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Matters Referred from Codex Committees (Agenda Item 2)[2]

6. The Committee was informed of the response of the Chair of the SPS Committee with regard to the request made by the 22nd Session of the Commission to obtain clarification on how the Committee would “differentiate standards, guidelines and other recommendations” in response to the SPS Agreement. The Committee noted the opinion of the Executive Committee (June 1998).

7. The Committee noted that the 22nd Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling had agreed to refer “Criteria For Evaluating Methods of Analysis For Codex Purposes” (Annex of CX/FICS 99/2) which deals with trade dispute situations to this Committee for consideration. The Committee decided to discuss this matter under Other Business and Future Work (see paras. 100 -102).

8. The Committee also noted that most of other items would be discussed under relevant agenda items.

9. The representative of WHO informed the Committee of the progress on the revision process of the International Health Regulation (IHR). The Committee was informed that the first version of the proposed revised International Health Regulation was distributed to WHO Member States in February 1998. The second revision would be circulated to WHO Members and other relevant international organizations for further consultation within 1999 taking into account the evaluation of pilot studies on the “Notification of Syndromes”.

[2] CX/FICS 99/2

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