FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/99 - ZAMBIA (2 June)

ZAMBIA (2 June)

Harvesting of the 1999 coarse grains, mainly maize, is well advanced. The outlook is favourable and the output is anticipated to recover from the poor crop of last year. Maize production is expected at a normal to above-normal level of 1 million tonnes, which is 82 percent higher than in 1998. Abundant rains during the growing season, particularly in southern areas, resulted in localized floods and crop losses but overall benefited crop development. However, in northern areas late and erratic rains have resulted in reduced yields in parts. Production of other basic staples, mainly cassava, is also good this season.

The food supply has eased with the arrival of the new harvest into the markets. Prices of maize are declining and are below their level of a year ago. Maize import requirements in marketing year 1999/2000 (April/March) are forecast to decline sharply from the previous year to about 250 000 tonnes.

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