FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/99 - RWANDA* (4 June)

RWANDA* (4 June)

Harvest of the 1999 second season foodcrops is underway. The outlook is uncertain. A delay in the start of the rainy season was followed by abundant and well distributed precipitation in March. However, rains were below average in April and ceased early than normal, particularly in eastern parts. As a result, yield reductions are anticipated in several areas. The negative impact on cereal crops of armyworms attacks this season, was limited by control measures undertaken by the Government with the assistance of FAO and donors. The overall impact of the irregular rains on this season’s production is currently being assessed by an FAO/WFP/Ministry of Agriculture Crop Assessment Mission at local level.

In Northwestern prefectures, a relative improvement in security conditions has allowed agricultural activities this season together with better access of about 600 000 displaced people to food assistance. However, shortages of pipeline food aid restricted distributions in May and June. In the absence of additional contributions, operations will cease by the end of July.

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