FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/99 - UGANDA (5 June)

UGANDA (5 June)

Prospects for the 1999 main season cereal crops are generally favorable. Crops stressed by a long dry spell in April in western parts recovered, as rainfall improved in May. Northern and north-eastern Uganda, where the season starts later, have received well-distributed rainfall since early April. The rains also improved pasture and livestock conditions in pastoral areas in the north-east.

Recent official reports indicate that the late start to the rainy season in March, along with dry conditions in parts of southern Uganda in April, provided favourable conditions for armyworm infestation in several districts. Control measures have been undertaken and only modest crop losses are reported.

The overall food situation is satisfactory. However, severe food difficulties persist in Rakai District, in the south- west, where a succession of poor harvests has depleted farm stocks. Food aid has relieved the situation somewhat but an estimated 30 000 people are still suffering acute food shortages. Food difficulties also persist in northern areas, where 400 000 people remain displaced by persistent insurgency. International food aid is being provided.

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