His Excellency Davíd Oddsson, Prime Minister of the Republic of Iceland

I would like to express my gratitude to FAO for the invitation to attend this important Summit on food security as well as to thank the Italian Government and the City of Rome for their kindness and hospitality.

Rapid advances in science and technology, during the twentieth century have resulted in previously unparalleled increases in food production in large parts of the world. This has not, however, been a global trend. There still exists the contradiction between abundance, on the one hand, and persistent hunger and malnutrition, on the other. Furthermore, population growth projections and environmental degradation, add to the urgency of resolving an untenable situation.

The attainment of global food security is not an isolated objective. It is closely interlinked with poverty eradication, human rights, gender equality, population growth and economic growth, within a framework of sustainable resource use. All these issues have been addressed by the United Nations in recent international conferences and are reflected in the Summit Declaration. The deliberations, here in Rome, will add a very basic human dimension to these important issues and place food security firmly on the international agenda.

My country depends for its livelihood mainly on fisheries and I wish to use this opportunity to draw attention to several issues related to fisheries and their importance for world food production.

Iceland has gained valuable experience in managing living marine resources. Some of the lessons we have learned apply to the management of fisheries in both national and international contexts. We have learned, for example, that scientific research into the marine environment and individual fish stocks, is essential to a sustainable management programme. We have learned that decisions on allowable catches must be in accordance with sound scientific advice and that they must be effectively implemented. We have also learned, through hard experience, that economic and ecological goals are inseparable in the long-term.

The potential of world fisheries to provide an even greater share of the nutrition required for present and future generation is considerable, but first the trend towards growing over-exploitation must be reversed and fish stocks must be managed constructively.

Constructive management of the world's marine resources means, among other things, that the management system adopted for the fisheries sector must be conducive to economic efficiency. State subsidies in many industrialized countries greatly increase the threat of over-exploitation of fish stocks. Moreover, international trade in marine products is obstructed by barriers and tariffs. Free trade in the fisheries sector would help rationalize the use of the important food resources in the oceans.

Constructive management of the world's marine resources also means that no resource should be precluded from sustainable harvesting. Opposition to limited utilization of marine mammals, despite firm evidence that the stocks in question are abundant, is environmentalism carried beyond reason and beyond the principle of sustainable development. The same applies to pelagic industrial fisheries.

Another essential step towards the rational utilization of the world's marine resources is, for the nations of the world to agree on rules to govern fishing on the high seas which, just like fisheries within coastal jurisdictions, must be under effective and accountable surveillance and control.

Last year's agreement, on the provisions of the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Migratory Fish Stocks, provides a good opportunity for nations with real interests to establish and strengthen regional organizations to control fishing in their respective areas. In dividing the total allowable catch, the coastal states concerned have special rights, in particular, those which depend heavily on fisheries.

The issue of high-sea fishing must be placed squarely in the context of future food security.

Iceland's bilateral development cooperation consists mainly in assisting developing countries in relation to fisheries policy and human resource development within the marine sector. This has demonstrated both the acute need for official cooperation in this field and the beneficial growth potential of such cooperation.

My Government, is determined to continue this effort. To underline this, Iceland will become host to the new United Nations University's Fisheries Training Programme from the year 1998. The programme will help promote both sounder marine resource management and greater professionalism within the fisheries sector.

Another condition which we must meet, if the world's oceans are to continue to serve as a lasting food source for all of humanity, is to protect the marine environment. Over the years, the oceans have been used as a dumping site for toxic substances and there is increasing evidence to suggest that many environmental contaminants and persistent organic pollutants in the sea, work their way into the food chain, compromising the health of present and future generations.

The implementation of internationally agreed measures is urgently required for halting the degradation of the marine environment. It is also relevant to recall that more than half of the world's population lives in coastal areas. The degradation of the marine environment is a direct health threat to many people.

As has been underlined by other distinguished speakers, the need for environmentally-sound policies and practice, is equally important in the context of other natural resources. Population growth and efforts to increase food production have harmed the environment. The consequences of soil erosion have been particularly dire in countries where people rely directly on the produce of the soil for their subsistence. This is a matter of global concern.

In light of our experience in fighting erosion, Iceland has offered FAO cooperation in supporting soil conservation in countries with similar conditions.

It is imperative that this World Food Summit of Heads of States and Governments make a firm commitment to ensuring that all possible measures be taken to secure adequate Food for All in the future. We must increase our cooperation and give priority to programmes which enhance the sustainability of the world's natural resources. We should not hesitate to review the work and the methods of multilateral development agencies. At the same time we should reward progress with financial support.

The World Food Summit both draws on and complements previous United Nations Conferences. It has focused attention on the most destitute segment of human society, those who suffer from hunger and malnutrition. It is important to convey a clear message from Rome and our message must be that our ultimate objective, in relation to food insecurity, is to eliminate it altogether.

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