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The question of land tenure is returning to the agenda and many countries are showing renewed interest in the different ways of accessing natural resources with a view to the eventual introduction of land tenure reforms, in the context of food security, worldwide poverty alleviation, environmental protection or quality of life. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has therefore prepared the English version of the Multilingual thesaurus on land tenure. It constitutes the third volume of a linguistic polyptych, starting with the French and Spanish versions, and continuing with a complete adaptation in English. This comprehensive reading covers the socio-cultural differences in the field of land tenure of the different linguistic contexts in which they are found.

It is hoped that the thesaurus will contribute to clarifying the debate on land tenure as well as to making the related field interventions more efficient thanks to the presentation of an unambiguous or unequivocal terminology of the various subject matters related to land tenure. It can serve as a reference document for field experts involved in the execution of projects with a land tenure component; for those laymen who wish to approach the many sectors of land tenure, by better orienting them among the specialized literature; as well as for experienced researchers in the many related disciplines.

ISBN 92-5-104283-7


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