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Date and Place of the Next Session (Agenda Item 20)

110. The Committee was informed that its 31st Session was tentatively scheduled to be held in Washington, D.C., October 26-30, 1998, pending confirmation by the United States and the Codex Secretariats.


Subject Matter


Action by:


Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Refrigerated Packaged Foods with Extended Shelf Life


23rd CAC

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 11-20; Appendix III

Hygiene Provisions of Certain Milk and Milk Products Standards


23rd CAC

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 54-61; Appendix VII

Revision of the Standard Wording for Food Hygiene Provisions, Section K of the Procedural Manual


23rd CAC

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 49-53; Appendix VI

Proposed Draft Principles and Guidelines for the Conduct of Microbiological Risk Assessment


45th EXEC, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 21-27; Appendix IV

Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Packaged (Bottled) Drinking Waters(Other Than Natural Mineral Waters)


45th EXEC, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 32-48; Appendix V

Proposed Draft Amendment to the General Principles of Food Hygiene

3/4 Accel proc.

45th EXEC, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 8-10; Appendix II

Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products


US, Argentina, Australia, France, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, UK, Uruguay, IDF, Governments, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 62-65

Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for the Transport of Foodstuffs in Bulk and Semi-Packed Foodstuffs


The Netherlands, Brazil, Canada, Germany, France, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, US, Governments, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 28-31

Proposed Guidelines for Hygienic Recycling of Processing Water in Food Plants


US, Governments, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 93-95

Proposed Draft Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding


Codex Secretariat, CCRVDF, CCFAC, Governments, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 96-99

Implications for the Broader Application of the HACCP System


Australia, Finland, India, Indonesia, Peru, UK, US, Governments, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 80-83

Development of Risk Based Guidance for the Use of HACCP-Like Systems in Small Business, With Special Reference to Developing Countries


The Netherlands, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, France, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, Spain, Thailand, UK, US, Governments, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 84-92

Recommendations for the Management of Microbiological Hazards for Foods in International Trade


Codex Secretariat, Governments, France, Italy, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, India, Japan, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Norway, UK, US, ICMSF, Governments, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 68-73

Broader Issues on the Application of Microbiological Risk Evaluation in International Food and Feed Trade


Norway, Denmark, France, India, Sweden, US, Governments, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 80-83

Proposed Draft Guidelines for Hygienic Recycling of Processing Water in Food Plants


US, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, paras. 93-95

Proposed Draft Recommendations for the control of Listeria monocytogenes in Foods in International Trade


Germany, Denmark, US, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 97/13A, paras. 50-52; ALINORM 99/13, para. 107

Discussion paper on the Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Primary Production, Harvesting and Packaging of Fresh Produce

45th EXEC, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Denmark, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Japan, Mexico, UK, US, CCFFV, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, para. 108

Discussion paper on the Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Pre-cut Fruits and Vegetables

45th EXEC, France, Mexico, Canada the Netherlands, Japan, Guatemala, UK, Uruguay, US, CCFFV, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, para. 108

Discussion paper on the Proposed Draft Annex on "Cleaning and Disinfection" to the Recommended International Code of Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene

45th EXEC, US, UK, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, para. 108

Prioritization of the Revision of Codes of Hygienic Practice

Codex Secretariat, Governments, 31st CCFH

ALINORM 99/13, para. 106

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