Mr. Mutsutami Harada, President of the Central Union of Agricultural Co-operatives (Ja Zenchu)

Today, there is a crisis in food security, as well as in family farming. These two realities are not coincidental.

In recognition of this, the Family Farmers' Summit on World Food Security was held in Rome today. More than 35 farmers' organizations from nearly 30 countries participated in this meeting, which was co-sponsored by the U.S. National Farmers Union, COPA/COGECA, the three Italian farm organizations, and JA Zenchu.

The purpose of this meeting was to renew ties amongst the family farmers of the world, and to discuss these two inter-related issues. The outcome of this meeting was the Family Farmers' Rome Declaration on World Food Security. Importantly, family farmers must play a paramount role in designing food security policies, both on the national and international level.

Agricultural policies and farm trade should be based on: principles of fairness and equity; the management of food reserves; and international food aid should be carried out in an orderly and balanced fashion, for developing as well as developed countries.

Lastly, the multifaceted functions of family farming must be recognized. Natural and economic resources must be preserved for future generations, who will work our land in the twenty-first century. Without their help, our efforts today will not be successful.

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