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65) The Committee noted that Specifications for the Identity and Purity of Food Additives arising from the 51st JECFA meeting (FAO FNP 52, Add. 6) had been circulated for comments under CL 1998/11-FAC. Based on recommendations made by the Ad hoc Working Group on Specifications, the Committee forwarded the substances in Category I to the Commission for adoption as Codex Advisory Specifications (see Appendix VII), and referred those in Category III (see CRD2) back to JECFA for further advice.

66) The Delegation of the Philippines expressed its objection to the review of synonyms for Processed Euchema Seaweed and agreed to forward its objections to JECFA for further consideration.

67) The Committee noted that the Ad hoc Working Group had discussed the specification for Gum Arabic in detail but did not assign a category. The Delegation of Sudan proposed the establishment of distinct specifications for the gum obtained from Acacia senegal and the gum obtained from Acacia seyal to recognise significant differences in their characteristics. Several other delegations supported a specification for gum arabic obtained from Acacia senegal, Acacia seyal and other related species as this reflected current production and trade practices.

68) Following further discussion in plenary, the Committee agreed to forward the specification in FNP 52-Add.6 which cites only Acacia senegal and Acacia seyal as a source of Gum Arabic to the Commission for adoption as a Codex Advisory Specification. The Delegation of Sudan stated that more information was needed for the specification and offered to provide such information. The Committee recalled that all specifications adopted by the Commission were subject to possible future change if and when new data was developed warranting a re-evaluation by JECFA. The Committee placed the monograph in Category II so as to include the four amendments as discussed in the Working Group (see Appendix VII).

69) The Committee expressed its appreciation to the Ad hoc Working Group, chaired by Dr. P.M. Kuznesof (USA) with Mrs H. Wallin (Finland) and Mrs. I. Meyland (Denmark) as Rapporteur and Category Monitor, respectively. The Committee agreed that the Working Group was an important forum for member countries and international organisations to discuss technical issues regarding specifications, in a transparent manner. The Committee therefore re-established the Ad hoc Working Group on Specifications under the Chairmanship of the United States, with the task of reviewing specifications arising from the 53rd JECFA meeting prior to the 32nd Session of CCFAC.

[13] CX/FAC 99/9 (Request for comments and Provisional Agenda for the ad hoc Working Group on Specifications) CX/FAC 99/9-Add.1 (comments of Nigeria, AIPG, IFCGA, Marinalg International), CRD 2 (Report of the ad hoc Working Group on Specifications)

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