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133. The Committee agreed to add two new pesticides to the priority list, flutolanil, proposed by the United States, and quinclorac, proposed by Canada. Flutolanil and quinclorac were tentatively scheduled for toxicological and residue review in 2002 and 2003, respectively. Because support could not be identified for pyrifenox, it was removed from the priority list and the agenda of the 1999 JMPR.

134. Azocyclotin, chinomethionat, and phosphamidon were not supported for periodic reevaluation. Clofentezine and triadmefon would be supported, and they had been added to the schedule for periodic reevaluation. The periodic reevaluation of residues of endosulfan was delayed from 2000 to 2003. The toxicological evaluation of guazatine was moved from 2002 to 2001, and the evaluation of guazatine residues in citrus fruits was tentatively scheduled for review in 2001.The periodic toxicological reevaluation of cyhexatin was delayed from 2002 to 2003. It was noted that the toxicological and residue evaluations of tolylfluanid in 2002 were actually periodic reevaluations.

135. The manufacturer of metalaxyl indicated that an isomer, metalaxyl-M, would be supported. Data could be made available by 2002. This substance had been tentatively scheduled for periodic toxicological and residue reevaluation in 2002 and 2003, respectively. Chlormequat had been tentatively scheduled for toxicological evaluation in 2000 to consider the establishment of an Acute RfD, and the dithiocarbamates had been scheduled for evaluation of residues in 2002.

136. Attention was drawn to the fact that periodic reevaluations by the JMPR had sometimes been delayed at the request of the manufacturer, in some cases for several years, which was not consistent with the periodic review procedure. The Committee asked the informal group on priorities to consider this issue at its next meeting.

137. The Committee expressed its appreciation to the FAO Secretary of JMPR for preparing a document detailing the rationale and summarizing available data on compounds scheduled for review of residues in 1999 and 2000. The JMPR Secretariat indicated that the preparation of the document would be facilitated by the submission of information by manufacturers on which commodities would be supported for the development of MRLs. The preparation of such a document at future meetings was encouraged.

138. The Committee thanked the informal group on priorities, under the chairship of Dr R. Eichner (Australia), for proposing the priority list[33] and agreed that an informal group on priorities should convene at is next Session under the chairship of Dr T. Doust of Australia.

[32] CX/PR 99/11, CRD 6.
[33] Appendix VII.

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