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Crop prospects improved following increased rains in mid/late September. Precipitation remained limited during the first dekad of September with light rains on southern islands mainly on 9 and 10 September. They increased significantly during the second dekad on all islands, but were more abundant on Fogo, Santo Antão and São Nicolau. During the third dekad, widespread rains were registered on 22, 28 and 29 September on southern islands. Maize and bean crops are generally developing satisfactorily in the humid and sub-humid zones of Santiago, Brava and Fogo islands where soil moisture reserves are good. On Maio and Boa Vista islands, crop development varies with the regions while on São Nicolau, plantings could start only after the first significant rains of 12 September.

Grasshopper infestations have developed on most islands. They caused some damage to maize on Santiago island, notably in Praia, São Domingos, Santa Cruz and Santa Catarina areas. Treatments have been undertaken.

A joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission is scheduled from 2 to 6 November to estimate the 1998 cereal production.

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