculture in China. A report of the FAO Fisheries (Aquaculture) Mission to China, 21 April-12 May 1976. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (168):84 p. Issued also in French, ref. K084.1, and in Spanish, ref. K084.2

K075 Thorpe, J., 1977. Synopsis of biological data on the perch Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758 and Perca flavescens Mitchill, 1814. FAO Fish.Synop., (113):138 p.


K076 ADCP, 1978. Fish seed production and distribution in India. Report of a mission to plan the expansion of fish seed production. 14 November-6 December 1977. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/78/3:53 p.

K077 ADCP, 1978. Aid for aquaculture development. Report of the FAO/UNDP Ad hoc Consultation on aid for aquaculture development, La Toja (Pontevedra, Spain) 20-25 June 1978. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/78/4:30 p.

K078 ADCP, 1978. Esquema de un programa de investigación aplicada y desarrollo experimental para el Centro Regional Latinoamericano de Acuicultura. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/78/5:28 p. Public. también en ingles

K079 ADCP, 1978. Programa para la formación de acuicultores en el Centro Regional Latinoamericano de Acuicultura. Pirassununga, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/78/6:35 p. Public. también en ingles

K082 Coche, A.G., 1978. Report of the Symposium on Finfish Nutrition and Feed Technology. Hamburg, 20-23 June 1978. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (31):37 p. Issued also in French

K082.1 Kopinski, E. (comp.), 1978. A partially annotated bibliography of commercially exploited scallops (Pectinidae, Rafinesque 1815). FAO Fish.Circ., (716):158 p.

K083 Leopold, M. (comp.), 1978. Glossary of inland fishery terms. Glossaire de termes utilisés dans le domaine des pêches intérieures. EIFAC Occas.Pap./Doc.Occas.CECPI. (12):126 p.

K084 Manooch, C.S.III and W.W. Hassler, 1978. Synopsis of biological data on the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus). FAO Fish.Synop., (116). Published by U.S. Department of Commerce, Natl.Ocean.Atmosph.Admin., Natl.Mar.Fish.Serv., as NOAA Tech.Rep. NMFS Circ., (412):19 p.

K084.1 Tapiador, D.D. et al., 1978. Pêche et aquaculture continentales en Chine. Rapport de la Mission Pêches (Aquaculture) effectuée par la FAO en Chine du 21 avril au 12 mai 1976. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (168):86 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K074, et en espagnol, réf. K084.2

K084.2 Tapiador, D.D. et al., 1978. Pesquerias de agua dulce y acuicultura en China. Informe de la Misión FAO Pesca (Acuicultura) en China, 21 abril-12 mayo 1976. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (168):87 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K074, y en francés, ref. K084.1


K084.5 ADCP, 1979. Curriculum for the training of aquaculturists in the African Regional Centre for Aquaculture, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/ REP/79/7:34 p. Issued also in French, ref. K084.6

K084.6 ADCP, 1979. Programme d’études pour la formation d’aquaculteurs au Centre Régional Africain d’Aquaculture, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/79/7:35 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K084.5

K085 ADCP, 1979. Training in fish feed technology. Report of the FAO/UNDP training course in fish feed technology, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., 9 October-15 December 1978. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/79/8:16 p.

K086 ADCP, 1979. Aquaculture information. Report of the meeting of an aquaculture information group held in Rome, Italy, 25-28 April 1979. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/79/9:13 p.

K087 ADCP, 1979. Aquaculture development in China. Report of a FAO/UNDP Aquaculture Study Tour to the People’s Republic of China, led by T.V.R. Pillay, Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme, FAO, Rome, Italy, 2 May-1 June 1978. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/79/10:65 p.

K088 ADCP, 1979. Aquaculture development in Mexico. Report of a review mission, 1978. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/79/4:44 p.

K089 ADCP, 1979. Development of coastal aquaculture in the Mediterranean region. Report of a mission to formulate a cooperative programme of activities. October 1978-February 1979. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/79/5:161 p.

K090 Colby, P.J. et al., 1979. Synopsis of biological data on the walIeye, Stizostedion v. vitreum (Mitchill, 1818). FAO Fish.Synop., (119):139 p.

K091 FAO, 1979. Freshwater fish farming. How to begin. FAO Better Farming Ser., (27):43 p. Issued also in French, ref. K116.1, and in Spanish, ref. K091.1

K091.1 FAO, 1979. Cría de peces de agua dulce. Cómo empezar. Ser. FAO: Mej.Cult., (27):43 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K091, y en francés, ref. K116.1

K092 FAO, Fisheries Department, Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Service, 1979. A selected bibliography on the economic aspects of aquaculture, 1969 to 1979. FAO Fish.Circ., (702)Rev.1:39 p.

K093 Huisman, E.A., 1979. Report of the EIFAC Workshop on mass rearing of fry and fingerlings of freshwater fishes. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (35):19 p. Issued also in French

K094 Huisman, E.A. and H. Hogendoorn (eds), 1979. EIFAC Workshop on mass rearing of fry and fingerlings of freshwater fishes/Papers. Proceedings of Workshop, organized and supported by EIFAC of FAO, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, The Netherlands. The Hague, 8-11 May, 1979. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (35)Suppl.1:200 p.

K095 Jhingran, V.G. and H.A. Khan, 1979. Synopsis of biological data on the mrigal Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton, 1822). FAO Fish.Synop., (120):78 p.

K096 Landi, G., 1979. Initials and acronyms of bodies, activities and projects concerned with fisheries and aquatic sciences. Initiales et sigles des organisations, activités et projets liés à la pêche et aux sciences aquatiques. Iniciales y siglas de organismos, actividades y proyectos relacionados con la pesca y las ciencias acuáticas. FAO Fish.Circ./FAO Circ.Pêches/FAO Circ.Pesca, (110,Rev.3):111 p.

K097 Little, E.C.S., 1979. Handbook of utilization of aquatic plants: a review of world literature. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (187):176 p.

K098 Pagán-Font, F.A. and J. Zimet, 1979. Artificial propagation of Chinese carps. Filmstrip in colour and printed commentary. Rome, FAO, 270 photographs. Issued also in French, ref. K121.1, and in Spanish, ref. K121.2

K100 Welcomme, R.L., 1979. Fishery management in large rivers. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (194):60 p. Issued also in Spanish

K101 Ziesler, R. (comp.), 1979. Bibliografía sobre los peces de agua dulce de América Latina. Bibliography of Latin American freshwater fish. COPESCAL Doc.Téc./COPESCAL Tech.Pap., (2):187 p.


K102 ADCP, 1980. Fish feed technology. Lectures presented at the FAO/UNDP training course in fish feed technology held at the College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (U.S.A.), 9 October-15 December 1978. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/ 80/11:395 p.

K103 ADCP, 1980. Outline research programme for the African Regional Aquaculture Centre, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Report of a task force sponsored by the FAO/UNDP Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme, 3-19 February 1980. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/80/12:18 p.

K104 ADCP, 1980. Curriculum for the training of aquaculturists in the Asian aquaculture network. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/80/13:35 p.

K105 ADCP, 1980. Outline research programmes for the Regional Aquaculture Lead Centres in Asia. Parts 1 and 2. Task Force reports outlining the proposed applied research and experimental studies at the Regional Aquaculture Lead Centres in India, Thailand and the Philippines. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/80/14:40 p.

K106 ADCP, 1980. Aquaculture development in Zambia. Report of a mission to study the feasibility of commercial fish farming. 24 June-20 July 1978. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/80/6:68 p.

K107 ADCP, 1980. Desarrollo de la acuicultura en las Provincias de Loja, El Ora y Zamora-Chinchípe. Informe de la misión para determinar las oportunidades de la piscicultura en pequeña escala. Octubre-noviembre 1978. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/80/9:29 p.

K108 ADCP, 1980. Development of coastal aquaculture in the Black Sea region. Report of a mission to formulate a cooperative programme. September-November 1979. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/80/8:36 p. Issued also in French

K108.1 ADCP, 1980. Curriculum for training in integrated fish farming at the Regional Aquaculture Lead Centre, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, People’s Republic of China. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/Circ./80/3:6 p.

K109 Backiel, T. and R.L. Welcomme (eds), 1980. Guidelines for sampling fish in inland waters. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (33):176 p.

K110 Barnabé, G., 1980. Exposé synoptique des données biologiques sur le loup ou bar Dicentrarchus labrax (Linné, 1758). FAO Fish.Synop., (126):70 p.

K111 Bhukaswan, T., 1980. Management of Asian reservoir fisheries. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (207):69 p.

K112 Castell, J.D. and K. Tiews (eds), 1980. Report of the EIFAC, IUNS and ICES Working Group on the Standardization of Methodology in Fish Nutrition Research. Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, 21-23 March 1979. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (36):24 p. Issued also in French

K114 EIFAC, 1980. Working Party on Water Quality Criteria for European Freshwater Fish. Report on combined effects on freshwater fish and other aquatic life of mixtures of toxicants in water. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (37):49 p. Issued also in French

K115 FAO, 1980. Report of the Ad hoc Consultation on Aquaculture Research. Rome, Italy, 5-9 May 1980. FAO Fish.Rep., (238):26 p.

K116 FAO, 1980. Report of the Fifth Session of the IPFC Working Party on Aquaculture and Environment. Jakarta, Indonesia, 22-26 January 1980. FAO Fish.Rep., (241):12 p.

K116.1 FAO, 1980. La pisciculture en eau douce. Comment débuter. Sér.FAO: Apprent.Agric., (27):43 p. Publié aussi en anglais, ref. K091, et en espagnol, ref. K091.1

K116.2 FAO/UNDP/BFAR, 1980. Fisheries extension officers training manual (with particular reference to brackishwater fish culture). Manila, FAO/UNDP/BFAR, Brackishw. Aquacult.Demonstr.Train.Proj., PHI/75/005, 250 p.

K117 GFCM, 1980. Report of the Fourth Session of the Cooperative Programme of Research on Aquaculture (COPRAQ). Barcelona, Spain, 16-19 October 1979. FAO Fish.Rep., (232):33 p. Issued also in French

K118 GFCM/CGPM, 1980. Quelques aspects de la culture du poisson et des crustacés en eau saumâtre en Méditerranée. Aspects of brackishwater fish and crustacean culture in the Mediterranean. Etud.Rev.Cons.Gén.Pêches Méditerr./Stud.Rev.Gen.Fish.Counc. Mediterr., (57):131 p.

K118.1 Hechanova, R.G., 1980. Engineering aspects on the design of government coastal hatchery. Manila, South China Seas Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, SCS/80/WP/96:78 p.

K119 Holthuis, L.B., 1980. FAO species catalogue. Vol.1. Shrimps and prawns of the world. An annotated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. FAO Fish.Synop., (125)Vol.1:261 p.

K120 IPFC Working Party on Aquaculture and Environment, 1980. Report of the Fifth Session of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission Working Party on Aquaculture and Environment. Jakarta, Indonesia, 22-26 January 1980. FAO Fish.Rep., (24):12 p.

K121 Pagán-Font, F.A. and J. Zimet, 1980. Rearing fry and fingerlings of Chinese carps. Filmstrip in colour and printed commentary. Rome, FAO, 114 photographs. Issued also in French, ref. K175, and in Spanish, ref. K207

K121.1 Pagán-Font, F.A. et J. Zimet, 1980. Propagation artificielle de carpes chinoises. Film fixe en couleur et commentaire écrit. Rome, FAO, 270 photographies. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K098, et en espagnol, réf. K121.2

K121.2 Pagán-Font F.A. y J. Zimet, 1980. Propagación artificial de las carpas chinas. Filmina en colores y comentario impreso. Rome, FAO, 270 fotografías. Public. también en inglés, ref. K098, y en francés, ref. K121.1

K122.1 Phillips, B.F., G.R. Morgan and C.M. Austin, 1980. Synopsis of biological data on the western rock lobster, Panulirus cygnus George, 1962. FAO Fish.Synop., (128):64 p.

K123 Schmidt, U.W., 1980. Integrated aquaculture in West Java. A socio-economic study of integrated farming of fish, livestock and crops by small farmers in West Java, Indonesia. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/80/11:21 p.

K123.1 Setzler, E.M. et al., 1980. Synopsis of biological data on striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum). FAO Fish.Synop., (121):69 p. Published by U.S. Department of Commerce, Natl.Ocean.Atmosph.Admin., Natl.Mar.Fish.Serv., as NOAA Tech.Rep. NMFS Circ., (433):69 p.

K124 Song, Z., 1980. Manual of small-scale reservoir fish culture. FAO Fish.Circ., (727): 18p.

K125 Vincke, M.M.J., 1980. Développement de l’aquaculture au Viet Nam. Rapport d’une mission relative à la formulation d’un plan d’action, 25 juin-14 juillet 1979. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/80/7:47 p.

K125.5 Vos, J. and N.L. De la Rosa, 1980. Manual on Artemia production in salt ponds in the Philippines. Quezon City, BFAR/UNDP/FAO, Brackishw.Aquacult.Demonstr.Train. Proj., PHI/75/005, 49 p.

K126 Woynarovich, E. and L. Horváth, 1980. The artificial propagation of warmwater finfishes - a manual for extension. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (201):183 p. Issued also in French, ref. K150, and in Spanish, ref. K151

K127 Zhu, D.S., 1980. A brief introduction to the fisheries of China. FAO Fish.Circ., (726): 31p.


K129 ADCP, 1981. Outline research programmes for the Regional Aquaculture Lead Centres in Asia. Part 3. Programme of research at the Regional Lead Centre for integrated fish culture, Wuxi, People’s Republic of China. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/81/15: 19p.

K130 ADCP, 1981. Aquaculture development in the Caribbean. Report of a mission to Antigue, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat and St. Lucia, June-July 1980. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/81/13:91 p.

K131 ADCP, 1981. Regional cooperation for aquaculture development in the Caribbean. Report of a Working Group meeting in Freeport, Bahamas, 12-16 October 1981. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/81/14:21 p. .

K132 ADCP, 1981. Strategy for development of aquaculture in Sri Lanka. Report of a planning mission, September-October 1980. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/81/15:169 p. + ann.

K133 Chakroff, M.S., 1981. Aquaculture extension services case studies. FAO Fish.Circ., (740):27 p.

K134 CGPM, 1981. Aménagement des ressources vivantes dans la zone littorale de la Méditerranée. Etud.Rev.Cons.Gén.Pêches Méditerr., (58):342 p. Publié aussi en anglais

K135 Coche, A.G., 1981. Report of the Symposium on New Developments in the Utilization of Heated Effluents and of Recirculation Systems for Intensive Aquaculture. Stavanger, 29-30 May 1980. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (39):37 p. Issued also in French

K136 Coche, A.G. and H. Van der Wal, 1981. Simple methods for aquaculture. Water for freshwater fish culture. FAO Train.Ser., (4):111 p. Issued also in French, ref. KI98, in Spanish, ref. K136.1, and in Arabic.

K136.1 Coche, A.G. y H. Van der Wal, 1981. Métodos sencillos para la acuicultura. Aqua para la piscicultura de aqua dulce. Colecc.FAO: Capacitación, (4):111 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K136, en francés, ref. K198, y en arabe

K137 FAO, 1981. Développement de l’aquaculture continentale en Chine. Rapport du Voyage d’Etude FAO/PNUD organisé pour les pays africains francophones, 22 avril-20 mai 1980. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (215):152 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K203

K138 FAO, 1981. Water. Where water comes from. FAO Better Farming Ser., (28):31 p. Issued also in French, ref. K204, and in Spanish, ref. K138.1

K138.1 FAO, 1981. El agua. De dónde viene? Ser.FAO: Mej.Cult., (28):31 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. KI38, y en francés, ref. K204

K139 FAO, 1981. Better freshwater fish farming. The pond. FAO Better Farming Ser., (29):43 p. Issued also in French, ref. K205, and in Spanish, ref. K139.1

K139.1 FAO, 1981. Cría de peces de agua dulce. Como mejorar el estanque. Ser.FAO: Mej.Cult., (29):43 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K139, y en francés, ref. K205

K140 FAO, 1981. Better freshwater fish farming. The fish. FAO Better Farming Ser., (30):48 p. Issued also in French, ref. K235, and in Spanish, ref. K140.1

K140.1 FAO, 1981. Piscicultura en agua dulce. Los peces. Ser.FAO: Mej.Cult., (30):48 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K140, y en francés, ref. K235

K141 FAO/UNEP, 1981. Conservation of the genetic resources of fish: problems and recommendations. Report of the Expert Consultation on the Genetic Resources of Fish, Rome, 9-13 June 1980. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (217):43 p. Issued also in Spanish, ref. K236

K142 Garcia, S. and L. Le Reste, 1981. Life cycles, dynamics, exploitation and manage-ment of coastal penaeid shrimp stocks. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (203):215 p. Issued also in French

K142.1 Göhl, B., 1981. Tropical feeds. Feed information summaries and nutritive values. FAO Anim.Prod.Health Ser., (12):529 p. Issued also in French, ref. K169, and in Spanish, ref. K168

K143 Holden, A.V., 1981. Historical review of EIFAC activities. EIFAC Occas.Pap., (13):35 p. Issued also in French

K144 Kapetsky, J.M., 1981. Some considerations for the management of coastal lagoon and estuarine fisheries. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (218):47 p. Issued also in Spanish, ref. K171, and in French, ref. K170

K145.1 Leopold, M., 1981. Problems of fish culture economics with special reference to carp culture in eastern Europe. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (40):99 p. Issued also in French

K146 Pedini, M., 1981. Penaeid shrimp culture in tropical developing countries. FAO Fish.Circ., (732):14 p.

K147 Schmidt, U.W. and M.M.J. Vincke, 1981. Aquaculture development in Rwanda. Feasibility of small-scale rural fish farming. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/81/12: 69p.

K148 Sundararaj, B.I., 1981. Reproductive physiology of teleost fishes. A review of present knowledge and needs for future research. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/81/16:82 p.

K149 Welcomme, R.L. (comp.), 1981. Register of international transfers of inland fish species. Registre des transferts internationaux d’espèces de poissons d’eaux continentales. Registro de transferencias internacionales de especies de peces de aguas continentales. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap./FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches/FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (213): 120 p.

K150 Woynarovich, E. et L. Horváth, 1981. La reproduction artificielle des poissons en eau chaude: manuel de vulgarisation. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (201):191 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K126, et en espagnol, réf. K151

K151 Woynarovich, E. y L. Horváth, 1981. Propagación artificial de peces de aguas templadas: manual para extensionistas. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (201):187 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K126, y en francés, ref. K150


K152 ADCP, 1982. Aid for aquaculture development in the Third World. Report of the FAO/NORAD Round Table on Aid for Aquaculture Development in the Third World. Svanf y, Norway, 2-6 August 1982. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/82/17:27 p.

K153 ADCP, 1982. Report of the FAO-ADCP/CARICOM aquaculture mission, May-June 1982. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/82/17:35 p.

K154 ADCP, 1982. Coastal aquaculture development in Mozambique. Pilot project for the development of aquaculture for the socio-economic improvement of coastal communities in the Maputo Bay area. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/82/18:29 p.

K155 ADCP, 1982. Sistema de centros de investigación en acuicultura. Informe de la segunda misión de evaluación del Proyecto 5 del Comité de Acción de Productos del Mar y de Agua Dulce (CAPMAD) del Sistema Ecónomico Latinoamericano (SELA). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/82/20:30 p.

K156 ADCP, 1982. Shrimp culture for small-scale fishermen in Bangladesh. Report of a mission to study the feasibility of involving small-scale fishermen in shrimp culture in Bangladesh. 26 November-19 December 1979. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/Circ./ 82/4:28 p.

K157 ADCP, 1982. Report of consultants to assist the Government of India/World Bank Inland Fishery Project (UTF/IND/151/IND). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/Circ./82/5: 32p.

K158 Alabaster, J.S., 1982. Report of the EIFAC Workshop on Fishfarm Effluents. Silkeborg, Denmark, 26-28 May 1981. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (41):166 p. Issued also in French

K159 BOBP, 1982. Report of the first phase of the "Aquaculture demonstration for small-scale fisheries development project", Phang Nga Province, Thailand. March 1979- September 1981. Madras, SIDA/FAO, BOBP/Rep./14:26 p.

K160 Chakroff, M.S., 1982. Aquaculture extension services review. FAO Fish.Circ., (747): 25p.

K161 Chalayondeja, K. and A. Saraya, 1982. Review of brackishwater aquaculture development in Tamil Nadu. Madras, SIDA/FAO, BOBP/WP/18:28 p.

K162 Charlon, N., 1982. Stades préleptocéphale, leptocéphale et civelle du genre Anguilla: bibliographie (1829-1980). FAO Circ.Pêches, (738):45 p.

K163 Coche, A.G. (ed.), 1982. Coastal aquaculture: development perspectives in Africa and case studies from other regions. Aquaculture côtière: perspectives de développement en Afrique et exemples d’autres régions. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (9):258 p.

K164 COPESCAL, 1982. Informe de la segunda reunión de la Comisión de Pesca Continental para América Latina. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, 2-4 de diciembre de 1981. FAO Inf.Pesca, (261):39 p. Public. también en inglés

K165 COPESCAL, 1982. Actas del Simposio sobre desarrollo y explotación de lagos artificiales. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, 30 de noviembre-1 de diciembre de 1981. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Development and Exploitation of Artificial Lakes. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 30 November-1 December 1981 FAO Inf.Pesca/FAO Fish.Rep., (273):17 p. .

K166 FAO, 1982. Report of the Twelfth Session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Budapest, Hungary, 31 May-5 June 1982. FAO Fish.Rep., (267):41 p. Issued also in French

K167 FAO, 1982. Management and utilization of mangroves in Asia and the Pacific. FAO Environ.Pap., (3):160 p.

K168 Göhl, B., 1982. Piensos tropicales. Resumenes informatives sobre piensos y valores nutritivos. Colecc.FAO: Prod.Sanidad Anim., (12):550 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K142.1, y en francés, ref. K169

K169 Göhl, B., 1982. Les aliments du bétail sous les tropiques. Données sommaires et valeurs nutritives. Collect.FAO: Prod.Santé Anim., (12):543 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K142.1, et en espagnol, réf. K168

K169.1 Kapetsky, J.M. (ed.), 1982. Seminar on River Basin Management and Development. Blantyre, Malawi, 8-10 December 1980. Séminaire sur l’Aménagement et la mise en valeur des bassins fluviaux. Blantyre, Malawi, 8-10 décembre 1980. Papers presented/Documents présentés. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (8):302 p.

K170 Kapetsky, J.M., 1982. Quelques considérations sur l’aménagement des pêcheries de lagunes côtières et d’estuaires. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (218):54 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K144, et en espagnol, réf. K171

K171 Kapetsky, J.M., 1982. Consideraciones para la ordenación de las pesquerías de lagunas y esteros costeros. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (218):49 p. Public. también en ingles, ref. K144, y en francés, ref. K170

K172 Moreau, J., 1982. Exposé synoptique des données biologiques sur Heterotis niloticus (Cuvier, 1829). FAO Synop.Pêches, (131) 45 p. Publié aussi en anglais

K173 Moreau, J., 1982. Exposé synoptique des données biologiques sur la perche du Nil, Lates niloticus (Linnaeus, 1762). FAO Synop.Pêches, (132):44 p.

K174 Padlan, P.G., 1982. Report on a consultancy at the Kenya brackishwater aquaculture project (KEN/77/014). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/Circ./82/6:26 p.

K175 Pagán-Font, F.A. et J. Zimet, 1982. Elevage des alevins de carpes chinoises. Film fixe en couleur et commentaire écrit. Rome, FAO, 114 photographies. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K121, et en espagnol, réf. K207

K178 Samsi, S., S. Siregar and Martono, 1982. Exploration of the possibilities of coastal aquaculture development in Andhra Pradesh. Madras, SIDA/FAO, BOBP/WP/17:32 p.

K179 Vincke, M.M.J. et U.N. Wijkstrom, 1982. Développement de la pisciculture au Gabon. Rapport d’une mission relative à la formulation d’un plan d’action, 15 janvier-14 février 1980. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/82/16:98 p.

K180 Vincke, M.M.J. et U.N. Wijkstrom, 1982. Notes sur l’économie de l’aquaculture en Côte d’Ivoire. Rapport d’une mission en Côte d’Ivoire. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/82/19:70 p.

K181 Vincke, P., 1982. Catfishes of the genus Clarias: a general bibliography. FAO Fish.Circ., (739):38 p.


K182 ACMRR, 1983. Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research. Report of the Second Session of the Working Party on Aquaculture. Rome, 21-25 March 1983. FAO Fish.Rep., (287):14 p. Issued also in French, ref. K194, and in Spanish, ref. K193

K183 ADCP, 1983. Fish feeds and feeding in developing countries. An interim report on the ADCP feed development programme. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/83/18:97 p. Issued also in Chinese

K185 ADCP, 1983. Planificación del desarrollo de la acuicultura. Guía preliminar. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/83/20:32 p.

K186 ADCP, 1983. Etude du potentiel aquacole et propositions pour une politique de développement de l’aquaculture en Tunisie. Rapport d’une mission multidisciplinaire TCP/ADCP en Tunisie, mars-juin 1982. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/83/21:244 p.

K187 ADCP, 1983. A policy for development of aquaculture in Jamaica. Report of a Government of Jamaica/ADCP study group. 11 January-24 February 1983. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/83/22:115 p.

K188 ADCP, 1983. Inland Fisheries Project in India. Report of hatchery engineering consultant to assist the Government of India/World Bank Inland Fishery Project, 1 November-2 December 1982 (UTF/IND/151/IND). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/Circ./ 83/7:22 p.

K189 ADCP, 1983. Aquaculture aid profiles. A summary of information on aquaculture projects with external aid components. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/AP/83/7:pag. var.

K190 BOBP, 1983. Marine small-scale fisheries of India: a general description. Madras, SIDA/FAO, BOBP/INF/3:66 p.

K191 BOBP, 1983. Marine small-scale fisheries of Andhra Pradesh: a general description. Madras, SIDA/FAO, BOBP/INF/4:39 p.

K192 BOBP, 1983. Marine small-scale fisheries of Tamil Nadu: a general description. Madras, SIDA/FAO, BOBP/INF/5:50 p.

K193 CAIRM, 1983. Comité Asesor sobre Investigaciones de los Recursos Marinos. Informe de la segunda reunión del Grupo de trabajo sobre acuicultura. Rome, 21-25 de marzo de 1983. FAO Inf.Pesca, (287):19 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K182, y en francés, ref. K194

K194 CCRRM, 1983. Comité consultatif de la recherche sur les ressources de la mer. Rapport de la deuxième session du Groupe de travail sur l’aquaculture. Rome, 21-25 mars 1983. FAO Rapp.Pêches, (287):15 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K182, et en espagnol, réf. K193

K195 CIFA, 1983. Report of the Fifth Session of the Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa. Cairo, Egypt, 15-20 January 1983. FAO Fish.Rep., (283):24 p. Issued also in French

K196 Coche, A.G. (comp.), 1983. The cultivation of fish in cages. An indexed bibliography 1965-1983. FAO Fish.Circ. (714)Rev.1:61 p.

K198 Coche, A.G. et H. Van der Wal, 1983. Méthodes simples pour l’aquaculture. Pisciculture continentale: l’eau. Collect.FAO: Formation, (4):111 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K136, en espagnol, réf. K136.1, et en arabe

K200 Collette, B.B. and C.E. Nauen, 1983. FAO species catalogue. Vol.2. Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of tunas, mackerels, bonitos and related species known to date. FAO Fish.Synop., (125)Vol.2:137 p.

K201 COPESCAL, 1983. Informe de la primera reunión del Grupo de trabajo sobre acuicultura. Santiago de Veraguas, Panamá,, 18-22 de abril de 1983. FAO Inf.Pesca, (294):25 p. Public. también en inglés

K201.5 dela Cruz, C.R., 1983. Fishpond engineering: a technical manual for small and medium scale coastal fish farmers in Southeast Asia. SCS Manual, (5):192 p. Manila, FAO/ UNDP South China Sea Fish.Dev.Coord.Progr. RAS/74/013

K202 EIFAC, 1983. Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on chromium and freshwater fish. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (43):31 p. Issued also in French

K203 FAO, 1983. Freshwater aquaculture development in China. Report of the FAO/UNDP study tour organized for French-speaking African countries. 22 April-20 May 1980. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (215):125 p. Issued also in French, ref. K137

K203.1 FAO, 1983. Report of the Fifteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries. (Technical phase of the FAO World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development). Rome, 10-19 October 1983. FAO Fish.Rep., (302):57 p. Issued also in French and in Spanish

K204 FAO, 1983. L’eau. D’où vient l’eau. Sér.FAO: Apprent.Agric., (28):31 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K138, et en espagnol, réf. K138.1

K205 FAO, 1983. La pisciculture en eau douce. L’étang. Sér.FAO: Apprent.Agric., (29):44 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K139, et en espagnol, réf. K139.1

K206 Nauen. C.E., 1983. Compilation of legal limits for hazardous substances in fish and fishery products. FAO Fish.Circ., (764):102 p.

K207 Pagán-Font, F.A. y J. Zimet, 1983. Cría de alevines y jaramugos de carpas chinas. Filmina en colores y comentario impreso. Roma, FAO, 114 fotografías. Public. también en inglés, ref. K121, y en francés, ref. K175

K208 Shireman, J.V. and C.R. Smith, 1983. Synopsis of biological data on the grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella (Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1844). FAO Fish.Synop., (135): 86p.

K210 Witzell, W.N., 1983. Synopsis of biological data on the hawks-bill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766). FAO Fish.Synop., (137):78 p.


K211 ADCP, I984. Inland aquaculture engineering. Lectures presented at the ADCP Inter-regional Training Course in Aquaculture Engineering, Budapest, Hungary, 6 June-3 September 1983. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/84/21:591 p.

K212 ADCP, 1984. Report of hatchery engineering consultant to assist the Government of India/World Bank Inland Fishery Project, 31 January-6 March 1984. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/Circ./84/8:29 p.

K213 Balarin, J.D., 1984. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 1. Zimbabwe. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.1):69 p.

K214 Balarin, J.D., 1984. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 2. Liberia. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.2):45 p.

K215 Balarin, J.D., 1984. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 3. Sierra Leone. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.3):55 p.

K216 Balarin, J.D., 1984. Etudes nationales pour le développement de l’aquaculture en Afrique. 4. Togo. FAO Circ.Pêches, (770.4):66 p.

K217 Balarin, J.D., 1984. Etudes nationales pour le développement de l’aquaculture en Afrique. 5. Bénin. FAO Circ.Pêches, (770.5):52 p.

K218 Beveridge, M.C.M., 1984. Cage and pen fish farming. Carrying capacity models and environmental impact. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (255):131 p. Issued also in French, ref. K251, and in Spanish, ref. K284

K219 BOBP, 1984. Coastal aquaculture demonstration project for shrimp and finfish at Ban Merbok, Malaysia. Madras, SIDA/FAO, BOBP/REP/20:29 p.

K220 BOBP, 1984. Marine small-scale fisheries of Sri Lanka: a general description. Madras, SIDA/FAO, BOBP/INF/6:56 p.

K221 BOBP, 1984. Marine small-scale fisheries of Orissa, India: a general description. Madras, SIDA/FAO, BOBP/INF/7:48 p.

K222 Cheney, D.P. and H.R. Rabanal, 1984. Remote sensing and its application to inland fisheries and aquaculture. FAO Fish.Circ., (768):50 p.

K226 Dadswell, M.J. et al., 1984. Synopsis and biological data on the shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum (Le Sueur, 1818). FAO Fish.Synop., (140):45 p. Published by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Natl.Ocean.Atmosph.Admin., Natl.Mar.Fish.Serv., as NOAA Tech.Rep.NMFS, (14):45 p.

K227 Deelder, C.L., 1984. Synopsis of biological data on the eel Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Fish.Synop., (80)Rev.1:73 p. Issued also in French, ref. K255

K228 EIFAC/CECPI, 1984. Documents presented at the Symposium on Stock Enhancement in the Management of Freshwater Fisheries. Documents présentés au Symposium sur l’Amélioration des stocks dans le cadre de l’aménagement des pêcheries d’eau douce. Vol.1. Stocking/Repeuplement. Held in Budapest, Hungary, 31 May-2 June 1982 in conjunction with the Twelfth Session of EIFAC. Tenu à Budapest, Hongrie du 31 mai au 2 juin 1982 à l’occasion de la douzième session de la CECPI. EIFAC Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CECPI, (42)Suppl.Vol.1:281 p.

K229 EIFAC/CECPI, 1984. Documents presented at the Symposium on Stock Enhancement in the Management of Freshwater Fisheries. Documents présentés au Symposium sur l’Amélioration des stocks dans le cadre de l’aménagement des pêcheries d’eau douce. Vol.2. Introductions and transplantations/Introductions et transplantations. Held in Budapest, Hungary, 31 May-2 June 1982 in conjunction with the Twelfth Session of EIFAC. Tenu à Budapest, Hongrie du 31 mai au 2 juin 1982 à l’occasion de la douzième session de la CECPI. EIFAC Tech.Pap./ Doc.Tech.CECPI, (42)Suppl.Vol.2: 283-554

K230 EIFAC, 1984. Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on nickel and freshwater fish. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (45):20 p. Issued also in French

K231 EIFAC, 1984. Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on nitrite and freshwater fish. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (46):19 p. Issued also in French

K232 FAO, 1984. Report of the Thirteenth Session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Aarhus, Denmark, 23-30 May 1984. FAO Fish.Rep., (311):42 p. Issued also in French

K232.1 FAO, 1984. Informe de la tercera reunión de la Comisión de Pesca Continental para América Latina. Report of the Third Session of the Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin America. México, D.F./Mexico City, México/Mexico, 30 November-6 December 1983. FAO Inf.Pesca, (307):53 p.

K233 FAO, 1984. Report of the FAO World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development. Rome, 27 June-6 July 1984. Rome, FAO, 60 p. + app. Issued also in Arabic, Chinese, French and Spanish

K234 FAO, 1984. A study of methodologies for forecasting aquaculture development. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (248):47 p. Issued also in French, ref. K257, and in Spanish, ref. K258

K235 FAO, 1984. La pisciculture en eau douce. Les poissons. Sér.FAO: Apprent.Agric., (30):48 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K140, et en espagnol, réf. K140.1

K236 FAO/PNUMA, 1984. Conservación de los recursos genéticos de los peces: problemas y recomendaciones. Informe de la Consulta de Expertos sobre los recursos genéticos de los peces. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (217):42 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K141

K237 IPFC, 1984. Report of the Second Session of the IPFC Working Party on Inland Fisheries. New Delhi, India, 23-27 January 1984, and Report of the Joint Workshop of the IPFC Working Party on Inland Fisheries and the IPFC Working Party on Aquaculture on the Role of Stocking and Introductions in the Improvement of Production of Lakes and Reservoirs. New Delhi, India, 24-25 January 1984. FAO Fish Rep., (312):56 p.

K240 Kapetsky, J.M. and G. Lasserre (eds), 1984. Management of coastal lagoon fisheries. Aménagement des pêches dans les lagunes côtières. Stud.Rev.GFCM/Etud.Rev.CGPM, (61)Vol.1:438 p. and Vol.2:439-776

K241 Marcelin-Rice, L., M. Pedini and P.G. Padlan, 1984. Coastal fishpond construction and management. Colour filmstrip and printed commentary. Rome, FAO, 160 photo-graphs. Issued also in French, ref. K268, and in Spanish, ref. K267

K242 Millikin, M.R. and A.B., Williams, 1984. Synopsis of biological data on the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun. FAO Fish.Synop., (138):39 p. Published by U.S. Department of Commerce, Natl.Ocean.Atmosph.Admin., Natl.Mar.Fish.Serv., as NOAA Tech.Rep. NMFS, (1):39 p.

K243 New, M.B. y S. Singholka, 1984. Cultivo del cámarón de agua dulce. Manual para el cultivo de Macrobrachium rosenbergii. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (225):118 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K270, y en francés, ref. K271

K244 Pedini Fernando-Criado, M. (ed.), 1984. Informes nacionales sobre el desarrollo de la acuicultura en América Latina. FAO Inf.Pesca, (294)Supl.:138 p.


K244.7 ADCP, 1985. AQUIS. Aquaculture information system users’ manual. Rome, UNDP/ FAO, ADCP/REP/83/19(Rev.1):pag. var.

K245 Balarin, J.D., 1985. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 6. Cameroon. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.6):88 p.

K246 Balarin, J.D., 1985. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 7. Kenya. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.7):96 p.

K247 Balarin, J.D., 1985. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 9. Ethiopia. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.9):109 p.

K248 Balarin, J.D., 1985. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 10. Uganda. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.10):109 p.

K249 Balarin, J.D., 1985. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 11. Tanzania. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.11):105 p.

K251 Beveridge, M.C.M., 1985. Pisciculture en cage et en enclos. Modèles de charge biotique et impact écologique. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (255):126 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K218, et en espagnol, réf. K284

K253 Coche, A.G., 1985. Simple methods for aquaculture. Soil and freshwater fish culture. FAO Train.Ser., (6):174 p. Issued also in French, ref. K288, in Spanish, ref. K253.1, and in Arabic

K253.1 Coche, A.G., 1985. Métodos sencillos para la acuicultura. Suelo y piscicultura de agua dulce. Colecc.FAO: Capacitación, (6):174 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K253, en francés, ref. K288, y en arabe

K254 Deceuninck, V., 1985. Etudes nationales pour le développement de l’aquaculture en Afrique. 13. République Centrafricaine. FAO Circ.Pêches, (770.13):68 p.

K255 Deelder, C.L., 1985. Exposé synoptique des données biologiques sur l’anguille, Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758). FAO Synop.Pêches, (80)Rev.1:71 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K227

K257 FAO, 1985. Etude de méthodologies pour la prévision du développement de l’aquaculture. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (248):55 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K234, et en espagnol, réf. K258

K258 FAO, 1985. Estudio de metodologías para pronosticar el desarrollo de la acuicultura. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (248):50 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K234, y en francés, ref. K257

K259 FAO, 1985. Why filmstrips? Colour filmstrip with printed and recorded commentary. Rome, FAO, 122 photographs. Issued also in French and in Spanish

K259.5 FAO, 1985. Report on the Ninth UN/FAO International Training Course on Applications of Remote Sensing to Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries. Rome, 10 September 1984. FAO Remote Sensing Centre Ser., (27):311 p.

K260 Horváth, L. Jr., G. Tamás and A.G. Coche, 1985. Common carp. 1. Mass production of eggs and early fry. FAO Train.Ser., (8):87 p. (with colour filmstrip and recorded commentary). Issued also in French, ref. K295, and in Spanish, ref. K297

K261 Horváth, L. Jr., G. Tamás and A.G. Coche, 1985. Common carp. 2. Mass production of advanced fry and fingerlings in ponds. FAO Train.Ser., (9):83 p. (with colour filmstrip and recorded commentary). Issued also in French, ref. K296, and in Spanish, ref. K298

K266 Karim, M. and S.V. Chandra Bose, 1985. Pen culture of shrimp in the backwaters of Killai, Tamil Nadu. Madras, SIDA/FAO, BOBP/WP/35:42 p.

K267 Marcelin-Rice, L., M. Pedini y P.G. Padlan, 1985. Construcción y gestion de estanques piscícolas costeros. Filmina en colores y comentario impreso. Rome, FAO, 160 fotografías. Public. también en inglés, ref. K241, y en francés, ref. K268

K268 Marcelin-Rice, L., M. Pedini et P.G. Padlan, 1985. Construction et gestion d’étangs côtiers. Film fixe en couleur et commentaire écrit. Rome, FAO, 160 photographies. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K241, et en espagnol, réf. K267

K269 Mileo, A.T., 1985. Tesauro de términos para ciencias acuáticas y pesqueras. (Traducción del "Thesaurus of terms for aquatic sciences and fisheries"). COPESCAL Doc.Téc., (3):202 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K292.5

K269.5 NACA, 1985. Integrated fish farming in China. Training manual. UNDP/FAO, NACA/TR/85/11:367 p.

K270 New, M.B. and S. Singholka, 1985. Freshwater prawn farming. A manual for the culture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (225,Rev.1):118 p. Issued also in French, ref. K271, and in Spanish, ref. K243

K271 New, M.B. et S. Singholka, 1985. Production des crevettes d’eau douce. Manuel d’élevage de Macrobrachium rosenbergii. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (225):132 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K270, et en espagnol, réf. K243

K272 Roy, R.N., 1985. Pen culture of shrimp in the backwaters of Killai, Tamil Nadu. A study of techno-economic and social feasibility. Madras, SIDA/FAO, BOBP/WP/32: 32p.

R272.5 Saborío-Coze, A. (comp.), 1985. Bibliografia sobre especies de agua dulce de América Latina y el Caribe/Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean freshwater species. COPESCAL Doc.Ocas./COPESCAL Occas.Pap., (2):64 p.

K273 Simpson, H.J. and M. Pedini, 1985. Brackishwater aquaculture in the tropics: the problem of acid sulphate soils. FAO Fish.Circ., (791):32 p.


K280 ASEAN/UNDP/FAO, 1986. Report of national consultative meeting on aquaculture engineering held in Tigbauan Research Station, SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo City, Philippines, 2-5 October 1985. Manila, ASEAN/SF/86/GEN/1:186 p.

K281 Balarin, J.D., 1986. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 8. Egypt. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.8):128 p.

K282 Berka, R., 1986. The transport of live fish. A review. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (48):52 p. Issued also in French, ref. K283

K283 Berka, R., 1986. Le transport des poissons vivants. Etude de synthèse. Doc.Tech.CECPI, (48):55 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K282

K284 Beveridge, M.C.M., 1986. Piscicultura en jaulas y corrales. Modelos para calcular la capacidad de carga y las repercusiones en el ambiente. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (255):100 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K218, y en francés, ref. K251

K285 BOBP, 1986. Demonstration of simple hatchery technology for prawns in Sri Lanka. FAO/SIDA, BOBP/WP/43

K286 CECPI, 1986. Systèmes d’aquaculture ouverts et fermés. Rapport du Groupe de Travail sur la terminologie, le mode de présentation et les unités de mesure. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (49):66 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K292

K287 Chevassus, B. and A.G. Coche (eds), 1986. Report of the Symposium on Selection, Hybridization and Genetic Engineering in Aquaculture of Fish and Shellfish for Consumption and Stocking. Bordeaux, France, 27-30 May 1986. Rapport du Symposium sur la sélection, l’hybridation et le génie génétique en aquaculture des poissons, crustacés et mollusques pour la consommation et le repeuplement. Bordeaux, France, 27-30 mai 1986. EIFAC Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CECPI, (50):54 p.

K288 Coche, A.G., 1986. Méthodes simples pour 1’aquaculture. Pisciculture continentale. Le sol. Collect.FAO: Formation, (6):174 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K253, et en espagnol, réf. 253.1

K289 Coche, A.G. and F. Demoulin (eds), 1986. Report of the Workshop on Aquaculture Planning in the Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) Countries. CIFA Tech.Pap., (15):22 p.

K290 COPESCAL, 1986. Introducción de especies icticas y conservación de los recursos genéticos de América Latina. COPESCAL Doc.Ocas., (3):12 p.

K291 Drewes, E., 1986. Small-scale aquaculture development project in South Thailand: results and impact. FAO/SIDA, BOBP/REP/28:43 p.

K292 EIFAC, 1986. Flow-through and recirculation systems. Report of the Working Group on Terminology, Format and Units of Measurement. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (49):100 p. Issued also in French, ref. K286

K292.5 Fagetti, E., D.W. Privett and J.R.L. Sears, 1986. Aquatic sciences and fisheries thesaurus. Descriptors used in the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System. FAO/ASFIS Ref.Ser., (6,Rev.1):418 p. Issued also in Spanish, ref. K269

K293 FAO, 1986. Better freshwater fish-farming. Further improvement. FAO Better Farm.Ser., (35):61 p. Issued also in French, ref. K321 and in Spanish, ref. K293.1

K293.1 FAO, 1986. Piscicultura de agua dulce. Otras mejoras. Ser.FAO:Mej.Cult., (35):61 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K293, y en francés, ref. K321

K294 FAO, 1986. FAO grass-roots and intermediate-level training materials. Vol.1. Catalogue of materials available from FAO. Vol.2. Material of limited availability (field project and out-of-print materials). Rome, FAO, 158 p.

K294.5 Gaudet, J.-L. and D. Parker (eds), 1986. Summary of proceedings and selected papers. Symposium on the Planning and Implementation of Fisheries Management and Development Programmes in Africa. Lusaka, Zambia, 7-11 October 1985. FAO Fish.Rep., (360):130 p. Issued also in French, ref. K354

K295 Horváth, L. Jr., G. Tamás et A.G. Coche, 1986. Carpe commune. 1. La production massive d’oeufs et de post-larves. Collect.FAO: Formation., (8):87 p. (accompagné d’un film fixe en couleur). Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K260, et en espagnol, réf. K297

K296 Horváth, L. Jr., G. Tamás et A.G. Coche, 1986. Carpe commune. 2. La production massive de carpillons en étangs. Collect.FAO: Formation., (9):83 p. (accompagné d’un film fixe en couleur). Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K261, et en espagnol, réf. K298

K297 Horváth, L. Jr., G. Tamás y A.G. Coche, 1986. Carpa común. 1. Producción masiva de huevos y pre-alevines. Colecc. FAO: Capacitación, (8):87 p. (con filmina en colores). Public. también en inglés, ref. K260, y en francés, ref. K295

K298 Horváth, L. Jr., G. Tamás y A.G. Coche, 1986. Carpa común. 2. Producción masiva de alevines y jaramugos. Colecc.FAO: Capacitación, (9):83 p. (con filmina en colores). Public. también en inglés, ref. K261, y en francés, ref. K296

K299 IPFC, 1986. Report of the Third Session of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission Working Party of Experts on Inland Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-27 June 1986, and Report of the Workshop on Strategies for the Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Mangrove Ecosystems. Bangkok, Thailand, 23-25 June 1986. FAO Fish.Rep., (370):42 p.

K300 Janssen, J.A.J. et al., 1986. Experimental shrimp farming in ponds in Polekurru. Andhra Pradesh, India. FAO/SIDA, BOBP/WP/46:31 p.

K301 Karim, M., 1986. Brackishwater shrimp culture demonstration in Bangladesh. FAO/ SIDA, BOBP/REP/35:40 p.

K302 Kungvankij, P. et al., 1986. Shrimp hatchery design, operation and management. UNDP/ FAO, NACA Train.Man.Ser., (1):88 p.

K303 Kungvankij, P. et al., 1986. Shrimp culture: pond design, operation and management. UNDP/FAO, NACA Train.Man.Ser., (2):68 p.

K304 Kungvankij, P. et al., 1986. Biology and culture of sea bass (Lates calcarifer). UNDP/FAO, NACA Train.Man.Ser.(3):70 p.

K305 Kungvankij, P. et al., 1986. A prototype warmwater shrimp hatchery. UNDP/FAO, NACA Technol.Ser.:32 p.

K306 Nash, C.E., 1986. Observations on international technical assistance to aquaculture. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/86/23:21 p.

K307 Rabanal, H.R., 1986. Seafarming as alternative to small-scale fishing in ASEAN region. Manila, ASEAN/SF/86/WP/1:55 p.

K308 Shaw, S.A., 1986. Marketing the products of aquaculture. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (276):106 p.

K309 Sorgeloos, P. et al., 1986. Manual para el cultivo y uso de Artemia en acuicultura. Brasilia, Brazil, FAO/Italy Proyecto AQUILA, Doc.Campo, (10):301 p.

K310 Suprayitno, S.H., 1986. Manual on running water fish culture. Manila, ASEAN/SF/ 86/Manual (1):34 p.

K311 Tacon, A.G.J., 1986. Larval shrimp feeding. Crustacean tissue suspension: a practical alternative for shrimp culture. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/MR/86/23:31 p.

K312 Trono, G.C. Jr., 1986. Seaweed culture in the Asia-Pacific Region. FAO/RAPA Publ., (1987/8):41 p.

K313 Vila, I. y E. Fagetti (eds), 1986. Trabajos presentados al Taller Internacional sobre Ecología y Manejo de Peces en Lagos y Embalses. Santiago, Chile, 5-10 de noviembre 1984. COPESCAL Doc.Téc., (4):237 p.


K314 Balarin, J.D., 1987. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 12. Malawi. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.12):82 p.

K316 COPESCAL, 1987. Informe de la segunda reunión del Grupo de Trabajo sobre acuicultura. Guyaquil, Ecuador, 22-26 de septiembre de 1986. FAO Inf.Pesca, (373): 36p.

K317 ASEAN/UNDP/FAO, 1987. Report on the Training Course on Shrimp Culture held in Jepara, Indonesia, 2-19 December 1987. Manila, ASEAN/SF/87/GEN/3:63 p.

K318 Conroy, D.A. y G. Armas de Conroy, 1987. Manual de metodos de diagnostico en ictiopatologia, con especial referencia a los salmonidos. Brasilia, Brasil, FAO/Italy Proyeto AQUILA, Doc.Campo, (4):56 p.

K319 Drewes, E. and G. Rajappan, 1987. Pen culture of shrimp by fisherfolk: the BOBP experience in Killai, Tamil Nadu, India. FAO/SIDA, BOBP/WP/49:45 p.

K320 FAO, 1987. Better freshwater fish farming in Zambia. Chilanga, UNDP/FAO/Gov. Zambia Fish Culture Development Project, 426 items.

K321 FAO, 1987. La pisciculture en eau douce. Amélioration de l’exploitation. Sér.FAO: Apprent.Agric. (35):61 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K293, et en espagnol, réf. K293.l

K322 FAO, 1987. Thematic evaluation of aquaculture. Joint study by the United Nations Development Programme, Norwegian Ministry of Development Cooperation, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, UNDP/Norway/FAO, 85 p. + Ann.

K323 Kapetsky, J.M., 1987. Satellite remote sensing to locate and inventory small water bodies for fisheries management and aquaculture development in Zimbabwe. CIFA Occas.Pap., (14):11 p.

K324 Kapetsky, J.M., L. McGregor and H. Nanne E., 1987. A geographical information system and satellite remote sensing plan for aquaculture development: a FAO - UNEP/GRID cooperative study in Costa Rica. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (287):51 p.

K325 Maine, P.D. and C.E. Nash, 1987. Aquaculture sector development. A guideline for the preparation of a national plan. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/87/27:21 p.

K326 McHugh, D.J. (ed.), 1987. Production and utilization of products from commercial seaweeds. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (288):189 p.

K327 Mepham, R.H. and T. Petr (eds), Papers contributed to the Workshop on Strategies for the Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Mangrove Ecosystems, Bangkok, Thailand, 23-25 June 1986, and, Country status reports on inland fisheries presented at the Third Session of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission Working Party of Experts on Inland Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-27 June 1986. FAO Fish.Rep., (370)Suppl.: 248p.

K329 Nash, C.E., 1987. Future economic outlook for aquaculture and related assistance needs. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/87/25:14 p.

K330 Nash, C.E., C.R. Engle and D. Crosetti (eds), 1987. Women in aquaculture. Proceedings of the ADCP/NORAD Workshop on Women in Aquaculture. Rome, FAO, 13-16 April 1987. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/87/28:123 p.

K331 Nash, C.E., C.R. Engle and D. Crosetti (eds), 1987. Women in aquaculture. Proceedings of the ADCP/NORAD Workshop on Women in Aquaculture. Rome, FAO, 13-16 April 1987. Rome, NORAD/UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/87/28 (Suppl.1):10 p.

K332 New, M.B., 1987. Feeds and feeding of fish and shrimp. A manual on the preparation and presentation of compound feeds for shrimp and fish in aquaculture. Rome, UNDP/UNEP/FAO, ADCP/REP/87/26:275 p.

K333 New, M., D. Insull, E. Ruckes and M. Spagnolo, 1987. The markets for the prime Mediterranean species - sea bass, sea bream, mullets and eel - and their links with investment. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/87/29:46 p.

K334 Shang, Y.C. y N. Merola, 1987. Manual de economia de la acuicultura. Brasilia, Brasil, FAO/Italy AQUILA Proyeto, Doc.Campo, (3):66 p.

K334.5 Singh, S.B., 1987. Extension worker talks to fish farmer. Vientiane (Lao), FAO/UNDP Project: Rehabilitation of fish seed-farms and fish culture development (LAO/82/014), 43 p.

K335 Smith, I.R., 1987. The economics of small-scale seaweed production in the South China Sea Region. FAO Fish.Circ., (806):26 p.

K336 Tacon, A.G.J., 1987. The nutrition and feeding of farmed fish and shrimp. A training manual. 1. The essential nutrients. Brasilia, Brazil, FAO/Italy AQUILA Project, Field Doc., (2):117 p.

K337 Tacon, A.G.J., 1987. The nutrition and feeding of farmed fish and shrimp. A training manual. 2. Nutrient sources and composition. Brasilia, Brazil, FAO/Italy AQUILA Project, Field Doc., (5):129 p.

K338 Tacon A.G.J., G. Maciocci and J.E. Vinatea, 1987. National agricultural feed surveys (NAFS) for aquaculture planning and development in Latin America and the Caribbean. I. Guidelines. Brasilia, Brazil, FAO/Italy AQUILA Project, Field Doc., (1):11 p.


K339 Ardizzone, G.D., S. Cataudella, and R. Rossi, 1988. Management of coastal lagoon fisheries and aquaculture in Italy. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (293):103 p.

K340 ASEAN/UNDP/FAO, 1988. Report on the Training Course on Seaweed Farming held in Manila, Philippines, 2-21 May 1988. Manila, ASEAN/SF/88/GEN/6:169 p.

K341 Balarin, J.D., 1988. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 17. The Sudan. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.17):118 p.

K342 Balarin, J.D., 1988. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 18. Ghana. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.18):121 p.

K343 Brown, C.M. and C.E. Nash, 1988. Planning an aquaculture facility. Guidelines for bioprogramming and design. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/87/24:41 p.

K344 Chondoma, E.C., 1988. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 19. Lesotho. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.19):132 p.

K345 Chondoma, E.C., 1988. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 20. Swaziland. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.20):104 p.

K346 Coche, A.G., 1988. Simple methods for aquaculture. Topography. Topographical tools for freshwater fish culture. FAO Train.Ser., (16/1):330 p. Issued also in French, ref. K432

K349 Deceuninck, V., 1988. Etudes nationales pour le développement de l’aquaculture en Afrique. 15. Congo. FAO Circ.Pêches, (770.15):81 p.

K350 Deceuninck, V., 1988. Etudes nationales pour le développement de l’aquaculture en Afrique. 16. Gabon. FAO Circ.Pêches, (770.16):60 p.

K350.5 De Silva, S.S., 1988. Reservoirs of Sri Lanka and their fisheries. FAO Fish.Tech.Rep., (298):128 p.

K351 Díaz, G., J. Vásquez y A. Murí, 1988. Desarrollo de la acuicultura en Cuba y manejo de estaciones y pesquerías en aguas interiores. COPESCAL Doc.Téc., (6):69 p.

K352 EIFAC, 1988. Report of the EIFAC Working Party on Prevention and Control of Bird Predation in Aquaculture and Fisheries Operations. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (51):79 p.

K353 EIFAC, 1988. Report of the EIFAC Technical Consultation on Genetic Broodstock Management and Breeding Practices of Finfish. London, U.K., 12-14 April 1988. EIFAC Occas.Pap., (22):15 p.

K354 Gaudet, J.L. et D. Parker (eds), 1988. Résumé des travaux et extraits de la documentation préparée. Symposium sur la Planification et la mise en oeuvre des programmes d’aménagement et de développement des pêches en Afrique. Lusaka, Zambie, 7-11 octobre 1985. FAO Rapp.Pêches, (360):153 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K294.5

K355 IPFC, 1988. Report of the Seventh Session of the Working Party of Experts on Aquaculture. Bangkok, Thailand, 1-6 August 1988. FAO Fish.Rep., (411):37 p.

K356 IPFC, 1988. Report of the Fourth Session of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission Working Party of Experts on Inland Fisheries. Kathmandu, Nepal, 8-14 September 1988, and, Report of the Workshop on the Use of Cyprinids in the Fisheries Management of Larger Inland Water Bodies of the Indo-Pacific. Kathmandu, Nepal, 8-10 September 1988. FAO Fish.Rep., (405):51 p.

K357 Jennings, , D.P., 1988. Bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis): biological synopsis. FAO Fish.Synop., (151):47 p. (USNat.Mar.Fish.Serv.,Biol.Rep. 88/29)

K358 Juanich, G.L., 1988. Manual on seaweed farming. 1. Eucheuma spp. Manila, ASEAN/UNDP/FAO Regional Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Project, ASEAN/SF/88/Manual, (2):25 p.

K358.5 Kungvankij, P., 1988. Guide to the production of live food organisms. China, FAO/UNDP Project, Development of marine culture of fish, CPR/81/014, Field Doc., (2):23 p.

K358.6 Kungvankij, P., 1988. Guide to marine finfish hatchery design. China, FAO/UNDP Project, Development of marine culture of fish, CPR/81/014, Field Doc., (3):19 p.

K359 Lovatelli, A. and P.B. Bueno (eds), 1988. Seminar report on the status of seaweed culture in China, India, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. UNDP/FAO, NACA-SF/WP/88/5:78 p.

K360 Lovatelli, A. and P.B. Bueno (eds), 1988. Seminar report on the status of finfish culture in China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia and Singapore. UNDP/FAO, NACA-SF/WP/88/6:52 p.

K361 Lovatelli, A. and P.B. Bueno (eds), 1988. Seminar report on the status of marine finfish net cage culture in China, DPRK, Indonesia, ROK, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. UNDP/FAO, NACA-SF/WP/88/9:55 p.

K362 NACA, 1988. Culture of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in the Republic of Korea. UNDP/FAO, NACA Train.Man., 66 p.

K363 NACA, 1988. Training manual on marine finfish net cage culture in Singapore. UNDP/FAO, NACA-Reg.Seafarm.Dev.Demonst.Proj., 295 p.

K364 NACA, 1988. Status of oyster culture in selected Asian countries. UNDP/FAO, NACA-SF/WP/88/2:95 p.

K365 NACA. 1988. Status of mollusc culture in selected Asian countries. UNDP/FAO, NACA-SF/WP/88/4: 74 p.

K366 NACA, 1988. Site selection for mollusc culture. UNDP/FAO, NACA-SF/WP/88/8: 25p.

K367 New, M.B., 1988. Freshwater prawns: status of global aquaculture, 1987. UNDP/ FAO, NACA Tech.Man.(6):58 p.

K368 Raat, A.J.P., 1988. Synopsis of biological data on the Northern pike, Esox lucius Linnaeus, 1758. FAO Fish.Synop., (30 Rev.2):178 p.

K369 Rabelahatra, A., 1988. Etudes nationales pour le développement de l’aquaculture en Afrique. 22. Madagascar. FAO Circ.Pêches, (770.22):82 p.

K370 Santelices, B., 1988. Synopsis of biological data on the seaweed genera Gelidium and Pterocladia (Rhodophyta). FAO Fish.Synop., (145):55 p.

K371 Tacon, A.G.J., 1988. The nutrition and feeding of farmed fish and shrimp. A training manual. 3. Feeding methods. Brasilia, Brazil, FAO/Italy AQUILA Project, Field Doc., (7): 208 p.

K372 Trono, G.C., Jr., 1988. Manual on seaweed culture. 2. Pond culture of Caulerpa. 3. Pond culture of Gracilaria. Manila, ASEAN/SF/Manual, (3):20 p.

K373 Turner, G.E., (ed.), 1988. Codes of practice and manual of procedures for consideration of introductions and transfers of marine and freshwater organisms. EIFAC Occas.Pap. (23):44 p.

K374 Welcomme, R.L. (comp.), 1988. International introduction of inland aquatic species. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (294):318 p.

K375 White, P.G., 1988. A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in eleven Middle East countries (including Bahrain, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen Arab Republic and the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/88/30:47 p.


K376 Ackefors, H., 1989. A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in Eastern and Northwestern Europe (including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Faeroes, Finland, Federal Republic of Germany, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/ 89/38:54 p.

K377 ADCP, 1989. Aquaculture aid profiles. February 1989. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/AP/ 89/10, 62 p.

K378 ADCP, 1989. Planning for aquaculture development. Report of an Expert Consultation held in Policoro, Italy, 26 July-2 August 1988. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/33:68 p.

K378.5 Andersson, I. and R. Mubamba, 1989. A bibliography of fisheries and aquaculture, Zambia. ALCOM Field Doc., (10):42 p.

K379 Baluyut, E., 1989. A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in East Asia (including Brunei Darussalam, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Laos, Macau, Mongolia, Philippines, Taiwan - Province of China and Viet Nam). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/88/31:71 p.

K380 Baluyut, E., 1989. Aquaculture systems and practices: a selected review. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/43:90 p.

K381 Berka, R., 1989. Inland capture fisheries of the USSR. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (311): 143p.

K382 Coche, A.G , 1989. Simple methods for aquaculture. Topography. Making topographical surveys for freshwater fish culture. FAO Train.Ser., (16/2):262 p. Issued also in French, ref. K456

K383 Coche, A.G. and D. Edwards (eds), 1989. Selected aspects of warmwater fish culture. Compilation based on lectures presented at a series of FAO/AGFUND training courses in aquaculture, hosted by Hungary in 1987-88. Rome, FAO, GCP/INT/435/AGF, 181p.

K384 Crosetti, D., 1989. An annotated bibliography of aquaculture books for the use of libraries in developing countries. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/45:127 p.

K385 Deceuninck, V., 1989. Etudes nationales pour le développement de l’aquaculture en Afrique. 23. Burkina Faso. FAO Circ.Pêches, (770.23):87 p. + ann.

K386 Deceuninck, V., 1989. Etudes nationales pour le développement de l’aquaculture en Afrique. 24. Mali. FAO Circ.Pêches, (770.24):98 p.

K387 Deceuninck, V., 1989. Etudes nationales pour le développement de l’aquaculture en Afrique. 25. Sénégal. FAO Circ.Pêches, (770.25):103 p.

K388 Engle, C.R. and N.M. Stone, 1989. A review of extension methodologies in aquaculture. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/44:65 p.

K390 FAO, 1989. Report of the FAO Asian Region Workshop on Geographical Information Systems Applications in Aquaculture. Bangkok, Thailand, 5-23 December 1988. FAO Fish.Rep., (414):13 p.

K391 Ferlin, Ph. and P. Noriega-Curtis, 1989. A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in the Caribbean (including Anguila, Antigua-Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, St. Christopher and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/40: 66p.

K392 Giasson, M. and J.-L. Gaudet (eds) 1989. Summary of proceedings and selected papers. Symposium on the Development and Management of Fisheries in Small Water Bodies. Accra, Ghana, 7-8 December 1987. Résumé des travaux et extraits de la documentation préparée. Colloque sur le développement et l’aménagement des pêches dans les petits plans d’eau. Accra, Ghana, 7-8 décembre 1987. FAO Fish.Rep., (425):190 p.

K393 Girin, M. 1989. A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in the Mediterranean (including Albania, Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Libya, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yugoslavia). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/34:70 p.

K393.4 Guan, Rui Jie and Yi De Chen, 1989. Reform and development of China’s fisheries. FAO Fish.Circ., (822):33 p.

K393.7 Juárez-Palacios, J.R. (ed.), 1989. Avances en el cultivo de peces del genero Colossoma. AQUILA II Doc.Campo, (5):235 p.

K394 Kensler, C.B., 1989. A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in North America (including Canada, Greenland and the United States of America). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/37:52 p.

K395 Kent, G. and H. Josupeit, 1989. The contribution of fisheries to alleviating malnutrition in Southern Africa. FAO Fish.Circ.,(818):49 p.

K396 Kestemont, P., J.C. Micha et U. Falter, 1989. Les méthodes de production d’alevins de Tilapia nilotica. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/46:133 p.

K396.3 Mena Millar, A., 1989. La explotación del camarón en América Latina y el Caribe: aspectos económicos y sociales. FAO Circ.Pesca, (820):30 p.

K396.5 Merrikin, P. (comp.), 1989. Credit in fisheries. A selective annotated bibliography. FAO Fish.Circ., (816):19 p.

K396.6 Merrikin, P. (comp.), 1989. Marketing in fisheries. A selective annotated bibliography. FAO Fish.Circ., (817):19 p.

K397 Nelson, S., 1989. A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in the Pacific (including Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia (Kosrae, Pohnpei, Truk, Yap), Fiji, French Polynesia, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Republic of Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Kingdom of Tonga, Tuvalu, Republic of Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, and Western Samoa). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/88/32:45 p.

K398 Noriega-Curtis, P. and J. Vera Rivas, 1989. A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in Latin America (including Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, E1 Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/39:80 p.

K399 Pathak, S.C., 1989. A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in West Asia (including Bangladesh, Burma, India, Indonesia, Kampuchea, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/35:62 p.

K400 Satia, B., 1989. A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in Africa south of the Sahara (including Botswana, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Nigeria, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, Comoros, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Gabon, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Réunion, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, St. Helena, Togo, Zaire, Angola, Cape Verde, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tomé-et-Principe, Cameroon). Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/36:60 p.

K401 Secretan, P.A.D. and C.E. Nash, 1989. Aquaculture and risk management. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/41:32 p.

K402 Shaw, S.A. and A. Curry, 1989. Markets in Europe for selected aquaculture species: salmon, trout, seabream, seabass. Rome, FAO/GLOBEFISH Res.Progr.Rep., (1):121 p.

K403 Tacon, A.G.J., 1989. Nutrición y alimentación de peces y camarones cultivados. Manual de capacitación. AQUILA II Doc.Campo, (4):572 p.

K404 Torry Research Station, Aberdeen, UK, 1989. Yield and nutritional value of the commercially more important fish species. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (309):187 p.

K405 Van Houtte, A.R., N. Bonucci and W.R. Edeson. 1989. A preliminary review of selected legislation governing aquaculture. Rome, UNDP/FAO, ADCP/REP/89/42: 81p.

K406 Wood, C.D. and R.C. Cole, 1989. Small insulated fish containers. FAO Fish.Circ., (824):80 p.

K407 Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute/FAO/UNDP, 1989. Culture of kelp (Laminaria japonica) in China. Bangkok, FAO/UNDP Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project, RAS/90/002, Training Manual, (5):204 p.


K408 COPESCAL, 1990. Informe de la tercera reunión del Grupo de Trabajo sobre acuicultura. San José, Costa Rica, 24-28 de julio de 1989/Report of the Third Session of the Working Party on Aquaculture. San José, Costa Rica, 24-28 July 1989. FAO Inf. Pesca/FAO Fish.Rep., (432):43 p.

K409 Deceuninck, V., 1990. Etudes nationales pour le développement de l’aquaculture en Afrique. 26. Burundi. FAO Circ.Pêches, (770.26):94 p.

K410 Deceuninck, V., 1990. Etudes nationales pour le développement de l’aquaculture en Afrique. 27. Rwanda. FAO Circ.Pêches, (770.27):103 p.

K411 Deceuninck, V., 1990. Etudes nationales pour le développement de l’aquaculture en Afrique. 28. Zaïre. FAO Circ.Pêches, (770.28):194 p.

K412 Dill, W.A., 1990. Inland fisheries of Europe. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (52):471 p. For suppl. volume see ref. K481

K413 FAO, 1990. Better freshwater fish farming. Raising fish in pens and cages. FAO Better Farm.Ser., (38):83 p. Issued also in French, ref. K414, and in Spanish, ref. K415

K414 FAO, 1990. La pisciculture en eau douce. L’élevage des poissons dans des enclos et des cages. Série FAO: Apprentissage agricole, (38):83 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K413, et en espagnol, réf. K415

K415 FAO, 1990. Piscicultura en agua dulce. La cria de peces en corrales y jaulas. FAO Ser.Mej.Cult., (38):83 p. Public. también en francés, ref. K414, y en inglés, ref. K413

K416 FAO/UNDP/Shallow Seafarming Institute, 1990. Training manual on artificial breeding of abalone (Haliotis discus Hannai) in Korea D.P.R. Bangkok, FAO/UNDP Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Proj., RAS/90/002, Training Manual, (7):107 p.

K417 FAO/UNDP/Zhanjiang Fisheries College, 1990. Training manual on Gracilaria culture and seaweed processing in China. Bangkok, FAO/UNDP Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Proj., RAS/90/002, Training Manual (6):85 p.

K418 Foscarini, R. and J. Prakash, 1990. Handbook on Eucheuma seaweed cultivation in Fiji. Suva (Fiji), Min. of Primary Industries/FAO/South Pacific Aquaculture Development Proj., GCP/RAS/116/JPN, 47 p.

K419 GFCM/CGPM, 1990. Rapport de la première session du Groupe de travail sur les récifs artificiels et la mariculture. Ancône, Italie, 27-30 novembre 1989/Report of the First Session of the Working Group on Artificial Reefs and Mariculture. Ancona, Italy, 27-30 November 1989. FAO Rapp.Pêches/FAO Fish.Rep., (428):162 p.

K420 Insull, D. and C.E. Nash, 1990. Aquaculture project formulation. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (316):129 p. Issued also in French, ref. K440, and in Spanish, ref. K441

K421 Loria, L. y M. Martínez Espinosa, 1990. Una estrategia para el desarrollo de la acuicultura. El caso de América Latina. COPESCAL Doc.Oc., (6):46 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K444

K422 Martínez Espinosa, M. 1990. Informe de la Reunión, sobre acuicultura rural en América Latina y el Caribe. Maricaibo, Venezuela, 24-26 octubre 1988. FAO Circ.Pesca, (829):36 p.

K423 Merrikin, P. (comp.), 1990. Women in fisheries - a selective annotated bibliography. FAO Fish.Circ., (811,Rev.1):37 p.

K424 Miller, J.M., L.J. Pietrafesa and N.P. Smith, 1990. Principles of hydraulic management of coastal lagoons for aquaculture and fisheries. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (314):88 p.

K425 NACA, 1990. Artificial propagation of bivalves: techniques and methods. Bangkok, NACA, 54 p.

K426 Redding, T.A. and A.B. Midlen, 1990. Fish production in irrigation canals: a review. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (317):111 p. Issued also in French, ref. K467, and in Spanish, ref. K468

K427 Satia, B.P., 1990. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 29. Nigeria. FAO Fish.Circ., (770.29):193 p.

K428 Van den Bossche, J.-P. and G.M. Bernacsek, 1990. Source book for the inland fishery resources of Africa. Vol.1. CIFA Tech.Pap., (18/1):411 p. See also refs. K429 and K451 for other two volumes

K429 Van den Bossche, J.-P. and G.M. Bernacsek, 1990. Source book for the inland fishery resources of Africa. Vol.2. CIFA Tech.Pap., (18/2):240 p. See also refs. K428 and K451 for other two volumes

K430 Varley, A. and R.R. Freeman, 1990. A bibliography on information services, systems and centres for marine and freshwater resources and environment. FAO Fish.Circ., (830):68 p.


K430.4 ALCOM, 1991. How to construct your fish pond. ALCOM Extension Pamphl., (1): 32p.

K430.5 ALCOM, 1991. How to feed your fish. ALCOM Extension Pamphl., (2):31 p.

K430.6 ALCOM, 1991. How to take care of your fish pond. ALCOM Extension Pamphl., (3):19 p.

K431 Chellam, A. et al., 1991. Pearl oyster farming and pearl culture. Bangkok, FAO/UNDP Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Proj., RAS/90/002, Training Manual (8):102 p.

K432 Coche, A.G., 1991. Méthodes simples pour l’aquaculture. Pisciculture continentale. La topographie: instruments topographiques. Collect.FAO: Form., (16/1):332 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K346

K433 Coche, A.G. (comp.), 1991. Selected aquaculture publications: serials, newsletters, meeting proceedings, and bibliographies/directories/glossaries. FAO Fish.Circ., (808,Rev.1):133 p.

K434 COPESCAL, 1991. Informe de la cuarta reunión del Grupo de Trabajo sobre acuicultura. San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, 2-6 de septiembre de 1991. FAO Inf.Pesca, (464):34 p.

K435 FAO, 1991. Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme. Project findings and recommendations. Rome, UNDP/FAO, 60 p.

K436 FAO, 1991. Report of the FAO Africa Region Workshop on Applications of Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing in Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries in cooperation with UNEP/GRID. Nairobi, Kenya, 2-19 April 1991. FAO Fish.Rep., (451):35 p.

K437 FAO/UNDP/Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, 1991. Training manual on breeding and culture of scallop and sea cucumber in China. Bangkok, FAO/UNDP Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Proj., RAS/90/002, Training Manual, (9):90 p.

K438 Flood, R.C. (comp.) 1991. The cost and earnings of captures, aquaculture and livestock. A selective annotated bibliography. FAO Fish.Circ., (843):31 p.

K439 Holthuis, L.B., 1991. Marine lobsters of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of marine lobsters known to date. FAO Fish.Synop., (125,vol.13):292 p. FAO Species Catalogue, 13

K440 Insull, D. et C.E. Nash, 1991. Formulation des projets d’aquaculture. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (316):136 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K420, et en espagnol, réf. K441

K441 Insull, D. y C.E. Nash, 1991. La formulación de proyectos de acuicultura. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (316):161 p. Public. también en francés, ref. K440, y en inglés, ref. K420

K442 Insull, D. and J. Orzeszko, 1991. A survey of external assistance to the fishery sectors of developing countries. FAO Fish.Circ., (755,Rev.3):74 p.

K443 Kutty, M.N. and A.K.M. Aminul Haque, 1991. Manual on training needs assessment in fisheries. Dacca, Bangladesh, FAO/UNDP Project, Institutional Strengthening in the Fisheries Sector, BGD/87/045, 118 p.

K444 Loria, L. and M. Martínez Espinosa, 1991. A strategy for aquaculture development in Latin America. COPESCAL Occ.Pap., (6):38 p. Issued also in Spanish, ref. K421

K445 Martínez Espinosa, M., 1991. Lista preliminar de especies acuáticas autóctonas cultivadas o en experimentación para su cultivo en América Latina. FAO Circ.Pesca, (846):47 p.

K446 Meaden, G.J. and J.M. Kapetsky, 1991. Geographical information systems and remote sensing in inland fisheries and aquaculture. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (318):262 p. Issued also in Spanish, ref. K465

K447 Pascual, F.P., 1991. A practical guide to the preparation of home-made feeds for aquaculture. Manila, Philippines, UNDP/FAO/ASEAN Project RAS/84/016, ASEAN/SF/91/Manual 7, 31 p.

K448 Prieto, A., E. Fajer y M. Vinioy, 1991. Manual para la prevención y el tratamiento de enfermedades en peces de cultivo en agua dulce. Santiago, FAO Rep. Reg., 65 p.

K449 Rabelahatra, A., 1991. La rizipisciculture en Afrique. FAO Circ.Pêches, (836):64 p.

K450 Sen, S., 1991. Seaweed collection and culture in Tanzania. ALCOM Field Doc., (14):29 p.

K451 Van den Bossche, J.-P. and G.M. Bernacsek, 1991. Source book for the inland fishery resources of Africa. Vol.3. CIFA Tech.Pap., (18/3):219 p. See also refs. K428 and K429 for other two volumes


K452 Baluyut, E.A. (ed.), 1992. Country reports presented at the Fifth Session of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission Working Party on Experts on Inland Fisheries. Bogor, Indonesia, 24-29 June 1991 and papers contributed to the Workshop on Tilapia in Capture and Culture-Enhanced Fisheries in the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission Countries. Bogor, Indonesia, 27-29 June 1991. FAO Fish.Rep., (458, Suppl.):281 p.

K453 Barg, U.C. 1992. Guidelines for the promotion of environmental management of coastal aquaculture development (based on a review of selected experiences and concepts). FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (328):122 p. Issued also in French, ref. K532 and in Spanish, ref. K506

K454 Bonzon, A. et C. Breuil, 1992. Priorités pour l’aménagement et la planification du développement des pêches continentales dans la région du Sahel. FAO Rapp.Pêches, (481):133 p.

K455 Clark, J.R., 1992. Integrated management of coastal zones. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (327):167 p.

K456 Coche, A.G., 1992. Méthodes simples pour l’aquaculture. Pisciculture continentale. La topographie: levés topographiques. Collect.FAO: Form., (16/2):272 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K382

K457 Coche, A.G. and J.F. Muir, 1992. Pond construction for freshwater fish culture. Pond-farm structures and layouts. FAO Train.Ser., (20/2):214 p. Issued also in French, ref. K509, and in Spanish, ref. K478

K458 Eccles, D.H., 1992. Field guide to the freshwater fishes of Tanzania. FAO Species Identification Sheets for Fishery Purposes. Rome, FAO/UNDP, 145 p.

K459 FAO, 1992. Rapport de l’atelier sur les applications du Système d’information géographique (SIG/GIS) et de la télédétection appliquée à l’aquaculture et à la pêche continentale en Afrique. Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 16 septembre-4 octobre, 1991. FAO Rapp.Pêches, (466):10 p.

K460 FAO, 1992. Selected terms in fish culture/Choix de termes de pisciculture/Términos de piscicultura/Termini selezionati sulla piscicoltura. FAO Terminology Bull., (19/It): 193p.

K461 FAO/FIP, 1992. Fishery focal points in donor agencies. FAO Fish.Circ., (833,Rev.1):12 p.

K462 FAO/FIPIS, 1992. Fishery project information system. User’s guide. FAO Fish.Circ., (852):35 p.

K463 Kumar, D., 1992. Fish culture in undrainable ponds. A manual for extension. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (325):239 p.

K464 Lu, X. (comp.) 1992. Fishery management approaches in small reservoirs in China. FAO Fish.Circ., (854):69 p.

K465 Meaden, G.J. y J.M. Kapetsky, 1992. Los sistemas de información geográfica y la telepercepción en la pesca continental y la acuicultura. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (318):265 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K446

K465.5 Mukherjee, T.K. et al. (eds), 1992. Integrated livestock-fish production systems. Proceedings of the FAO/IPT Workshop on Integrated Livestock-Fish Production Systems, 16-20 December 1991, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Inst.Adv.Stud., 148 p.

K466 Nash, C.E., 1992. Employment and manpower in aquaculture. A background review. Rome, FAO Human Resources, Institutions and Agrarian Reform Division, 91 p.

K467 Redding, T.A. et A.B. Midlen, 1992. Production piscicole en canaux d’irrigation. Etude realisée. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (317):114 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K426, et en espagnol, réf. K468

K468 Redding, T.A. y A.B. Midlen, 1992. Estudio de la producción piscicola en los canales de riego. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (317):114 p. Public. también en francés, ref. K467, y en inglés, ref. K426

K469 Reilly, P.J.A., D.R. Twiddy and R.S. Fuchs, 1992. Review of the occurrence of salmonella in cultured tropical shrimp. FAO Fish.Circ., (851):19 p.

K470 Tacon, A.G.J., 1992. The food and feeding of farmed fish and shrimp. An annotated selection of FAO field documents, 1973-1991. FAO Fish.Circ., (849):92 p.

K471 Tacon, A.G.J. 1992. Nutritional fish pathology. Morphological signs of nutrient deficiency and toxicity in farmed fish. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (330):75 p. Issued also in French, ref. K558, and in Spanish, ref. K559

K472 Williams, C., 1992. Simple economics and bookkeeping for fish farmers. FAO Train.Ser., (19):97 p. Issued also in French, ref. K503, and in Spanish, ref. K504

K473 Wood, J.F. et al., 1992. Feeds for artisanal shrimp culture in India. Their development and evaluation. Madras, India, BOBP/REP/52, 56 p.

K474 Anon., 1992. Manejo y explotación acuicola de embalses de agua dulce en América Latina. AQUILA II Doc.Campo, (1):193 p.


K475 Bartley, D.M., 1993. An application of international codes of practice on introductions of aquatic organisms: assessment of a project on the use of Chinese carps in Mozambique. FAO Fish.Circ., (863):21 p.

K476 Chakalall, B. (comp.), 1993. Species cultured in insular Caribbean countries, Belize, French Guiana, Guyana and Suriname. Santiago, Chile, FAO Reg. Off. Lat. Am. and the Caribbean/Caribbean Tech. Coop. Netw. Artisanal Fish. and Aquacult., 29 p.

K477 CIFA, 1993. Report of the Second Session of the Working Party on Aquaculture. Harare, Zimbabwe, 13-17 September 1993. FAO Fish.Rep., (489):26 p. Issued also in French, ref. K480

K478 Coche, A.G. y J.F. Muir, 1993. Construcción de estanques para la piscicultura en agua dulce. Estructuras y trazados para explotaciones piscícolas. Colecc.FAO: Capacitación, (20/2):214 p. Public. también en francés, ref. K509, y en inglés, ref. K457

K479 COPESCAL, 1993. Informe de la quinta reunión del Grupo de trabajo sobre acuicultura. Cartegena, Colombia, 12-16 de julio de 1993. FAO Inf.Pesca, (493):27 p.

K480 CPCA, 1993. Rapport de la deuxième session du Groupe de travail sur l’aquaculture. Harare, Zimbabwe, 13-17 septembre 1993. FAO Rapp.Pêches, (489):29 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K477

K481 Dill, W.A., 1993. Inland fisheries of Europe. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (52,Suppl.):281 p. For first volume, see ref. K412

K482 FAO/FIRI, 1993. Report of the Expert Consultation on Utilization and Conservation of Aquatic Genetic Resources. Grottaferrata, Italy, 9-13 November 1992. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (491):58 p. Issued also in French, ref. K518, and in Spanish, ref. K519

K483 FAO/FIRI, 1993. Inland fisheries of Indo-Pacific countries. FAO Fish.Circ., (794,Rev.1):48 p.

K484 FAO/FIRI, 1993. List of inland fisheries and aquaculture specialists in the Indo-Pacific region. FAO Fish.Circ., (796,Rev.1):119 p.

K485 FAO/ICLARM, 1993. Directory of educational and training opportunities in fisheries and aquaculture. Rome, FAO and Manila, ICLARM, 83 p.

K486 GLOBEFISH, 1993. The fishery industry in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and the former Czechoslovakia. Rome, FAO/GLOBEFISH Res.Progr.Rep., (25):76 p.

K487 Heemstra, P.C. and J.E. Randall, 1993. Groupers of the world (Family Serranidae, Subfamily Epinephelinae). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the grouper, rockcod, hind, coral grouper and lyretail species known to date. FAO Fish.Synop., (125,vol.16):382 p. FAO Species Catalogue, 16

K488 Herz, K.O., 1993. Science and technology in the work of FAO. Rome, FAO Research and Technology Development Division, 98 p.

K489 Hough, C.A.M., 1993. Markets for freshwater fish in Europe. Rome, FAO/GLOBEFISH Res.Progr.Rep., (26):30 p.

K490 Juárez Palacios, J.R. y E. Varsi (ed.), 1993. Avances en el manejo y aprovechamiento acuicola de embalses en América Latina y el Caribe. AQUILA II Doc.Campo, (8): 162p.

K491 Lovatelli, A. and L. Loria, 1993. Status report on Caribbean aquaculture. AQUILA II Field Doc., (6):135 p.

K492 Marashi, S.H., 1993. Activities of regional fishery bodies and other international organizations concerned with fisheries. FAO Fish.Circ., (807,Rev.1):57 p.

K493 Moehl, J.F. Jr. and W.D. Davies, 1993. Fishery intensification in small water bodies. A review of management and development of small water bodies for fisheries in North America. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (333):44 p.

K494 Nair, D., R. Hall and C.L. Angell, 1993. Small-scale oyster culture on the west coast of peninsular Malaysia. Madras, India, BOBP/REP/63, 30 p.

K495 Prieto, A. et al., 1993. Parasitos de peces cultivados en aguas interiores. Claves para su diagnostico diferencial. AQUILA II Doc.Campo, (15):62 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K527

K496 Reynolds, J.E. (ed.)., 1993. Marketing and consumption of fish in Eastern and Southern Africa: selected country studies. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (332):194 p.

K497 Seki, E. et A. Bonzon, 1993. Selected aspects of African fisheries: a continental overview. FAO Fish.Circ., (810,Rev.1):158 p.

K498 Seki, E. and R. Maly, 1993. A pilot socio-economic survey of aquaculture in Ruvuma Region, Tanzania. ALCOM Field Doc., (20):90 p.

K499 Sverlij, S.B., A. Espinach Ros y G. Orti, 1993. Sinopsis de los datos biológicos y pesqueros del sábalo Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1847). FAO Sinop.Pesca, (154):64 p.

K500 Tacon, A.G.J., 1993. Feed ingredients for warmwater fish: fish meal and other processed feedstuffs. FAO Fish.Circ., (856):64 p.

K501 Tacon, A.G.J. 1993. Feed ingredients for crustaceans: natural foods and processed feedstuffs. FAO Fish.Circ., (866):67 p.

K502 Townsley, P., 1993. Training of rapid appraisal teams: notes for trainers. FAO Fish.Circ., (868):135 p.

K503 Williams, C., 1993. Notions d’économie et de comptabilité à l’usage des pisciculteurs. Collect.FAO: Form., (19):96 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K472, et en espagnol, réf. K504

K504 Williams, C., 1993. Economía y contabilidad elementales para piscicultores. Colecc.FAO: Capacitación, (19):97 p. Public. también en francés, ref. K.503, y en inglés, ref. K472


K504.5 ALCOM, 1994. Rice and fish culture. ALCOM Extension Pamphl., (4):26 p.

K505 Angell, C.L., 1994. Promotion of small-scale shrimp and prawn hatcheries in India and Bangladesh. Madras, India, BOBP/REP/66, 21 p.

K506 Barg, U.C., 1994. Orientaciones para la promoción de la ordenación medio ambiental del desarrollo de la acuicultura costera, basadas en un estudio selectivo de experiencias e ideas. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (328):138 p. Public. también en francés, ref. K532, y en inglés, ref. K453

K507 CIFA/CPCA, 1994. Report of the Fifth Session of the Sub-Committee for the Protection and Development of the Fisheries in the Sahelian Zone. Banjul, Gambia, 6-10 December 1993/Rapport de la cinquième session du Sous-Comité pour la protection et le développement des pêches dans la zone sahélienne. Banjul, Gambie, 6-10 décembre 1993. FAO Fish.Rep./FAO Rapp.Pêches, (504):31 p.

K508 Coche, A.G. (ed./rev.), 1994. Aquaculture development and research in sub-Saharan Africa. National reviews/Développement et recherche aquacoles en Afrique sub-saharienne. Revues nationales. CIFA Tech.Pap./CPCA Doc.Tech., (23,Suppl.):397 p.

K509 Coche, A.G. et J.F. Muir, 1994. Pisciculture continentale. Les étangs et leurs ouvrages. Ouvrages et agencement des fermes piscicoles. Collect.FAO: Form., (20/2):214 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K457, et en espagnol, réf. K478

K510 Coche, A.G., B.A. Haight and M.M.J. Vincke, 1994. Aquaculture development and research in sub-Saharan Africa. Synthesis of national reviews and indicative action plan for research. CIFA Tech.Pap., (23):151 p. Isued also in French, ref. K567

K510.5 Coppola, S.R. et al., 1994. SPECIESDAB. Global species database for fishery purposes. User’s manual. FAO Computerized Info.Ser.(Fish.), (9):103 p. Database provided on four 3.5-inch diskettes for IBM-compatible microcomputers

K511 Coppola, S.R., 1994. SIPAL. Sistema informatica para la planificación de la acuicultura en Latinoamérica y el Caribe/Information system to assist aquaculture planning in Latin America and the Caribbean. Diseño conceptual/Conceptual design. AQUILA II Doc.Campo/Field Doc., (17):36 p + 34 p.

K512 Csavas, I. et al., 1994. Cambodia - Rehabilitation and development needs of the fishery sector. FAO Fish.Circ.,(873):89 p.

K513 De la Lanza Espino, G., J.J. Salaya Avila y E. Varsi (eds), 1994. Manejo y aprovechamiento acuicola de lagunas costeras en América Latina y el Caribe. AQUILA II Doc.Campo, (10):159 p.

K514 De Wit, J.C. (ed.), 1994. Diagnostico sobre el estado de la acuicultura en América Latina y el Caribe. Sintesis regional. AQUILA II Doc.Campo, (11):213 p. 2da. ed.

K515 Gopalakrishnan, V. and A.G. Coche, 1994. Handbook on small-scale freshwater fish farming. FAO Train.Ser., (24):205 p. Issued also in French, ref. K516, in Spanish, ref. K517, and in Arabic

K516 Gopalakrishnan, V. et A.G. Coche, 1994. Manuel de pisciculture artisanale en eau douce. Collect.FAO: Formation., (24):207 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K515, en espagnol, réf. K517, et en arabe

K517 Gopalakrishnan, V. y A.G. Coche, 1994. Manual de piscicultura artesanal en agua dulce. Colecc.FAO: Capacitación., (24):208 p. Public. también en francés, ref. K516, en inglés, ref. K515, y en árabe

K517.5 FAO, 1994. Report of the Eighteenth Session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Rome, 17-25 May 1994. FAO Fish.Rep., (509):78 p. Issued also in French

K517.6 FAO/AGSP, 1994. Farming systems development. A participatory approach to helping small-scale farmers. Rome, FAO, 46 p.

K518 FAO/FIRI, 1994. Rapport de la Consultation d’experts sur l’utilisation et la conservation des ressources génétiques aquatiques. Grottaferrata, Italie, 9-13 november 1992. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (491):65 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K482, et en espagnol, réf. K519

K519 FAO/FIRI, 1994. Informe de la Consulta de Expertos sobre utilización y conservación de recursos genéticos acuáticos. Grottaferrata, Italia, 9-13 de noviembre de 1992. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (491):60 p. Public. también en francés, ref. K518, y en inglés, ref. K482

K519.5 Haight, B.A., 1994. Report of the Technical Consultation on the Enhancement of Small-Water Body Fisheries in Southern Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe, 25-29 January 1993. ALCOM Rep., (12):35 p.

K520 Hernández Rodríguez, A. y A. Yáñez Ramos (eds), 1994. Capacitación en planificación y gerencía en acuicultura. Manual - Guia. AQUILA II Doc.Campo, (18):147 p.

K520.5 Josupeit, H., 1994. Markets in the European Union for turbot, seabream and seabass. Rome, FAO/GLOBEFISH Res.Progr.Rep., (31):51 p.

K521 Kapetsky, J.M., 1994. A strategic assessment of warmwater fish farming potential in Africa. CIFA Tech.Pap., (27):67 p.

K522 Larsson, B., 1994. Three overviews on environment and aquaculture in the tropics and sub-tropics. ALCOM Field Doc., (27):46 p.

K523 Marshall, B. and M. Maes, 1994. Small water bodies and their fisheries in southern Africa. CIFA Tech.Pap., (29):68 p.

K523.5 Martínez Espinosa, M., 1994. Entre la acuicultura de los "más pobres" y la de los "menos pobres". Una propuesta metodológica para el desarrollo de la acuicultura rural tipo II: dos casos piloto en Venezuela y Colombia. AQUILA II Doc.Campo, (21): 114p.

K524 New, M.B., A.G.J. Tacon and I. Csavas, 1994. Farm-made aquafeeds. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (343):434 p.

K525 Nilsson, H. and K. Wetengere, 1994. Adoption and viability criteria for semi-intensive fish farming: a report on a socio-economic study in Ruvuma and Mbeya regions, Tanzania. ALCOM Field Doc., (28):45 p.

K526 Olvera-Novoa, M.A., C.A. Martínez-Palacios and E. Real De León, 1994. Nutrition of fish and crustaceans. A laboratory manual. AQUILA II Field Doc., (19):58 p.

K526.5 Palfreman, A. and D. Insull, 1994. Guide to fisheries sector studies. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (342):101 p.

K527 Prieto, A. et al., 1994. Parasites of freshwater cultured fish. Differential diagnostic keys. AQUILA II Field Doc., (20):60 p. Issued also in Spanish, ref. K495

K528 Tacon, A.G.J., 1994. Feed ingredients for carnivorous fish species alternatives to fishmeal and other fishery resources. FAO Fish.Circ., (881):35 p.

K528.5 Thys van den Audenaerde, D.F.E., 1994. Introduction of aquatic species in Zambian waters, and their importance for aquaculture and fisheries. ALCOM Field Doc., (24): 32p.

K529 Van der Hoeven, G., K. Leendertse and P. Townsley (comps), 1994. Socio-economic surveys in fisheries in Africa. An annotated bibliography/Enquêtes socio-économiques sur les pêches en Afrique. Bibliographie annotée. FAO Fish.Circ./FAO Circ.Pêches, (837,Rev.1):155 p.

K530 van der Mheen, H.W., 1994. Practical aspects of stocking small water bodies. An example from Zimbabwe. CIFA Tech.Pap., (28):40 p.

K531 van der Mheen-Sluyer, J. and S. Sen, 1994. Meeting information needs on gender issues in aquaculture. ALCOM Field Doc., (33):36 p.


K532 Barg, U.C., 1995. Lignes directrices pour la promotion de la gestion de l’environnement dans le développement de l’aquaculture cotière (Etude fondée sur l’examen d’expériences et de concepts choisis). FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (328):133 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K453, et en espagnol, réf. K506

K533 Bonzon, A., A. Ngouembe et G. N’Goma, 1995. Revue du secteur des pêches et de l’aquaculture: Congo. FAO Circ.Pêches, (887):30 p.

K533.5 Bórquez Ramírez, A. y O. Zúñiga Romero, 1995. Catalogo de recursos agropecuarios y pesqueros de uso potencial en la planificación y el desarrollo de la acuicultura en Chile. Santiago, Of.Reg.FAO y Caribe, Doc. RLAC/95/16-PES-26, 82 p.

K534 Breuil, C., 1995. Revue du secteur des pêches et de l’aquaculture: Burkina Faso. FAO Circ.Pêches, (888):31 p.

K535 Breuil, C., 1995. Review of the fisheries and aquaculture sector: Ethiopia. FAO Fish.Circ., (890):29 p.

K535.5 CIFA/CPCA, 1995. Report of the ninth session of the Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe, 5-9 December 1994/Rapport de la neuvième session du Comité des pêches continentales pour l’Afrique. Harare, Zimbabwe, 5-9 décembre 1994. FAO Fish.Rep./FAO Rapp.Pêches, (517):93 p.

K536 Coche, A.G., J.F. Muir and T. Laughlin, 1995. Pond construction for freshwater fish culture. Building earthen ponds. FAO Train.Ser., (20/1):355 p. Issued also in French, ref. K604, and in Spanish, ref. K603

K537 COPESCAL, 1995. Informe de la sexta reunión del Grupo de trabajo sobre acuicultura. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 3-7 de julio de 1995. FAO Inf.Pesca, (531):28 p.

K538 Coppola, S.R., E. Varsi y J. Martínez Santamaría, 1995. SIPAL. Sistema informático para la planificación de la acuicultura en Latinoamérica y el Caribe/Information system to assist aquaculture planning in Latin America and the Caribbean. Manual de referencia/Reference manual. AQUILA II Doc.Campo/Field Doc., (22):77 p. + 70 p.

K539 Everett, G.V., 1995. Sudan fisheries. An assessment of the situation and proposals for the future, with emphasis on the inland fisheries. FAO Fish.Circ., (901):88 p.

K540 FAO, 1995. Code of conduct for responsible fisheries. Rome, FAO, 41 p. Issued also in Arabic, Chinese, French and Spanish

K542 FAO/FII, 1995. Report of the Consultation on the Establishment of a Fisheries Credit Network for Asia and the Pacific. Jakarta, Indonesia. 18-22 October 1993. FAO Fish.Rep., (516):36 p.

K543 FAO/FIRI, 1995. Review of the state of world fishery resources: aquaculture. FAO Fish.Circ., (886):127 p.

K544 FAO/FIRI, 1995. Report of the FAO Regional Expert Consultation on Aquaculture Health Management in Asia and the Pacific, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor D.E., 22-24 May 1995. FAO Fish.Rep., (529):24 p.

K544.2 FAO/Fisheries Dept., 1995. Development of fish culture extension. Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Project findings and recommendations. Rome, FAO, Rep. FI-DP/LAO/89/003, 31 p.

K544.3 FAO/Fisheries Dept., 1995. Intensification of pond fish production in Poland. Project findings and recommendations. Rome, FAO, Rep. FI-DP/POL/86/004, 40 p.

K544.4 FAO/Fisheries Dept., 1995. Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and the Pacific Region. Project findings and recommendations. Rome, FAO, Rep. FI-DP/RAS/76/003 and FI-DP/RAS/86/047, 69 p.

K544.7 FAO/NACA, 1995. Regional Study and Workshop on Environmental Assessment and Management of Aquaculture Development (TCP/RAS/2253). Bangkok, 21-26 February 1994. NACA Envir.Aquacult.Ser., (1):492 p.

K545 Fonticiella, D.W., Z. Arboleya y G. Días Pérez, 1995. La repoblación como forma de manejo de pesquerías en la acuicultura de Cuba. COPESCAL Doc.Oc., (10):45 p.

K546 Garruccio, M.R. and R.A. Maine (comp.), 1995. A selected annotated bibliography on fisheries training publications/Bibliographie annotée des publications sur la formation dans le domaine de la pêche/Lista bibliográfica comentada sobre capacitación en pesquerías. FAO Fish.Circ./FAO Circ.Pêches/FAO Circ.Pesca, (893):163 p.

K548 Marshall, B. and M. Maes, 1995. Small water bodies and their fisheries in Southern Africa. CIFA Tech.Pap., (29):68 p.

K549 Martínez Espinosa, M., 1995. Lista de acuicultores de América Latina y el Caribe. FAO Circ.Pesca, (891):165 p.

K550 Mgaya, Y.D., 1995. Synopsis of biological data on the European abalone (ormer), Haliotis tuberculata Linnaeus, 1758 (Gastropoda: Haliotidae). FAO Fish.Synop., (156):28 p.

K550.5 Norman, D.W. et al., 1995. The farming systems approach to development and appropriate technology generation. FAO Farm Systems Management Ser., (10):229 p.

K551 O’Grady, K. (ed.), 1995. Review of inland fisheries and aquaculture in the EIFAC area by sub-region and sub-sector. Sub-regional and sub-sectorial reports presented at the EIFAC Consultation on Management Strategies for European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture for the 21st Century during the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission eighteenth session. Rome, Italy, 17-25 May 1994. FAO Fish.Rep., (509, Suppl.1):79 p. Issued also in French, ref. K584

K552 Petr, T. and M. Morris (eds), 1995. Papers contributed to the Regional Symposium on Sustainable Development of Inland Fisheries under Environmental Constraints, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 October 1994 and Country Reports presented at the Sixth Session of the IPFC Working Party of Experts on Inland Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-21 October 1994. FAO Fish.Rep., (512 Suppl.):266 p.

K553 Rabanal, H.R., 1995. Aquaculture extension services review: the Philippines. FAO Fish.Circ., (892):57 p.

K554 Rajbanshi, K.G., 1995. Aquaculture extension services review: Nepal. FAO Fish.Circ., (896):37 p.

K555 Reartes, J.L., 1995. El Pejerrey (Odonthestes bonariensis). Métodos de cria y cultivo masivo. COPESCAL Doc.Oc., (9):35 p.

K556 Sen, S., 1995. The market of fish and fish products in Zimbabwe. ALCOM Field Doc., (34):55 p.

K557 Sugunan, V.V., 1995. Reservoir fisheries of India. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (345):423 p.

K558 Tacon, A.G.J., 1995. Pathologie nutritionnelle des poissons. Signes morphologiques des carences et intoxications alimentaires chez les poissons d’élevage. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (330):77 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K471, et en espagnol, réf. K559

K559 Tacon, A.G.J., 1995. Ictiopatología nutricional. Signos morfológicos de la carencia y toxicidad de los nutrientes en los peces cultivados. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (330):77 p. Public. también en francés, ref. K558, y en inglés, ref. K471

K560 Tave, D., 1995. Selective breeding programmes for medium-sized fish farms. FAO Tech.Pap., (352):122 p. Issued also in French, ref. K590, and in Spanish, ref. K591

K561 Tilquin, C. and L. Lechela, 1995. Strategies for fish production in lowlands reservoirs, Lesotho. ALCOM Field Doc., (31):76 p.

K561.5 Vallet, F. and J.E. Reynolds (comps), 1995. Review of aquaculture fundamentals and the LIBFISH Aquacomponent Programme: workshop proceedings (MBRC Tajura, Libya, 26-28 Nov. 1994). LIBFISH Tech.Briefing Note, (21):66 p. FAO/Libya Project LIB/88/009

K562 van der Mheen, H., 1995. Report on the Seminar on Aquaculture Extension in Zambia. 2-6 October 1995, Pan African Institute for Development, Kabwe, Zambia. ALCOM Field Doc., (36):17 p.

K562.5 van der Mheen-Sluyer, J., 1995. Aquaculture extension guidelines for small-scale farmers: based on experiences from a pilot project in Eastern Province, Zambia. ALCOM Rep., (16):74 p.

K563 Anon., 1995 Guía metodologica para la formulación e implementación de Planes locales para el Desarrollo de la Acuicultura (PLANDAC) en áreas lagunares costeras de México. México, D.F., Proyecto UTF/MEX/035/MEX, 76 p.


K564 Bórquez Ramírez, A. et al., 1996. Producción y alimentación de salmónidos cultivados en América Latina y el Caribe. FAO Fish.Circ., (918):88 p.

K565 Breuil, C., 1996. Revue du secteur des pêches et de l’aquaculture: République centrafricaine. FAO Fish.Circ., (912):34 p.

K566 CGPM/GFCM, 1996. Rapport de la première session du Comité pour l’aquaculture. Rome, Italie, 9-12 septembre 1996/Report of the first session of the Committee on Aquaculture. Rome, Italy, 9-12 September 1996. FAO Fish.Rep., (546):40 p.

K567 Coche, A.G., B.A. Haight et M.M.J. Vincke, 1996. Développement et recherche aquacoles en Afrique sub-saharienne. Synthèse des études nationales et plan d’action indicatif pour la recherche. CPCA Doc.Tech., (23):154 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K510

K568 Coche, A.G., J.F. Muir and T. Laughlin, 1996. Management for freshwater fish culture. Ponds and water practices. FAO Train.Ser., (21/1):233 p. To be issued also in French and Spanish

K568.5 Coulibaly, N.D., 1996. Situation des maladies piscicoles dans les pays sahéliens. Accra, Ghana, FAO Bureau Regional pour l’Afrique, 52 p.

K569 de Graaf, G. and H. Janssen, 1996. Artificial reproduction and pond rearing of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus in sub-Saharan Africa - A handbook. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (362):73 p.

K570 EIFAC, 1996. Report of the nineteenth session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Dublin, Ireland, 11-19 June 1996. FAO Fish.Rep., (541):62 p. Issued also in French

K571 FAO Fisheries Department, 1996. Fisheries and aquaculture in Europe: situation and outlook in 1996. FAO Fish.Circ., (911):54 p.

K572 FAO Fisheries Department, 1996. Fisheries and aquaculture in the Near East and North Africa: situation and outlook in 1996. FAO Fish.Circ., (919):37 p. To be issued also in French and Arabic

K573 FAO Fisheries Department, 1996. Fisheries and aquaculture in Latin America and the Caribbean: situation and outlook in 1996. FAO Fish.Circ., (921):54 p. To be issued also in Spanish

K574 FAO Fisheries Department, 1996. Fisheries and aquaculture in sub-Saharan Africa: situation and outlook in 1996. FAO Fish.Circ., (922):44 p.

K575 FAO/FIDI, 1996. Aquaculture production statistics/Statistiques de la production de l’aquaculture/Estadisticas de la producción de acuicultura. 1985-1994. FAO Fish.Circ., (815, Rev.8):189 p.

K576 FAO/RALC, 1996. Informe de la segunda Mesa Redonda de Coordinadores de la Red de Cooperación Técnica en Acuicultura y Pesca de América Latina. San José, Costa Rica, 28-30 de septiembre de 1994. Santiago, Chile, Of. Reg. FAO Am. lat. y Caribe, Doc. RLAC/96/12-PES-27, 82 p.

K577 Garibaldi, L., 1996. List of animal species used in aquaculture. FAO Fish.Circ., (914):38 p.

K578 Karpova, E.I., T. Petr and A.I. Isaev, 1996. Reservoir fisheries in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. FAO Fish.Circ., (915):131 p.

K579 Kumar, D., 1996. Aquaculture extension services review: India. FAO Fish.Circ., (906):72 p.

K580 Laureti, E. (comp.), 1996. Fish and fishery products: world apparent consumption statistics based on food balance sheets (1961-1993). FAO Fish.Circ., (821, Rev.3): 235p.

K580.5 Lavens, P. and P. Sorgeloos (eds), 1996. Manual on the production and use of live food for aquaculture. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (361):295 p.

K581 Maine, R.A., B. Cam and D. Davis-Case, 1996. Participatory analysis, monitoring and evaluation for fishing communities. A manual. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (364):142 p.

K582 Marashi, S.H., 1996. The role of FAO Regional Fishery Bodies in the conservation and management of fisheries. FAO Fish.Circ., (916):65 p.

K583 Martinez-Espinosa, M. (comp.), 1996. Report of the Expert Consultation on Small-Scale Rural Aquaculture. Rome, Italy, 28-31 May 1996. FAO Fish.Rep., (548):182 p.

K583.5 McHugh, D.J., 1996. Seaweed production and markets. FAO/GLOBEFISH Res.Progr. Rep., (48):73 p.

K584 O’Grady, K. (ed.), 1996. Examen par sous-régions et par sous-secteurs de la situation de l’aquaculture et des pêches dans les eaux intérieures des pays de la CECPI. Rapports sous-régionaux et sous-sectoriels présentés à la Consultation de la CECPI sur les stratégies d’aménagement de l’aquaculture et des pêches dans les eaux intérieures européennes pour le 21e siècle pendant la dix-huitième session de la Commission européenne consultative pour les pêches dans les eaux intérieures. Rome, Italie, 17-25 mai 1994. FAO Rapp.Pêches, (509, Suppl.1):91 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K551

K585 Paperna, I., 1996. Parasites, infections and diseases of fishes in Africa. An update. CIFA Tech.Pap., (31):220 p.

K586 Potipitak, K., 1996. Aquaculture extension services review: Thailand. FAO Fish.Circ., (910):46 p.

K587 Rainboth, W.J., 1996. Fishes of the Cambodian Mekong. Rome, FAO Species Identification Field Guide for Fishery Purposes, 263 p., 27 colour plates

K588 Schouten, V., 1996. European Union standards for fishery products. FAO/ GLOBEFISH Res.Progr.Rep., (50):111 p.

K589 Subasinghe, R.P., J.R. Arthur and M. Shariff (eds), 1996. Health management in Asian aquaculture. Proceedings of the Regional Expert Consultation on Aquaculture Health Management in Asia and the Pacific. Serdang, Malaysia, 22-24 May 1995. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (360):142 p.

K589.5 Tacon, A., 1996. European Aquaculture, trends and outlook, FAO/GLOBEFISH Res. Progr.Rep., (46):205 p

K590 Tave, D., 1996. Programes d’élevage sélectif pour les exploitations piscicoles de moyenne importance. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (352):134 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K.560, et en espagnol, réf. K591

K591 Tave, D., 1996. Programas de cría selectiva para piscifactorías de tamaño meno. FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (352):127 p. Public. también en inglés, ref. K560, y en francés, ref. K590

K592 Townsley, P., 1996. Rapid rural appraisal, participatory rural appraisal and aquaculture. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (358):109 p.

K593 van der Mheen, H., 1996. Report of the Technical Consultation on Extension Methods for Smallholder Fish Farming in Southern Africa. Lilongwe, Malawi, 20-24 November 1995. ALCOM Rep., (21):46 p.


K600 Coche, A.G. (comp.), 1997. An indexed list of FAO publications related to aquaculture, 1960-1997. FAO Fish.Circ., (924):71 p.

K601 Coche, A.G. (comp.), 1997. Aquaculture in marine waters. An indexed list of non-FAO reference books and monographs, 1961-1997. FAO Fish.Circ., (925)

K602 Coche, A.G. (comp.), 1997. Aquaculture in fresh waters. An indexed list of non-FAO reference books and monographs, 1951-1997. FAO Fish.Circ., (926)

K602.5 Coche, A.G. and J. Collins, 1997. Supporting aquaculture development in Africa. Information network for aquatic farming systems. A report prepared for the Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service of the FAO Fisheries Department in collaboration with A. Ziehi. CIFA Occas.Pap., (22),18 p. + 5 ann.

K603 Coche, A.G., J.F. Muir y T. Laughlin, 1997. Construcción de estanques para la piscicultura en agua dulce. Construcción de estanques de tierra. FAO Train.Ser., (20/1):355 p. Public. también en francés, ref. K604, y en inglés, ref. K536

K604 Coche, A.G., J.F. Muir et T. Laughlin, 1997. Pisciculture continentale. Les étangs et leurs ouvrages. Construction des étangs de terre. FAO Train.Ser., (20/1):355 p. Publié aussi en anglais, réf. K536, et en espagnol, réf. K603

K605 FAO Fisheries Department, 1997. Aquaculture. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries, (5):40 p.

K606 Haight, B.A., 1997. Report of the Technical Consultation on Species for Small Reservoir Fisheries and Aquaculture in Southern Africa. Livingstone, Zambia, 7-11 November 1994. ALCOM Rep., (19):39 p.

In Press

K610 Coche, A.G. and J.F. Muir, in press. Management for freshwater fish culture. Farms and fish stocks. FAO Train.Ser., (21/2). To be issued also in French and Spanish

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