This page is for our readers to air their views and make their comments
. We encourage participation! So, please write to us with your ideas/views/comments and suggestions for items that you feel should be covered in future issues, at the address given on the first page.


Como ustedes saben, desde hace unos meses, nuestra revista Desarrollo agroforestal y comunidad campesina ha dejado de ser gratuita. Permanentemente recibimos gestos de aliento de mucha gente, pero también muchas cartas de organizaciones de base, de docentes rurales, etc. que quisieran seguir recibiéndola pero no pueden pagarla.

Hoy tenemos ya 260 suscriptores que pagan, pero necesitamos llegar a 750 en los próximos doce meses. Queremos pedirles vuestro apoyo, para ayudarnos a conseguir nuevos suscriptores. Varias son las formas en que nos pueden ayudar:

Esperando contar con su apoyo, los saluda cordialmente. (Chris van Dam, Proyecto desarrollo agroforestal en comunidades rurales del NOA, Casilla de Correo 559, 4400 Salta, Argentina)


Congratulations on bringing out the inaugural issue of Forest Energy Forum and thank you for sending me a copy. Bringing out a separate issue on forest energy recognizes the present and future importance of this sector for its potential in meeting the growing demand of energy and feedstocks in the form of derived solid, liquid and gaseous products. The information provided in the December issue is extremely useful and we hope to receive the newsletter regularly. (Prof. P.D. Grover, New Delhi, India)


The IPCC/OECD/IEA Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme is based in Paris and has been developing the Greenhouse Gas Inventories Guidelines since 1992. We are now in our second revision and some of the default methodologies recommend the use of FAO data for calculating national greenhouse gas emissions estimates (N2O from agriculture and CO2 from land-use change and forestry).

It would be useful to maintain close ties for the current year in which our work plan will be addressing the issues of inventory quality (including uncertainties and data verification), as well as the issue of sources and sinks in the land-use change and forestry sector. I would welcome any information you may consider useful on the methods used for collecting and reporting FAO information.

We will be holding an Expert Group meeting in Senegal from 5 to 7 May 1998 on the issues of harvested wood products and emissions estimates from land-use change and forestry. If you or any of your colleagues would consider it useful to contribute to or attend that meeting, please feel free to contact me or Bo Lim (head of the programme).

I thank you for your interest in our programme and look forward to our fruitful collaboration. (Pierre Boileau, IPCC/OECD/IEA Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme, OECD Environment Directorate, 2 rue Andre Pascal, Paris CEDEX 16, 75775 France. Fax: [+33 1] 45 24 78 76; e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]; http://www.iea.org/ipcc/general/invs1.htm)


En relación con la red de dendroenergía le informo que aunque no pudimos estar en la reunión regional de Cuba he logrado entusiasmar a la empresa en apoyar a la ONG Proleña con el fin de desarrollar un programa independiente, para financiar a pequeños y medianos productores a fin de incrementar la oferta de eucalipto. El proyecto Maribios podría apoyar esta idea. (Lic. Pedro Silva de la Maza, Jefe del Proyecto Forestal, Nicaragua Sugar Estates Ltd, Nicaragua)


I think the new publication gives an interesting overview of various relevant subjects and news items which will serve many foresters within and outside FAO. It will definitely help them to become more aware of the many different applications and great potentials of energy from forest biomass. I would like to congratulate you and your colleagues for this initiative! (Wim Hulscher, Bangkok, Thailand)

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