FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/99 - MONGOLIA* (2 June)

MONGOLIA* (2 June)

Planting of the main wheat crop is underway in main producing areas for harvest in October/November. A combination of poor weather and continuing problems in the agricultural sector resulted in a further decline in cereal production in 1998. Wheat production in 1998 was around 195 000 tonnes, the lowest level in 3 decades, some 18 percent below 1997 and 34 percent below the average for the preceding five years. The Ministry of Agriculture and Industry has earmarked 253 000 hectares for cultivation in 1999. However, due to a shortage of seed, this target may not be attained. FAO is assisting the Government in agricultural production and reforestation programmes.

Dwindling domestic cereal supplies have resulted in deterioration in the country�s ability to feed its people with the number of malnourished people rising sharply. Large imports continue to be necessary to meet requirements, a situation further compounded by low cereal reserves, a decline in export trading and the country�s capacity to import sufficient quantities of grain commercially to meet the deficit.

In view of food supply problems in the country, around 60 000 tonnes of food aid have been pledged, of which 45 000 tonnes have been delivered. A further 48 000 tonnes of wheat seed have also been provided.

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