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35) The Committee recalled that the last Session agreed to forward the Draft Amendment concerning the list of ingredients which should be always be declared to Step 8, while it decided to return Section (on the 25% rule) to Step 6 with the figure 5% in square brackets.

36) The Committee had an exchange of views on the proposed amendment. Some delegations, including Italy, expressed their view that the reduction of the level to 5% did not have scientific justification. Other delegations suggested a full declaration of ingredients and deletion of the last sentence in, as detailed information on ingredients was important to consumers suffering from allergy or intolerance and to allow fully informed choice. However, those delegations also recognized the difficulties in its practical implementation and indicated that the reduction to 5% represented an acceptable compromise and was important for the purposes of consumer information in general. It was also pointed out that the 25% rule was set out for practical purposes and had no scientific basis. The Observer from Consumers International objected to retaining 25% and supported the deletion of any percentage rule.

37) The Observer from the European Community informed the Committee that they were considering the revision of current EC Directive 79/112 that exempts labelling of composite ingredients representing less than 25%. The Observer expressed the view that the figure of 5% should therefore remain in square brackets and that this matter should be considered from a general point of view.

38) The Committee noted that the reduction to 5% would offer an improved information for affected consumers although it would not completely solve the problem of hypersensitivity and that this provision should be seen in conjunction with the list of ingredients which are known to cause hypersensitivity and shall always be declared. The Committee also noted that the discussion in JECFA about the criteria for inclusion of substances in the list would further improve the scientific basis of those labelling provisions.

Status of the Draft Amendment to the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods

39) The Committee agreed to remove the square brackets from the figure of 5% and to forward the Draft Amendment to Step 8 for adoption by the 23rd Session of the Commission (see Appendix III).

[4] ALINORM 99/22 Appendix VI, CX/FL 99/5(Comments from New Zealand, United States), CX/FL 99/5 Add.1 (Norway), Add.2 (Denmark), Add.3 (Thailand), Add.4 (Canada, Italy), CRD 11 (Chile)

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