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Submission of draft specifications to FAO

Any organization, commercial firm or interested individual is encouraged to submit relevant specifications, or proposals for revision of existing specifications, for pesticide products for consideration and possible adoption by FAO. Correspondence should be addressed to the Pesticides Information Officer, Plant Production and Protection Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

General guidelines on preparing draft specifications are given in Plant Production and Protection Paper 128, Manual on the Development and Use of FAO Specifications for Plant Protection Products, Fourth Edition, FAO, Rome, 1995 (available in English only).

Specifications which are considered suitable for further processing are assigned priorities and circulated to appropriate organizations and specialists for comment. Comments, together with other relevant information, are then reviewed in detail by the Group on Specifications of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Specifications, Registration Requirements, Application Standards and Prior Informed Consent. The drafts are converted into FAO Provisional Specifications, or full FAO Specifications.

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