His Excellency Václav SlavíFek, Deputy Minister for Agriculture of the Czech Republic

I am very pleased that I have been appointed to address, on behalf of the Czech Government as well as myself, this noted assembly.

We are on the eve of the third millennium. It is a challenge for the population of our planet to solve global problems effectively. The right to the principal human needs such as food is high on the list of priorities among these problems. At present we are worried by the fact that besides the materially developed part of the world there is the part of the world with almost one billion undernourished people. This situation is unsustainable in terms of long-term stability. We have met to apply the principle of solidarity in a concrete way which represents a suitable solution for all of us.

The Czech Republic is, as far as the area is concerned, a small European country. Nevertheless, according to the results of our economic and social transformation, the Czech Republic ranks among the developed countries of the world. The Czech Government clearly accepts its commitment to contribute to the food safety of mankind.

Concrete activities which were begun by the Czech Government are as follows:

· Firstly, the preparation of consultancy centres for the Central Asia region, and training courses for experts from developing countries, especially in the fields of veterinary diagnostics, breeding, seed growing and agricultural technology; and

· Secondly, the inclusion of our experts in FAO projects.

Last, but not least, international trade plays a significant role in achieving food security and in making food available for all. The goal is that food be not only available in sufficient amounts, but that it should also be harmless to human health. Therefore the Czech Republic actively works in the Commission responsible for the preparation of the Codex Alimentarius.

In our Government's opinion, the solution to the food problem is not based on distribution of food, but on assistance to agricultural experts to provide food safety from domestic production in the future. Allow me to remind you of our basic principle: give a fishing-rod to the starving, not a fish. Elimination of people's starvation is one of the pillars of stability and safety of our planet. This is a common challenge for all countries. I do believe that the World Food Summit will contribute to this goal.

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