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Summary and Conclusions

The summary and conclusions of the 26th Session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling are as follows:

Matters for consideration by the Commission:

The Committee:

- agreed to advance to Step 8 the Draft Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods, with the exception of sections 5.1 and Animal Production, which were returned to Step 6 (para. 21, Appendix II)

- agreed to advance to Step 8 the Draft Recommendations for the Labelling of Foods that can Cause Hypersensitivity (list of ingredients) (para. 32, Appendix III)

- agreed to advance to Step 8 the Draft Amendment to the Standard for Fish Frozen Fish Sticks (declaration of fish core) (para. 36, Appendix IV)

- agreed to advance to Step 5 the sections on Definition and Allergens of the Proposed Draft Recommendations for the Labelling of Foods Obtained through Biotechnology (para. 49, Appendix VII)

Other Matters of Interest to the Commission

- agreed to return to Step 6 the section on the "25% rule" in the Draft Recommendations for the Labelling of Foods that can Cause Hypersensitivity (para. 32, Appendix VI)

- agreed to return to Step 3 for further comments the section on mandatory labelling in the Proposed Draft Recommendations for the Labelling of Foods Obtained through Biotechnology (para. 49, Appendix VIII)

- agreed to return to Step 3 the amendment to the General Labelling Standard proposed by the CCMMP on Class Names (para. 40, Appendix IX)

- agreed to return to Step 3 the Proposed Draft Amendment to the Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling (para. 53, Appendix XI)

- agreed to return to Step 3 the Proposed Draft Recommendations for the Use of Health Claims (para. 60, Appendix X)


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