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Proposed Draft Amendment to the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (Class Names) (Agenda Item 8)[7]

37. The Committee recalled that the provisions of the proposed draft amendment on class names for milk protein products and milk protein had been referred by the Committee on Milk and Milk Products and that the last session had agreed to circulate them at Step 3 of the Accelerated Procedure.

38. The Committee agreed with the suggestion of New Zealand for editorial changes in the definition of milk protein products by changing "traditional milk products" to "traditional dry milk products" and changing "whey protein" to "whey powder".

39. However, the Observer from the European Community proposed to replace the two classes with one class name for milk proteins as included in the current EC regulations and the Committee could not come to a conclusion at this stage.

Status of the Proposed Draft Amendment to the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (Class Names)

40. The Committee agreed to circulate both proposals (see Appendix IX) for additional comments at Step 3 of the Procedure and for consideration at its next session.

[7] ALINORM 97/22A, Appendix V; CX/FL 98/7 (comments from Denmark); CRD 10 (Canada)

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