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In its original formulation the Code considered only coastal area management as exemplifying the problems of complex multi-use interaction in an aquatic resource. Similar problems arise in inland waters within river and lake basins where the need to compatibilize complex user systems is a fundamental part of landscape management. The following articles originally appeared in the Code as Article 10 - INTEGRATION OF FISHERIES INTO COASTAL BASIN MANAGEMENT. They have been reformulated here to underline their relevance also to basin management in terrestrial aquatic resources. In fact there is a growing body of opinion that the problems of multiple resource use in the coastal are should be linked to that of river basins through the marine basin concept.

Further commentaries on these articles are to be found in FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries 3 - INTEGRATION OF FISHERIES INTO COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT

See also Articles 7.1.4 and 7.1.6.

10.1 Institutional framework

10.1.1 States should ensure that an appropriate policy, legal and institutional framework is adopted to achieve the sustainable and integrated use of the resources, taking into account the fragility of riverine and lacustrine ecosystems and the finite nature of their natural resources and the needs of human communities residing within the basin.

10.1.2 In view of the multiple uses of inland waters, States should ensure that representatives of the fisheries sector and fishing communities are consulted in the decision-making processes and involved in other activities related to river and lake basin management planning and development.

10.1.3 States should develop, as appropriate, institutional and legal frameworks in order to determine the possible uses of inland resources and to govern access to them taking into account the rights of riparian fishing communities and their customary practices to the extent compatible with sustainable development.

10.1.4 States should facilitate the adoption of fisheries practices that avoid conflict among fisheries resources users and between them and other users of the river or lake basin..

10.1.5 States should promote the establishment of procedures and mechanisms at the appropriate administrative level to settle conflicts which arise within the fisheries sector and between fisheries resource users and other users of the river or lake basin.

10.2 Policy measures

10.2.1 States should promote the creation of public awareness of the need for the protection and management of riverine and lacustrine resources and the participation in the management process by those affected.

10.2.2 In order to assist decision-making on the allocation and use of the resources of river and lake basins, States should promote the assessment of their respective value taking into account economic, social and cultural factors.

10.2.3 In setting policies for the management of river and lake basins, States should take due account of the risks and uncertainties involved.

10.2.4 States, in accordance with their capacities, should establish or promote the establishment of systems to monitor riverine and lacustrine environments as part of the basin management process using physical, chemical, biological, economic and social parameters.

10.2.5 States should promote multidisciplinary research in support of river and lake basin management, in particular on its environmental, biological, economic, social, legal and institutional aspects.

10.3 Regional co-operation

10.3.1 States with sharing a river or lake basin should cooperate with one another to facilitate the sustainable use of the resources and the conservation of the environment.

10.3.2 In the case of activities that may have an adverse transboundary environmental effect in rivers and lakes, States should:

a) provide timely information and, if possible, prior notification to potentially affected States:
b) consult with those States as early as possible.
10.3.3 States should cooperate at the subregional and regional level in order to improve river and lake basin management.

10.4 Implementation

10.4.1 States should establish mechanisms for co-operation and co-ordination among national authorities involved in planning, development, conservation and management of river and lake basins.

10.4.2 States should ensure that the authority or authorities representing the fisheries sector in the river or lake basin management process have the appropriate technical capacities and financial resources.

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