FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/99 - BANGLADESH (2 June)


Heavy and above-average rainfall in May, brought to an end several months of extremely dry conditions. The pattern of weather is attributed to a strong La-Niņa affect in the region. Continuing heavy rains over short periods has increased the risk of flooding to which the country is seriously prone.

Despite a prolonged four month drought which depleted water tables, a bumper crop of irrigated boro paddy is officially forecast this year. Harvesting is almost complete and current Government estimates indicate boro production of around 9.0 million tonnes, some 1.1 million tonnes or 14 percent higher than last year. The revised target for boro production was 8.7 million tonnes. Most of the country's boro production comes from Dhaka and Chittagong Divisions in the north east, though, Rahshahi Division in the north west produces most rice annually. Improved rice supply prospects, have eased pressure on domestic rice prices and imports. Earlier, a bumper wheat crop of some 1.7 million tonnes was harvested, the second in succession, due to favourable conditions at harvest and higher yields. Total food grain production for 1998/99 is currently estimated at around 20.4 million tonnes.

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