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The growing season has started in the south. The first significant rains fell in the extreme south in mid or late April. They progressed northwards but decreased in late May. In early June, rains improved in the west. Land preparation is underway and first planting of millet and sorghum has started in the south. Pastures have started to regenerate in Sikasso, southern Kayes and Koulikoro regions. Seed availability is adequate following the 1998 record crop.

A large population of grain eating birds covering about 200 hectares was reported in early May in Bakélé (Ténenkou region). Control operations have been undertaken over 150 hectares. The birds moved to the Office du Niger area in mid-May, where treatments are underway. Isolated Desert Locusts may be present in a few areas in the Adrar des Iforas. Small scale breeding could occur once the seasonal rains commence.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

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