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Application of Rule VII of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure: Attendance of Members at Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies (Agenda Item 9)[29]

96. The Committee noted that the Codex Coordinating Committee for Europe had asked for clarification on the application of Rule VII concerning the participation of Members of the Commission as Observers in subsidiary bodies of the Commission in relation to Rule III concerning the composition of the Executive Committee, in order to determine to what extent they had the possibility of attending meetings of the Executive Committee (ALINORM 99/19, para. 46). Advice had been sought from Legal Counsel and the views of Legal Counsel were before the Committee.

97. The Committee noted the views of Legal Counsel that the Executive Committee was a subsidiary body of the Commission and that consequently any Member of the Commission that had a special interest in the work of the Commission may attend sessions of the Executive Committee as an observer. Nevertheless, Legal Counsel also noted that Members of the Commission that are not Members of the Executive Committee have not, in practice, participated in its meetings, nor had any requests been received to that effect. This was in line with practice in other FAO bodies.

98. It was noted that current working procedures allowed the participation of twoadvisors to Regional Representatives, and that these advisors could be from countries in the Region other than the country of the Representative. Moreover, the interests of the Region were strengthened by the attendance of the Regional Coordinators at sessions of the Executive Committee.

99. The Delegations of Japan and the Republic of Korea stated that, in their view, the representation of Members on the Executive Committee should be proportional to their membership in the Commission.

100. The Committee decided that the current situation in regard to the participation of Members of the Commission as observers in the Executive Committee was satisfactory and that there was no need to change the current arrangements in this regard.

[29] CX/GP 99/13.

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