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Under Executive Order No. 263, the Philippine Government adopts Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) as the national strategy to ensure the sustainable development of the country's forest-lands resources.

Here, the importance of the holistic and system approach to forest land management shall be emphasized. The management therefore of CBFM areas shall follow and shall be consistent with the overall strategy for development of a larger and/or entire watershed area.

The People-Oriented Forestry as community-based approach envisions that the sustained, effective and efficient management of forest-lands shall be undertaken by empowered local communities with strong, viable community organizations working in close coordination with DENR and other organizations such as Local Government Units (LGUs), Other Government Agencies (OGAs), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), Assisting Organizations (AOs), Research Institutions (RIs), and People Organizations (POs).

In this regard, a Community-Based Forest Management Office (CBFMO) has been created within the regular structure of the Forest Management Bureau - DENR per DENR Administrative Order 96-30, to oversee the implementation of various People Oriented Forestry Programmes. The functions of CBFMO include among others:

· Review all CBFMS and POF programmes and projects to identify issues and lessons learned;

· Draft policies, guidelines and procedures on CBFMS and POF;

· Prepare and monitor implementations of national CBFMS and POF programme of action;

· Serve as the repository of data/information on CBFMS and POF;

· Link with resources institutions within and outside the Forest Management Bureau to gain support for the implementation of CBFMS and POF;

· Assist the Foreign-Assisted Special Projects Office (FASPO) in packaging and monitoring projects supporting CBFMS and POF;

· Handle new CBFMS and POF programmes and projects as may be initiated; and

· Serve as Secretariat to the inter-agency CBFM Steering Committee.

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