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14) The Committee recalled that its last session had agreed that a discussion paper should be prepared by a Drafting Group[7] to consider the integration of working principles for risk analysis into the work on additives and contaminants. The Delegation of the United States introduced the document, which considered the prioritization of work, the principles for risk assessment policy, and was intended to provide a framework for risk management decisions. Aspects relating to risk communication were emphasized, and specific questions concerning the working relationship between JECFA and CCFAC were put forward for consideration. The Delegation proposed that the paper should also be considered by JECFA in order to ensure a general policy for risk assessment and risk management could be applied to food additives and contaminants.

15) The Committee expressed its appreciation to the Delegation of the United States for this important paper. It was noted that further consideration should be given to its recommendations as it had not been circulated for comments prior to the meeting. Several delegations stressed the need to strengthen risk communication between JECFA, responsible for risk assessment and CCFAC, responsible to carry out risk management. The Committee agreed that input from JECFA would be necessary in the development of the paper and in order to define risk analysis principles.

16) In response to the remarks from the Delegation of Germany, speaking on behalf of the Member States of the European Union, concerning priorities for JECFA, the Committee recalled that JECFA was an independent FAO/WHO body setting its own priorities in accordance with its working procedures, while CCFAC made proposals concerning the establishment of priorities for JECFA, in the light of its own needs as related to risk management decisions. The Committee had an exchange of views on the issues which needed to be considered in the further development of working principles for risk analysis, and identified the following: the consideration of regional variations in intake; transparency in risk assessment decisions; the development of risk communication between risk assessors and risk managers and also between the CCFAC and other Codex Committees. The Committee noted that with input from the JECFA Secretariat consideration should be given to the development of a risk assessment policy statement.

17) The Committee agreed that the paper should be revised in the light of the comments received and the above discussions, in cooperation with the JECFA Secretariat, for consideration at the next session. The Committee agreed to inform the Commission about its continuing work on the integration of risk analysis principles.

[6] CX/FAC 99/4, CRD 4 (comments of Thailand, European Community)
[7] Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States

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