Carbon Offset Glossary

ENERGIA News (featured in Forest Energy Forum No. 2)

Glossary: Carbon Dioxide and Climate

Regional Wood Energy Development Programme
FAO's Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia has a site packed with information.

Stoves Web site
The first image of an improved stove, from Priyadarshini Karve, can be viewed at this Web address. Check the link under the NEW heading.

Wood energy (in German)
The German home page of wood has a special Web site for wood energy.


Red Mundial en Bioenerg�a/Rede Mundial em Bioenerg�a

La Red Latinoamericana de Discusi�n en Bioenergia v�a Internet en lenguas portuguesa y espa�ola pasa ahora a ser una red de car�cter mundial, ya que 40 por ciento de sus miembros son de pa�ses fuera de la regi�n latino americana. El objetivo de esta red es facilitar el intercambio de informaci�n en las dichas idiomas sobre bioenerg�a, promoviendo as� un mejor conocimiento y desarrollo del tema.

Por lo tanto si usted desea participar en discusiones y enviar y recibir informaci�n sobre bioenerg�a, sin ninguna restricci�n geogr�fica, por favor incluya su direcci�n electr�nica en esta red contactando a Rogerio Carneiro de Miranda, administrador de la red: [email protected] o directamente a la red: [email protected]

Financing for Development Forum

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), publisher of Earth Negotiations Bulletin announces a new e-mail distribution list to facilitate information exchange on the high-level intergovernmental Forum on Financing for Development (FFD). This list has been established in cooperation with the UN Development Policy Analysis Division. The Second Committee of the UN General Assembly is expected to establish an open-ended ad hoc working group to begin formal preparations for FFD, which is to be held before the end of 2001.

FFD-L is a moderated list for the dissemination of news, information on past and upcoming meetings related to FFD, position papers and pointers to on-line resources such as Web sites and longer documents. It is intended to be a very focused list with short messages and links to other on-line documents. Funding for the establishment, moderation and maintenance of the list has been provided by USAID.

To subscribe send a message to [email protected] with the following in the body of the message: subscribe FFD-L. For assistance in subscribing, contact: [email protected]

For more information, please contact:
Mr Ian C. Kinniburgh,
Director, Development Policy Analysis Division,
Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
United Nations, Room DC2 2170,
New York, NY 10017, USA.
Fax: (+1 212) 963 1061;
e-mail: [email protected];




I am helping a small rainforest area in southwestern Ethiopia called Kafa

(the original home of coffee). I imagine that all your species will grow extremely well there (I've never seen a better climate - with 2 m of rainfall annually and some rain every month). I will look into ways to get them transferred into Kafa for tests. Could you say a bit more about the economics of growing these non-edible seed-oils? What are the preferred uses in India? Stoves? Lamps? (Ronald Larson)

We would certainly like to try for these plants in other regions. As for the economics and other details, I will first get my information confirmed from my agricultural scientist colleagues before passing it on to you. Right now these oils have not found as much use as they should in India. In some regions the tribal people make a garland of the seeds of jatropha to use as an improvised candle. As a child, I tried this out myself. I took a few fully ripened seeds and skewered them on a nail. I then lit one seed at the end of the row and it burnt quite well giving a slightly smoky bright yellow flame. I still remember that the seeds burnt one after the other and the string lasted much longer than I had expected.

In our Institute, we have so far not worked on ways of using the non-edible oils as fuel, but the discussion in this group on jatropha oil has certainly started us in that direction. So I will definitely have something to report in this context in a few months' time.

I will come back with more information on the oilseed species sometime next week. (Priyadarshini Karve)

Source: [email protected]

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