FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/99 - ANGOLA* (15 June)

ANGOLA* (15 June)

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission in May forecast the 1999 cereal production at 533 000 tonnes, which is 11 percent below last year’s, mainly reflecting the impact of renewed displacement of rural people. Production of cassava, an important staple, is estimated to have declined slightly from last year, while bean production declined by an estimated 21 percent. For the 1999/2000 marketing year, domestic cereal supply, estimated at 562 000 tonnes, falls seriously short of national consumption requirements. Cereal import requirement for 1999/2000 marketing year is estimated at 505 000 tonnes, which compares with actual cereal imports of 420 000 tonnes during the previous marketing year. Of the estimated cereal import requirement, the Mission estimated that 325 000 tonnes would be imported commercially, leaving 180 000 tonnes to be covered by food aid.

In addition, the Mission highlighted the need to allocate land for cultivation by IDPs and the provision of the necessary agricultural inputs for the next season starting in October.

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