FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/99 - MOZAMBIQUE (8 June)


Harvesting of the 1999 coarse grains is well advanced. Abundant rains during the growing season resulted in localized floods and crop losses in central and southern parts, but overall benefited crop development. Production of the main maize crop is expected to increase for the fifth consecutive year, also reflecting a slight increase in the area planted. Exportable surplus of maize are anticipated. Outputs of beans, cassava, groundnuts and vegetables are also estimated to be good.

Reflecting the good harvest, prices of basic staple are declining. The overall food supply situation is to remain stable in marketing year 1999/2000. However, in several districts of the Inhambane Province, where excessive rains resulted in losses of crops, housing and infrastructure, food aid is required for some 70 000 most affected population. The Government has asked for international assistance. Continued assistance is also needed for large groups of vulnerable population.

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