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FAO is very active in conservation, management and sustainable use of wildlife resources, although the public, a number of development organizations and scientific institutions are not always fully aware of its involvement in the sector. Today, increased importance is given to the urgency for conservation of biological diversity. Documentation is being increasingly requested to record the importance of wildlife as a sustainable source for food security, especially for rural societies and indigenous people. Also, the opportunities provided by protected areas for income generation and improvement of living standards are being noted.

This document aims at giving information on the activities of the Organization in these fields. Such activities are integrated in rural or forestry development projects either as components of larger programmes or as specific initiatives aiming at conservation and management of protected areas, or the development of wildlife resources. They have been funded through three major sources including the Technical Cooperation Programme of the FAO Regular Programme, the United Nations Development Programme, including the GEF (Global Environmental Facility) and Trust Fund projects. Some regional activities were developed in cooperation with UNEP, especially in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.

It is hoped that this information will generate more interest in FAO initiatives among national and international partners, as well as promote further involvement of the Organization in wildlife, protected area management and the conservation of biological diversity.

The compendium entries and bibliography reflect a cooperative collaboration among many units and support services within FAO. All have helped pave the way for renewed cooperation and better sharing of the valuable human resources of the Organization.

Sincere thanks to all colleagues who contributed in the Agriculture, Fishery, Technical Cooperation and in particular the Forestry Operations Service, Sustainable Development and General Affairs and Information Departments. Under the supervision of Mr. El-Hadji Sène Chief, Forest Conservation, Research and Education Service and the guidance of Mr. Christian de Greling then Forestry Officer (Wildlife and Protected Area Management), Ms. Marcia Botelho, consultant to the Forest Conservation, Research and Education Service, has worked hard on this document to extract the dispersed information within the house; the practical advice and contribution of MM. Mauro Paolozzi (Forestry Planning and Statistics Branch), M.L Mechitarian (FAO Investment Centre), Gabriel Stergiou (WAI-CENT/FAOINFO Dissemination Management Unit), Ms. Edith Corossacz, Patricia Merrikin, Stefanie Ayazi of the FAO Documentation Group, Ms. Franca Monti and Annalisa Casponi of the Forestry Branch library are much appreciated.

M. Hosny El-Lakany
Forest Resources Division
Forestry Department

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