FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/99 - TANZANIA (5 June)


Harvesting of cereal crops has begun in unimodal central and western regions, while in the grain-basket southern highlands, harvesting is expected to start in August. An average level of production is anticipated for most parts except for the food insecure central regions, where below- average production is expected mainly due to moisture stress earlier in the season.

In bi-modal northern areas, rains favoured second-season Masika crops planted in March. However, an outbreak of armyworms in several regions damaged thousands of hectares. Pastures and livestock are reported to be in good condition.

The food supply situation has improved with the harvest, mainly in Dodoma and Singida Regions, where many households were receiving relief since October 1998. Food prices have declined since April with the harvest and commercial sale of Government imports.

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