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9.1.1 In its previous report (GCOS Report #32; GCOS, 1997) TOPC identified priority variables for the terrestrial climate-related issues. To assist the user community to whom G3OS is designed to serve, over the last 6 months TOPC set out to identify important existing global data sets for these priority variables. The search was based primarily on the personal knowledge of the TOPC members, supplemented to some extent by web search tools. A number of such data sets were identified, and were discussed by subgroups during the meeting. For uniformity, a common template was used by all members.

9.1.2 An important aspect of the search was to ensure that the data sets are of adequate quality. It was realized that the utility of a data set depends on the purpose and that in practice it may be impossible to decide a priori whether or not a given data set meets the needs of a user. Therefore, an important condition regarding the suitability of a data set is that the data sets be properly documented in terms of data characteristics, calibration and processing, errors, etc. The template thus included several questions regarding data set quality.

9.1.3 The data sets identified through this process are described in Annex III. The experience obtained with this approach is discussed in the next section.


9.2.1 The discussion of data sets revealed several issues regarding the data sets review procedure.

9.2.2 The search carried out so far concentrated on global data sets. There are many continental or regional data sets of substantially higher quality. For users interested in specific regions, the data sets identified here are not the best starting point.


9.3.1 TOPC discussed the available data sets for terrestrial climate requirements, and the members noted problems and limitations of this approach. The results of this effort (Annex XI) will be forwarded to GOSIC to be entered on the web site.

9.3.2 The meeting participants endorsed the decision of JDIMP with respect to the division of responsibilities for the G3OS data sets identification and for the criteria for accepting a data set for the purposes of the G3OS (Section 2.3 above). The identification of additional or improved data sets will continue to be important. Given the limited resources available to TOPC such effort should continue to focus on global data sets. The meeting participants also emphasised that JDIMP should continue to deal with cross-cutting issues related to data access, particularly those related to policies, pricing and intellectual property aspects; and should promote harmonisation of metadata and associated metadata formats.

9.3.3 The following specific recommendations are made.

Recommendation 16: GOSIC should establish direct links to the data sets identified in Annex XI, and should include, in an appropriate form, the information from Annex III associated with each data set.

Recommendation 17: TOPC members should help identify data sets and develop the associated information, based on their scientific expertise and familiarity with these data sets.

Recommendation 18: In searches such as undertaken here, an attempt should be made to involve the best experts regarding each variable and associated data sets.

Recommendation 19: If feasible, G3OSs should consider the development of web-based tools for: a) effective searches that would identify new, improved existing, and deleted data sets; b) mechanisms for locating citations/studies employing certain data sets; and c) searches for groups of thematically or geographically related data sets.

Recommendation 20: JDIMP should define, and then widely publicize, a common set of metadata fields which should be provided with all data sets for G3OS-related applications. The metadata format should allow flexibility in the way the information is presented, i.e. it should be defined thematically rather than digitally.

Recommendation 21: GOSIC should include an appropriate disclaimer with the information contained in Annex 3.

Recommendation 22: GOSIC should make a provision for feedback by the users of the information in Annex 3.

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