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3. The Committee adopted the Provisional Agenda as proposed, and agreed to discuss the proposals of India (CX/MMP 98/12) and Cuba (CRD 10) concerning the use of the lactoperoxidase system for preserving raw milk; the proposal of France (CRD 16) concerning the elaboration of a Codex standard for cheese specialties; and, the proposal of the IDF for the revision of Codex Standards for Whey Powders (A-15) and Edible Casein Products (A-18) under Other Business and Future Work (Agenda Item 12).

4. The Committee noted the request of Italy to delete consideration of the elaboration of a Codex standard for “Parmesan” (CX/MMP 98/11) from the Provisional Agenda on the basis that Parmesan (Parmigiano Reggiano) was recognized all over the world. In view of the decision taken at the 2nd Session (ALINORM 97/11, para. 87), the Committee decided to consider its elaboration as scheduled under Agenda Item 11.

[1] CX/MMP 98/1 and CX/MMP 98/1 - Add. 1.

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