Annex 2

References and further information

Pesticide disposal

GIFAP. 1991. Disposal of unwanted pesticide stocks: guidance on the selection of practical options. Brussels, Groupement International des Associations Nationales de Fabricants de Produits Agrochimiques.

GLOBE. 1993. Prevention and elimination of obsolete pesticide stocks in developing countries. H.P. van der Wulp for the Global Legislators' Organization for a Balanced Environment. Amsterdam, AIDEnvironment.

GTZ. Various papers on disposal of pesticides by cement kiln, delivered at symposia by W.A. Schimf.

IMO. 1994. International maritime dangerous goods code, 27th ed. London. (Gives details on packaging requirements for transport of obsolete pesticides by sea.)

OECD. 1995. Guidelines for aid agencies on pest and pesticide management. DAC Guidelines on Aid and Environment, No. 6. Paris.

UN. 1995. Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods. 9th revised ed. New York and Geneva. (Gives details on packaging requirements for transport of obsolete pesticides.)

UNEP/IRPTC. 1985. Treatment and disposal methods for waste chemicals. Geneva. (Contains brief information on recommended methods for treatment and disposal of individual chemicals.)

UNEP/SBC. 1994a. Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous goods and their disposal, 1989, and decisions adopted by the first (1992) and second (1994) meetings of the conference of parties. Geneva, UNEP Secretariat of the Basel Convention.

UNEP/SBC. 1994b. Technical guidelines on specially engineered landfill (D5). Geneva, UNEP Secretariat of the Basel Convention.

UNEP/SBC. 1994c. Technical guidelines on incineration on land (D10). Geneva, UNEP Secretariat of the Basel Convention.

UNEP/SBC. 1997. Technical guidelines on biological treatment (D8). Geneva, UNEP Secretariat of the Basel Convention.

USAID. 1990. Elimination of pesticides in a cement kiln in Pakistan. G. Hartig Huden. Washington, DC, Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance.

US-EPA. 1994a. Innovative site remediation technology: thermal destruction. Volume 7. Pub. No. EPA/542/B-94/003. Washington, DC.

US-EPA. 1994b. Superfund innovative technology evaluation program: technology profiles. 7th ed. Pub. No. EPA/540/R-94/526. Washington, DC, US-EPA Office of Research and Development.

World Bank/WHO/UNEP. 1989. The safe disposal of hazardous wastes: the special needs and problems of developing countries. Vols. I-III. World Bank Technical Paper No. 93. R. Batstone, J.E. Smith Jr. and D. Wilson. Washington, DC.

Prevention of accumulation of obsolete pesticides

FAO. 1995a. Provisional guidelines on prevention of accumulation of obsolete pesticide stocks. Rome.

FAO. 1995b. Guidelines for the packaging and storage of pesticides. Revised version. Rome.

FAO. 1996a. Disposal of bulk quantities of obsolete pesticides in developing countries. Rome.

FAO. 1996b. Pesticide storage and stock control manual. Rome.

FAO. 1997. Guidelines on construction of simple pesticide storage facilities, using locally available material in developing countries. Rome.

GIFAP. 1985. Options for ensuring quality in stored products. Technical Monograph No. 10. Brussels.

GIFAP. 1988. Guidelines for safe warehousing of pesticides. Brussels.

UNEP/IEO. 1990. Storage of hazardous materials: a technical guide for safe warehousing of hazardous waste. Technical Report Series No. 3. Paris, UNEP Industry and Environment Office.

General pesticide management

BCPC. 1995. The pesticide manual. 10th ed. A world compendium. Lavenham, Suffolk, UK, British Crop Protection Council/Lavenham Press Limited. (Contains brief information on recommended disposal methods for individual products.)

ESCAP. 1994. Agro-pesticides: properties and functions in integrated crop protection. Bangkok, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.

FAO. 1990. International code of conduct on the distribution and use of pesticides. Amended version. Rome.

FAO. 1994. Provisional guidelines on tender procedures for the procurement of pesticides. Rome.

FAO. 1995c. Guidelines on good labelling practice for pesticides. Rome.

FAO. 1995d. Manual on the development and use of FAO specifications for plant protection products, 4th ed. (The FAO specifications for plant protection products are a continuing series of documents specifying chemical and physical properties of individual pesticides, published by FAO, Rome.)

GIFAP. 1985. Guidelines for quality control of pesticides. Brussels.

GIFAP. 1987. Guidelines for the safe transportation of pesticides. Brussels.

GIFAP. 1989. Guidelines for the safe and efficient use of pesticides. Brussels.

MPC. Farm chemical handbook. Willoughby, Ohio, USA, Meiser Publishing Company. (Published annually.)

OECD. Good laboratory practice and Data interpretation guides. Paris.

UN. 1994. Consolidated list of products whose consumption and/or sale have been banned, withdrawn, severely restricted or not approved by governments. New York.

UNCED. 1992. Agenda 21: Chapter 20 on environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes including prevention of illegal international traffic in hazardous waste. Adopted 14 June 1992, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

UNIDO. 1992. Integrated international safety guidelines for pesticide formulation in developing countries. Vienna.

US-EPA. 1989. Recognition and management of pesticide poisonings. Washington, DC, United States Environmental Protection Agency.

WHO. 1985. Specifications for pesticides used in public health, insecticides, molluscicidea, repellents, methods. 6th ed. Geneva.

WHO. 1990a. The public health impact of pesticides used in agriculture. Geneva.

WHO. 1990b. Chemistry and specifications of pesticides. Technical Report Series No. 798. Geneva.

WHO. 1992. Control technology for the formulation and packaging of pesticides. Geneva.

WHO. 1998. Recommended classification of pesticides by hazard. Document WHO/PCS/98.21/Rev.1. Geneva.


FAO. Specifications for plant protection products. (A continuing series of documents specifying chemical and physical properties of individual pesticides.)

IPCS. Environmental health criteria. (A continuing series giving information on the environmental behaviour of specific products.)

IPCS. Health and safety guides. (A continuing series of small booklets giving safety information on specific products.) IPCS. International chemical safety cards. (A continuing series of one-page information cards on the safe handling, use and disposal of specific pesticides.) Geneva, International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS). Can be ordered from the office for official publications of the EU.