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Summary and Conclusions


The following texts are submitted for adoption at Step 8:

- Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Refrigerated Packaged Foods with Extended Shelf Life (paras. 11-20, Appendix III);

- Revised Standard Wording for Food Hygiene Provisions, Section K of the Procedural Manual for endorsement, pending the advice from the Committee on General Principles (paras. 49-53, Appendix VI);

- Hygiene Provisions of Certain Milk and Milk Products Standards (paras. 54-61, Appendix VII).


· The following new work is proposed at Step 1 (see paragraph 108):

- Discussion paper on the Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Primary Production, Harvesting and Packaging of Fresh Produce, to be prepared by the drafting group lead by Canada, with assistance from Argentina, Chile, Denmark, Guatemala, Honduras, Japan, Mexico (as the host government of the Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables), United Kingdom and United States. The Proposed Draft Code should also address the issue of the use of manure in the production of sprout seeds;

- Discussion paper on the Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Pre-cut Vegetables, to be prepared by the drafting group lead by France, with assistance from Mexico (as the host government of the Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables), Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States;

- Discussion paper on the Proposed Draft Annex on "Cleaning and Disinfection" to the Recommended International Code of Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene, to be prepared by the United States, with assistance from the United Kingdom.

· The Executive Committee advice is also sought for:
- the use of the Accelerated Procedure for the amendment of Section 6.1.2 of the General Principles of Food Hygiene (para. 10, Appendix II);

- the proposal to conduct a Regular Survey of Member countries on the implementation of HACCP and related systems (para. 83).

- The Committee agreed that a Circular Letter be prepared to invite additional government comments to the Proposed Draft Code of Practice of Good Animal Feeding and that comments, including those already received, be referred to the Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods for consideration (paras. 96-99).

- The Committee decided to inform the Committee on General Principles of the proposal to amend the Food hygiene Provisions in "Relation Between Commodity Committees and General Committees" of the Procedural Manual (para. 53).

- The Committee agreed to discontinue development of the Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Uncured/Unripened and Ripened Soft Cheese as an independent Code, with the understanding that the work would continue as part of the elaboration of the more general Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products (para. 67);

- The Committee agreed to circulate the working document on Recommendations for the Management of Microbiological Hazards for Foods in International Trade for government comments (paras. 68-73);

- The Committee agreed to circulate working document on Broader Issues on the Application of Microbiological Risk Evaluation in International Food and Feed Trade for government comments in the light of Article 6 of the SPS Agreement (paras. 74-79);

- The Committee decided to circulate the conclusions of an ad hoc working group on priorities for the Revision of Codex Codes for government comments and recommended that CCFH formally assumes responsibility for work done under the Codex Committees on Meat hygiene and other Codes of hygienic practice which are currently the responsibility of Commodity Committees (para. 106).

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