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Proposed Terms of Reference

Under the general direction of the GTOS Chairman, the U.S. Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network Office (NET) will provide work toward the development and implementation of a global network of terrestrial monitoring sites (GT-Net). The focus of the work will be to implement a demonstration project for data exchange within GT-NET. The components described below will be integrated into ongoing International LTER research support activities at NET. These activities will be under the direction of the NET Associate Directors for Information Management, and Technological Development.

1. Develop an initial documentation and information centre for GT-NET at the ILTER Network Office in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA which will be made available via a web page developed with the Secretariat in Rome. This will serve as repository and dissemination point for data, policies on data management and dissemination, and documentation of methods from among the members of GT-Net.

2. Maintain a global database of metadata about the networks and sites participating in GT-NET based on the current MS Access version of the TEMS database. This work will be performed in consultation with groups in Corvallis Oregon (implementation of the current MS ACCESS version of TEMS) and Zurich, Switzerland (current Web/Oracle version of the database). Modifications made to the database will be made available on the Web via MS SQL Server interface and an ODBC data source. James Brunt, the NET Associate Director for Information Management will lead this effort to review the TEMS model, make necessary modifications to accommodate the demonstration project data, and implement the GT-NET database in MS SQL server and make the database accessible via a web interface.

3. Implement a demonstration project within GT-NET. This demonstration project will support the needs for global satellite data validation by the MODIS team of NASA, and provide global products from advanced satellite sensors useful to sites within GT-NET. Specifically, global products of land cover, snow cover, leaf area index (LAI), and net primary productivity (NPP) will be extracted from the NASA/MODIS product stream, and made available in a format useful for the participating sites. In exchange, similar validation data, or basic climatological information, as available from the participating sites, will be transferred to the NASA/MODIS team. This GT-NET demonstration project activity will be co-ordinated by John Vande Castle, NET Associate Director for Technology Development. He will be responsible to set up a system to reviewing existing data, collect data from GT-NET sites and transfer them to the NASA/MODIS team. A system will also be implemented to extract the data products from the NASA/MODIS team and provide it to participating sites within GT-NET

4. Provide computer support for the assembly and exchange of data to facilitate the work of the GT-Net, as agreed on by a case by case basis. NET Office computer servers and analytical software will be made available as needed to support these efforts. In the implementation of the GT-NET demonstration project, NET will evaluate the data requirements of the project and work with collaborating centres such as San Diego Super Computer Centre and NASA ORNL Distributed Active Archive Centre for future assembly, exchange and archive of data.

5. Develop a personnel database and managed email list server for GT-Net that can be maintained via web-based interface. Implementation of this system will be based on the models in use for the ILTER network and provide easy access for searching and updates.

6. Use accepted GTOS metadata policies, as set by GTOS for the release and exchange of data related to terrestrial measurements in consultation with network and site participants.

7. Develop a mechanism for documenting the various methods used for measuring or calculating terrestrial variables. Make the mechanism available for use by the members of GT-Net as well as other terrestrial monitoring networks and sites. Develop and maintain a library of methods that are used by sites and networks and provide a reference list of these methods on the web. For key variables, undertake efforts to harmonise measurement methodologies or other wise assure compatibility of data.

The preceding components represent the terms of reference for the U.S. LTER Network Office technical assistance to the developing Global Terrestrial Observing System Network. Development and Implementation will be done with existing NET staff under the direction of the Associate Director for Information Management, James W. Brunt, and the Associate Director for Technological Development, John Vande Castle. This effort will require additional time of these two individuals. These components will be integrated into ongoing NET activities spread throughout the year as part of the integration of GT-NET and ILTER activities and will be supported on NET computer equipment. Technological products such as the web site and database will be produced in standard format that can be easily transferred to other computer equipment in other GT-NET locations.

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