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Appendix V: Draft Core Functions of Codex Contact Points

(submitted to the Commission for adoption)

The operation of Codex Contact Points will differ in each country depending on national legislation, government structures and practices.

Codex Contact Points:

1 Act as the link between the Codex Secretariat and Member countries;

2 Coordinate all relevant Codex activities within their own countries;

3 Receive all Codex final texts (standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other advisory texts) and working documents of Codex sessions and ensure that they are circulated to those concerned within their own countries;

4 Send comments on Codex documents or proposals to the Codex Alimentarius Commission or its subsidiary bodies and/or the Codex Secretariat;

5 Work in close cooperation with the national Codex committee, where such a committee has been established. The Codex Contact Point acts as the liaison point with the food industry, consumers, traders and all other concerned to ensure that the government is provided with an appropriate balance of policy and technical advice upon which to base decisions relating to issues raised in the context of the Codex work;

6 Act as a channel for the exchange of information and coordination of activities with other Codex Members;

7 Receive the invitation to Codex sessions and inform the relevant chairpersons and the Codex Secretariat of the names of participants from their own countries;

8 Maintain a library of Codex final texts; and

9 Promote Codex activities throughout their own countries.

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