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2.6 Calculation of dietary intake of pesticide residues

Theoretical Maximum Daily Intakes (TMDIs) were calculated for the JMPR by WHO (GEMS/Food) using the methods described in Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues (WHO, 1997). When information was available, International Estimated Dietary Intakes (IEDIs) were also calculated. Dietary intake assessments were not performed for amitrole or fipronil because no MRLs exist and none have been proposed. The ADI for guazatine has been withdrawn. Excepting fenamiphos and lindane, the intake assessments for all the pesticides evaluated at the present Meeting were below their ADIs. The results are summarized in Annex III. Details of the calculations will be made available at the 30th Session of the CCPR in April 1998.

The TMDI exceeded the ADI of fenamiphos in one of the five GEMS/Food regional diets. However, residue aspects of fenamiphos are scheduled for re-evaluation by the 1999 JMPR, at which time the dietary intake concerns are likely to be resolved. The Meeting recommended that a full re-evaluation of the toxicological and residue aspects of lindane be undertaken at a future Meeting, after which an assessment of intake can take into account the latest information.

Acute hazard intake assessments were not performed on fenthion or methidathion, inter alia, even though acute RfDs were established for them at the present Meeting, because a large portion size database has not yet been established by WHO. An FAO/WHO Consultation on Food Consumption and Exposure Assessment to Chemicals held in February 1997 provided further guidance in calculating acute hazard dietary intake, particularly to address the existence of single commodity units with residues well above the MRL. The Meeting looked forward to the publication of the report of this Consultation.

In response to concern expressed at the 29th Session of the CCPR about the MRL of 3 mg/kg for fenthion in virgin olive oil, the Meeting noted that a 60 kg person would have to consume 200 ml of virgin oil before the acute RfD would be exceeded. In the absence of data on the consumption of virgin olive oil relevant to acute hazard intake assessment at the international level, the Meeting invited governments to make available appropriate information on the consumption of food commodities by high-percentile consumers.

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