FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/99 - MALAWI (4 June)

MALAWI (4 June)

A bumper 1999 cereal crop is being harvested. This reflects generally abundant rains during the season, particularly in southern areas. In northern parts, despite a delay in the rainy season, precipitation was above average allowing some recovery of crops. Improved input availability also contributed to a sharp increase in yields. Latest official forecast indicate a maize crop close to 2.4 million tonnes, one-third higher than last year's normal level. Cassava output is expected to increase by 12 percent to 944 000 tonnes. Production of other cereal and non-cereal crops is also anticipated to be good.

The country, which has been importing maize in recent years, is expected to have some 500 000 tonnes of exportable maize surpluses in marketing year 1999/2000 (April/March).

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