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The summary and conclusions of the Eleventh Session of the Codex Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean are as follows:

Matters for approval by the Commission:

The Committee:

- agreed to nominate Mr. Luis Feliz Roa (Dominican Republic) for appointment as Regional Coordinator by the 23rd Session of the Commission (para. 99)

- agreed to advance to Step 5 the Proposed Draft Revised Regional Code of Practice for the Preparation and Sale of Street-Vended Foods (para. 74, Appendix II)

Other matters of interest to the Commission:

The Committee:

- noted the progress made in the strengthening of Codex Contact Points and National Codex Committees in the region and proposed that a regional meeting of Contact Points should be held in conjunction with the next session (paras. 85-98)

- agreed to propose that the Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants consider levels for aflatoxins in almonds (para. 105)

- considered the report of the Workshop on Risk Analysis and Food Standards and identified the needs of the region in this area (paras. 54-55)

- noted the progress of harmonization of food legislation and the extensive use of Codex standards and MRLs as reference in the framework of economic integration organizations and at the national level (paras. 23-41)

- exchanged information on consumer participation in Codex work and agreed to consider the matter again at its next session (paras. 75-84)

- agreed to continue consideration of contamination by Salmonella and emerging pathogens in the Region at its next session (para. 49)

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