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Recently, with its policy of open door to the outside world. Vietnam is going to play an important role in South East Asia. In July 1995, it joined ASEAN as the seventh member of this Association and since then has done its best to cooperate with other countries of the region for economic, social and cultural development. Vietnam is also building up capacities to join APEC in 1998 and the World Trade Organization in the year 2000.

In forestry, Vietnam is going to cooperate with ASEAN countries, in particular for the implementation of the AFTA Programme in the year 2003.

It is going to develop activities for the issuance of certificates for all forest products as proposed by ITTO in the year 2000 (probably on a trial basis). For a number of years to come, Vietnam is going to close it natural forests for timber extraction; as a result, timber goods and commodities are to be imported from foreign countries, these imports include round wood manufactured timber, plywood, particle boards and other products.

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