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Consideration of the Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products[16] (Agenda Item 14)

62. The Delegation of the United States introduced the document on behalf of the drafting group. It was noted that the Proposed Draft Code had been formatted in accordance with the Recommended International Code of Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev.3-1997).

63. Several delegations commended the work done by the working group and stated that a high priority should be given to the development of this Code. The Delegation of the Netherlands, speaking on behalf of the Members of the EU, indicated that the HACCP principles, mentioned only in the Scope, needed to be further emphasized. The Delegation of the United Kingdom noted that the reference to pasteurization in Section 5.1 might need modification. The Observer from the International Dairy Federation stated that the Code of Practice for Dried Milk[17] could be taken into account in the elaboration of the Code. In relation to Section 9, the Delegation of Sweden indicated a need for labelling provisions for products made from raw milk. The Delegation of France stated that products from raw milk should not be considered as more risky than other products.

64. The Delegations of India and Kenya stressed the need to take into consideration various production systems in different countries, especially small dairy holdings. It was also stated that different milch animal products of importance to international trade should be taken into account during the elaboration of this Code.


65. The Committee agreed to convert the outline into a proposed draft code and circulate it for government comments at Step 3. The Committee confirmed that the drafting group would be lead by the United States with assistance from Argentina, Australia, India, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Uruguay and IDF.

[16] CX/FH 97/13; CRD 4 (comments from France); CRD 14 (comments from India)
[17] CAC/RCP 31-1983

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