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Annex 3 - GTOS Publications

Report of the GCOS/GTOS Terrestrial Observation Panel For Climate
Third session (Cape Town, South Africa, 19-21 March 1996). GTOS-1

Report of the Expert Meeting on Hydrological Data for Global Observing Systems
(29 April-1 May 1996, Geneva, Switzerland). GTOS-2

Planning Group Report - “GTOS: Turning a Sound Concept into a Practical Reality”
June 1996. GTOS-3

In Situ Observations for the Global Observing Systems
(Geneva, Switzerland, September 10-13, 1996). GTOS-4

Report of the Global Observing Systems Space Panel
Second session (Geneva, Switzerland, October 16-18, 1996). GTOS-5

Report of the First Meeting of the GTOS Steering Committee
(2-5 December 1996, Rome, Italy). GTOS-6

GTOS and the Conventions
Michael D. Gwynne, December 1996. GTOS-7

Report of the GTOS Coordination and Implementation Meeting
(12-15 May 1997, Rome, Italy). GTOS-8

Report of the Global Observing Systems Space Panel (GOSSP)
First session (Paris, France, May 27-30, 1997). GTOS-9

Report of the Meeting of Experts on Ecological Networks
(17-20 June 1997, Guernica, Spain). GTOS-10

GCOS/GTOS Plan for Terrestrial Climate-Related Observations
Version 2.0, June 1997. GTOS-11

GCOS/GOOS/GTOS Joint Data and Information Management Panel (JDIMP)
Third session (Tokyo, Japan, 15-18 July 1997). GTOS-12

GHOST - Global Hierarchical Observing Strategy
June 1997. GTOS-13

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