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American Forests, 1996, Building Capacity to Develop Forestry Measures for Climate Change Action Plans, Reference Materials prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Country Studies Programme, American Forests, Washington, D.C.

Climate Network Africa 1995, "Report on Kenya Country Study on Joint Implementation."

Climate Network Europe 1996, "CNE Report of European Union Country by Country Situations."

Dixon, R. K., K. J. Andrasko, F.G. Sussman, M. A. Levinson, M.C. Trexler, T.S. Vinson, 1993 "Forest Sector Carbon Offset Projects: Near Term Opportunities to mitigate Green House Gas Emissions," Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Vol 70, p 561-577

Energy Information Administration, 1996, Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases: 1995f, Washington, DC, US Department of Energy

FAO, 1991, Mixed and Pure Forest Plantation in the Tropics and Subtropics, (Forestry paper #103), Rome:FAO

IPCC, 1996, Climate Change 1995: The IPCC Second Assessment Report Volume 2. Scientific-Technical Analysis of Impacts, Adaptations, and Mitigation of Climate Change. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

Joint Implementation Quarterly, 1996, "German Start AIJ Pilot Projects," Vol. 2, # 1, June, 1996.

Jones, D.J. and Marc Stuart, 1996, "Criteria For AIJ Project Design in Forestry: The Private Sector Perspective," Paper Presented at the 1996 USIJI AIJ Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 25-27 June 1996.

Jones, Tom. 1994, "Occupational Criteria for Joint Implementation," in Economics of Climate Change (Paris: OECD).

Kinsman, John D., Michael McGrath, Richard McMahon, Michael Rucker, Ronald Shiflett and Richard Tempchin, 1996. "A Status Report on Climate Challenge Programme's Voluntary Initiatives to Manage US Electric Utility Greenhouse Gases," For Presentation at 89th Annual Meeting; Exhibition Air & Waste Management Association Nashville, Tennessee, June 1996.

Lafstedt, Ranger E., Kalev Sepp and Laura Kelly, 1996, "Partnership to Reduce Greenhouse Gases in the Baltic," Environment Vol. 38, No. 6 (July/August, 1996)

Malin, Clement, 1996, "Joint Implementation: An Economic Strategy for addressing Environmental Concerns," Joint Implementation Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 1, p-6.

Manne, Alan S., and Richard Richels, 1994. "CO2 Hedging Strategies: The Impact of Uncertainty upon Emissions" in The Economics of Climate Change: Proceedings of an OECD/EIA Conference, Paris, OECD.

Matsuo, Naoki, 1996a, " Japanese AIJ Initiative," Joint implementation Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 2, p-4.

OECD, 1994 Climate Change Policy Initiatives: 1994 Policy Update (Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)

Owang, Jackton B. and Patrick Karani, 1994, "The Climate Convention: Joint Implementation of Greenhouse Gas Abatement Commitments," Nairobi, Africa Centre for Technology Studies.

Putz, Francis and Michelle Pinard, 1993, "Reduced Impact Logging as a Carbon Offset Method," Conservation Biology, Vol. 7, No. 4, P 755-757.

Rinebolt, David C., "The Potential for Using Wood for Energy and the Implication for Climate Change," Forest and Global Change: Forest Management Opportunities For Mitigating Carbon Emissions, Vol. 2, Ch-6, P-117 (An American Forest Publication, 1996)

Rose, Adam and Tom Titetenberg, 1994, "An International System of Tradable CO2 Entitlement: Implication of Economic Development," Journal of Environment and Development, Vol. 2, No. 1, P 1-33

Stowall, Debra, 1996, "US Agreements on Joint Implementation," Joint Implementation Online, January 1996.

Stuart, M. and Sekhran, N., "Developing Externally Financed Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Projects in Papua New Guinea's Forestry Sector: A Review of Concepts, Opportunities and Links to Biodiversity Conservation," PNG Biodiversity Conservation and Resource Management Programme/UNDP, September 1996

Stuart, M., DiNicola, A., Gray, G., "Carbon Offset Initiatives for Forest and Tree Activities in the South Pacific:A Review of Lessons and Opportunities from The Region And Beyond," July, 1996.

Stuart, Marc D., and Don Jones, 1995, "Carbon Offsets And Forestry: An Introduction", Pacific Islands Forests and Trees, Vol. 3/95, pp 11-12.

Sughandy, Aga, 1996, "An Interview: AIJ to Support Indonesia's Climate Change Policies," Joint Implementation Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 1, P 3-4.

Tattenbach, Franz, 1996, " Certifiable, Tradable Offsets in Costa Rica," Joint Implementation Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 2

Thailand Environmental Institute, 1995. Joint Implementation of Climate Change Commitments in the Tropical Forestry Sector: Thailand Policy Paper submitted to the Thai Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment.

USCSP, 1996, Steps in Preparing Climate Change Action Plans: A Handbook, U.S. Country Studies Programme, Washington, D.C.

USIJI, 1995, "Case Studies of USIJI Projects," Document prepared for USIJI Programme Conference, June, 1995.

World Resources 1994-95, Oxford University Press, p201, New York, 1994

Van der Gaast, Wytze. 1996, "JI/AU Initiatives during the Pilot Phase," The Netherlands: Joint Implementation Network.

List of Working Papers already released


Regional Study - The South Pacific


Pacific Rim Demand and Supply Situation, Trends and Prospects: Implications for Forest Products Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region


The Implications of the GATT Uruguay Round and other Trade Arrangements for the Asia-Pacific Forest Products Trade


Status, Trends and Future Scenarios for Forest Conservation including Protected Areas in the Asia-Pacific Region


In-Depth Country Study - New Zealand


In-Depth Country Study - Republic of Korea


Country Report - Malaysia


Country Report - Union of Myanmar


Challenges and Opportunities: Policy options for the forestry sector in the Asia-Pacific Region


Sources of Non-wood Fibre for Paper, Board and Panels Production: Status, Trends and Prospects for India


Country Report - Pakistan


Trends and Outlook for Forest Products Consumption, Production and Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region


Country Report - Australia


Country Report - China


Country Report - Japan: Basic Plan on Forest Resources and Long-Term Perspective on Demand and Supply of Important Forestry Products


Country Report - Sri Lanka


Forest Resources and Roundwood Supply in the Asia Pacific Countries: Situation and Outlook to Year 2010


Country Report - Cambodia


Wood Materials from Non-Forest Areas


Forest Industry Structure and the Evolution of Trade Flows in the Asia-Pacific Region - Scenarios to 2010


Decentralization and Devolution of Forest Management in Asia and the Pacific


Commentary on Forest Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region (A Review for Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua-New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, And Western Samoa


Asia Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook: Focus On Coconut Wood


Ecotourism And Other Services Derived From Forests In The Asia-Pacific Region: Outlook To 2010


Technology Scenarios in the Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector


In-Depth Country Report - India


People and Forests: Situation and Prospects


Non-Wood Forest Products Outlook Study for Asia and The Pacific: Towards 2010


Opportunities for Forestry Investment in Asia and the Pacific Through Carbon Offset Initiatives


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