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Dr. Csaba Csaki is a native of Hungary and is Professor and Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences (BUES), as well as being the immediate past rector of BUES. From 1979-1995, he served as Dean of the Faculty of Production Economics. Currently, he is Senior Agriculture Advisor in the Europe and Central Asia Region of The World Bank.

Dr. Csaki was born in Turkeve, Hungary in 1950. He is married and has two children. After completing graduate study in Hungary, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California, Davis from 1971-1972. He developed the first country simulation model for a centrally planned economy and became a member of the agricultural research team at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria) from 1977-1982.

Dr. Csaki serves on the editorial boards of several international journals. His continuing research interests are in agricultural policy analysis and economic development. He is a widely known scholar of agricultural reforms in Central and Eastern Europe. Dr. Csaki is a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and of the International Policy Council for Agriculture and Trade. He received honorary doctorates from DePaul University (Chicago), State University of Gent (Belgium) and is a foreign member of the Ukrainian and Georgian Academies of Agricultural Sciences. He has held various consultancy positions with the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, the World Bank, OECD and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He was Vice-president of the European Association of Agricultural Economists from 1984-1987. Dr. Csaki became the President of the IAAE at the final session of the XXI Conference in Tokyo, Japan, and served in this position from 1991-1994. Dr. Csaki has edited, authored or co-authored several books and more than 150 articles.

Mr. Aart de Zeeuw currently serves as Vice-chairman of the International Policy Council on Agriculture, Food and Trade. During the Uruguay Round of the GATT negotiations, he chaired the Group on Agriculture. Mr. de Zeeuw is a former Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries in The Netherlands. He is also the former Head of the Horticultural Department of the Agricultural Economic Research Institute.

Dr. Tomas Doucha was born in Prague, September 27, 1943. He is a graduate of the Czech Agricultural University Prague. In 1991, he graduated as the Candidate of Sciences (M.Sc.) on management information systems in agricultural services. Since 1980, he has worked as a leading research worker in agricultural economics, since 1993, in the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Prague. He was responsible for many state, sectoral and grant research projects in the field of farm economy, farm management information systems, macroeconomic and structural developments in agricultural policy formation. In 1993-1994, he was responsible for the project of the Czech Grant Agency on parity between economic development in agriculture and in the national economy. Until 1995, he was responsible for the state research project on the concept of sustainable development in Czech agriculture, and in 1994-1996, he was responsible for the economic aspect of the ministerial task of forming a long-term agricultural policy. He also has participated in USAID, PHARE and other projects. He has collaborated as an expert with international institutions (OECD, EU, FAO), and he is a member of the European Association of Agricultural Economists and a member of the Executive Committee of the FAO/NAP network for research and development of agricultural policies in the CEE countries. Further, he is a member of the Board of the Czech Academy of the Agricultural Sciences, a member of the Scientific Board of the Czech Agricultural University, Prague, and a member of the National Agency for Agricultural Research. He lectures occasionally at Czech agricultural universities, and he provides supervision for M.Sc. students. He regularly publishes his research results in periodicals (both domestically and abroad), as well as presenting them at seminars, conferences and workshops, internationally and in the Czech Republic.

Dr. Dale Hathaway has been Professor and Chairman of Agricultural Economics at Michigan State University, senior staff member on the Council of Economic Advisors to the President of the United States, Programme Advisor in the Ford Foundation, Founding Director of The International Food Policy Research Institute, Under Secretary of Agriculture for International Affairs and Commodity Programmes from 1977-1981, a private economic consultant, and currently is Director of The National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy.

Ms. Kate Hathaway is a Senior Manager, Capital Markets at Price Waterhouse, currently working in its Financial Institutions and Reform and Expansion Project in India. Prior to joining Price Waterhouse, she advised financial institutions about financial market regulation and risk management practices. From 1989 until 1994, she served as Chief of Staff at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Prior to joining the CFTC in 1980, she was Director of Information at the International Food Policy Research Institute, technical editor on agricultural development for the Rockefeller Foundation, UN Development Programme, and special liaison for NGOs at the UN World Food Conference in 1974.

Dr. Leszek Klank was born in Poland in 1949. In 1971, he was graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics, SGPiS-SGH in agricultural economics, and in 1981, defended his Ph.D. dissertation. Since 1992, he has worked in the Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. His current position there is Professor of Agricultural Economics and Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agrarian Policy. He is also Professor of Finance in Mazurian University, Olecko. In 1994, he worked for the Institute of Agriculture and Food Economics in Warsaw, where, in 1989, he defended his professorship thesis.

Since 1990, he has served as an expert with several national and international institutions, including the World Bank, FAO and EU/-PHARE. During 1994-1996, he was a team member of the World Bank's rural finance project in Poland and is currently a senior consultant for the World Bank's project for regional development in northern Poland.

During his career he has visited more than 50 academic centres, including three long stays in the US. In 1991, under the auspices of the British Council he visited Oxford, London and Reading Universities. From 1978 to date, he has co-operated with the Institute of Economics, Budapest, among other institutions. He has published over 150 scientific papers and books.

Fields of specialisation: agricultural economics and policy, regional development, rural finance.

Dr. Rolf Moehler was born in Germany. After having studied philosophy and theology at Thbingen and Bonn Universities, law and economics at Munich and Bonn Universities, he obtained a doctorate in law from Freiburg University.

He served as an official at the German Federal Ministry of Economics and at the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bonn. From 1965 to 1974, he was first counsellor at the German Permanent Representation to the European Community in Brussels and afterward at the German Mission to GATT and to the UN in Geneva.

In 1981, he was appointed director at the Directorate-general for Internal Market and Industrial Affairs of the European Commission with responsibility for trade and industrial policy. In 1986, he became deputy director-general at the Directorate-general for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission with responsibility for international relations. He retired in 1996.

Dr. Michel Petit is a French national. In 1958, he received his diploma as Ingenieur Agromone, Agriculture from the Institut National Agronomique, and in 1964, his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Michigan State University. Prior to joining the World Bank, Dr. Petit served as a researcher at the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique before becoming a professor at the Ecole National Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques Appliquées, a position he held from 1968 to 1988. During his tenure at the Ecole National, he also served for two years as a programme advisor to the Ford Foundation and for one year as a visiting fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute. In 1988, he joined the World Bank as Director of Agriculture and Rural Development within the Office of the Director, and since 1994, has served as Director of the Environmentally Sustainable Development, Agricultural Research and Extension Group.

Dr. George E. Rossmiller was most recently Chief, Comparative Agricultural Development Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. He formerly held positions as Director, National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy, Resources for the Future; Executive Director, International Policy Council for Agriculture, Food and Trade; Senior Official, Foreign Agricultural Service, US Department of Agriculture; and Professor of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University.

Dr. Frances Sandiford-Rossmiller is an Agricultural Policy Consultant. She was formerly Reports Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization; Research Projects Officer, University of Manchester; and Chairman, Agricultural Economics Society.

Dr. Sandiford-Rossmiller and Dr. George E. Rossmiller are now consulting from their home in rural Devon, England.

Dr. Jerzy Wilkin was born in Lwowek Sl., Poland. He is a Professor of Economics at Warsaw University and Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences.

He collaborated with the following international organizations on the issues related to the transformation of post-communist economies and agricultural development: OECD, FAO, the World Bank and the European Commission. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the European Association of Agricultural Economists.

Fields of specialisation: The role of agriculture in economic development, agricultural and rural policy, comparative economic systems, theory and policy of economic transformation, institutions and institutional change in economic development.

FAO Agricultural Policy and Economic Development Series

1. Searching for common ground - European Union enlargement and agricultural policy, 1997

2. Agricultural and rural development policy in Latin America - New directions and new challenges/1997

3. Food security strategies - The Asian experience, 1997

4. Guidelines for the integration of sustainable agriculture and rural development into agricultural policies, 1997

This publication examines the beliefs and values commonly held in western and central Europe regarding issues related to the food, agricultural and rural sectors, and the effects of these beliefs and values on policy decisions. The analysis focuses on the imminent enlargement of the European Union to include some of the formerly centrally planned economies of central and western Europe. It is argued that, beyond the well-documented economic and political interests of the potential partners, divergences in the country policy positions are largely based on unrecognized or unacknowledged differences in values and beliefs.

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