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Adoption of the Agenda (Agenda Item 2)[1]

4. The Committee deleted Item 4.3 of the Provisional Agenda (Food Safety Objectives) on the basis of the advice of the Executive Committee that this matter should first be discussed by the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems. On the basis of the proposal made by the Delegation of India, it agreed that there would be discussion on the following items of the agenda, but not a decision, in view of the late despatch of documents for the items concerned: Item 5, Item 6.1, Item 10. It agreed to discuss under Other Business the question of coordination between Codex Committees, especially in the areas of pesticide and veterinary drug residues.

5. The Committee adopted the Provisional Agenda as amended above, as the Agenda for the Session.

[1] CX/GP 98/1

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