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(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Major Programme 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Trust Fund 2000-01 Total Activities Percent of Total
5.1 Information and Publications Support 14 073 2 659 16 732 0 16 732 25%
5.2 Administration 53 033 (3 720) 49 313 0 49 313 75%
Total (zero real growth) 67 106 (1 061) 66 045 0 66 045 100%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) 832  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 66 877  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) (802)  
Total (zero nominal growth) 66 075  

730. As explained more fully in the front-end sections of this document, the budgetary provisions under this chapter evidence a number of substantial changes, as the result of the following factors:

731. It may be noted that, while a central management support structure stemming from the restructuring of the MSUs is to be established in the AF Department and will report to the ADG, AF, its costs will continue to be distributed to line user departments according to cost accounting principles.


(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Trust Fund 2000-01 Total Activities Percent of Total
5.1.1 Public Information and Publications Support 12 441 3 054 15 495 0 15 495 93%
5.1.9 Programme Management 1 632 (395) 1 237 0 1 237 7%
Total (zero real growth) 14 073 2 659 16 732 0 16 732 100%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) 259  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 16 991  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) (301)  
Total (zero nominal growth) 16 690  

Programme 5.1.1: Public Information and Publications Support

(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme Entity 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total Regional Office Media Relations (Press) 2 628 (2 628) 0 0% 0% Media Relations (Electronic Media) 2 265 (2 265) 0 0% 0% Multimedia Production 3 112 2 258 5 370 35% 18% Publishing Policy & Support 4 436 285 4 721 30% 1% Media Relations 0 5 404 5 404 35% 21%
Total (zero real growth) 12 441 3 054 15 495 100% 14%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) 286  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 15 781  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) (283)  
Total (zero nominal growth) 15 498  

732. Programme 5.1.1 implemented by the Information Division (GII), aims at raising and maintaining awareness of, and support for, the Organization's policies and programmes, including promoting the goals of the World Food Summit and highlighting the importance of concerted action to ensure food security. The wide-ranging audiences will include member governments, Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) including women and youth organizations, technical and institutional partners, mainstream and specialist media, and the general public.

733. The priorities of the Organization will continue to be supported through public information, including a comprehensive system of communication planning, covering both Headquarters and the decentralized structures. The aim of this planning process is to ensure high quality, consistency and cost-effectiveness in total public information outreach. It is designed to ensure that externally distributed publications, periodicals and other information products not only meet professional and commercial standards, but also present a coherent corporate image of the Organization.

734. Emphasis will continue to be placed on close cooperation between Headquarters and the decentralized offices in order to respond to local needs and demands through the Information Officers in the Regional Offices. This effort is to be strengthened by the establishment of a P-4 Information Officer post in the Regional Office for Europe, which did not previously have such a post. It is also intended to support more public information activities in the Liaison Office for North America.

735. The promotion of World Food Day and WFD Special Events activities, including TeleFood, will entail a coordinated effort involving the multimedia, publishing and media relations units.

Sub-programme Multimedia Production

736. This sub-programme has been retitled "Multimedia Production" and reorganized to support all multimedia production work of the GII Division. It will continue to apply advanced techniques in digital creation and production of printed and electronic media, also in an advisory capacity to other units. It will support Organization-wide priorities and programmes through related public information materials, and assist technical departments in "packaging" information about their priority programmes, in line with the Corporate Communication Plan.

737. Emphasis will be placed on providing information on FAO via Internet, ensuring that the Organization's homepage and other high-traffic pages are continuously updated and based on attractive design and style. Cerestronic, on FAO Internet Website, is also to be strengthened through additional posts for Arabic language coverage and additional non-staff provisions. The aim is to reach the general public as well as key constituencies such as NGOs, journalists, and academic and research institutions. Given the imperative of providing this material in FAO languages, budget constraints limit the quantity of news, features, graphics and photos which can be disseminated through this medium to approximately 600 articles, 8 FAO Focus features on major issues and activities, 200 informational graphics and 48 thematic collections of photographs (PhotoFiles). Electronic dissemination of information materials and FAO documents will also continue to receive emphasis. Collaboration is ensured with the Library and Documentation Systems Division (GIL) on new information products and strategies for the Internet.

738. A wide range of other public information materials will be produced under this sub-programme, including an estimated 20 leaflets, 8 booklets, 12 brochures, 8 posters, 30 fact sheets, 10 information folders, 70 yearbook entries, 24 multimedia presentations, 6 multimedia CD-ROMs and 12 displays and exhibits containing basic information on the Organization's priority programmes.

739. Technical departments will receive support in the preparation and dissemination of technical information, including some 150 slide presentations, 40 displays and exhibits, conception and design of several hundred Internet pages and 10 CD-ROMs, and preparation of 40 brochures and leaflets. In addition, advisory services will be provided on the design and production of the full range of public information materials produced by the units themselves or with the help of external contractors.

740. Photo, public information and hypermedia services in support of WAICENT and FAOINFO, have been transferred from into the sub-programme. The Photo Library and Laboratory will continue to maintain photographic documentation of the work of the Organization, by organizing four photo missions and coordinating reportage on FAO activities by twenty freelance photographers to acquire approximately 1,500 new photos. These, along with informational graphics in appropriate formats, are maintained in a digital archive and supplied on request to the media, book publishers and other users providing coverage of FAO's programmes. Photographic reproduction and digitization services for information materials are also made available. The Library is expected to process 8,000 photographs, produce 30,000 photographic prints and 20,000 duplicates and slides, digitize 20,000 images and process 200 slide shows and 800 exhibit panels from computer files for presentations, exhibits and displays.

741. The Visitors Service will continue to respond to requests for information from a range of groups and individuals (estimated at close to 24,000 visitors), organize briefings and visits to Headquarters, set up interviews with technical experts and distribute information materials.

Sub-programme Publishing Policy and Support

742. This sub-programme aims to ensure that FAO information products being distributed externally meet the highest standards of quality and present a coherent corporate image of the Organization. Activities include editing, design, desktop publishing, external printing and sales of FAO publications. At the same time, attention is given to establishing a viable, cost-effective business plan for all publication activities. In order to give higher visibility to FAO's multilingual publishing capacity, provisions for publications in Chinese and non-FAO languages have been transferred to entity 222P5, Programme for the Improvement of Language Coverage.

743. Measures to contain costs will be pursued, including co-publishing arrangements, which shift half or more of the cost of producing certain key publications to commercial or other publishing partners. Savings will be sought in other areas, in particular in external printing, where electronic communication technologies are being used both in the bidding process and in the transmission of text and finished pages and documents.

744. As mentioned above, a large portion of the editing and desktop publishing activities were hitherto managed through a self-financing pool account. This arrangement is to be replaced by a centrally managed provision for core editorial services to technical departments.

745. The Sales and Marketing Group will continue to use the latest electronic technology, particularly the Internet, in its efforts to increase the sales of FAO's information products. At the same time, the international network of sales agents will be expanded to ensure maximum availability of the Organization's titles throughout the world. The new Corporate and Departmental Communication and Publishing Committees also ensure closer cooperation with technical departments in the planning process for determining the quality, audience and format of FAO's information products. These measures, combined with the transfer of the key managerial post of Chief of Sales and Marketing outside pool arrangements, will lead to increased sales and an improvement in the financial position of the Information Products Revolving Fund.

Sub-programme Media Relations

746. The former Press and Radio and Television Branches have been merged into the new Media Relations Branch and consequently, former Sub-programmes (Media Relations - Press) and (Media Relations - Electronic Media) have been merged into Sub-programme - Media Relations. This sub-programme is expected to consolidate gains in media relations made in the recent past, with productive relationships with the electronic and print media. This will be supported by training to enhance the versatility of media relations officers in dealing with representatives of all types of media.

747. The sub-programme is expected to plan, research, produce and place over 200 written press communications to be transmitted globally to some 200 international news and other outlets. It is expected that some 30 video news releases, features and interviews, and 300 radio interviews, reports and programmes will be produced and placed. Depending on the topic and targeted dissemination of the individual release, these materials will be produced in several languages, including Italian and German.

748. Media campaigns for major FAO meetings and conferences will be developed in collaboration with the responsible divisions, and FAO staff and senior officials will receive advice on dealing effectively with the media. Briefs will be prepared for major interventions with the media. Frequent contacts and joint planning sessions with the Multimedia Production and Publishing staff will facilitate a coordinated approach to releasing news and information to the public.

749. It is expected that media relations staff will respond to some 1,500 queries from print, radio and television journalists. In addition, some 150 interviews will be arranged with FAO experts, 6-10 press conferences will be organized, and some 200 visiting print, television, radio and other journalists will be assisted.

750. As many as six major co-productions with international radio networks and eight with major television networks will be arranged. Some 1,000 audiotapes and 1,500 cassettes of video footage and television news material on FAO priorities and programmes will be dispatched. A video/audio library service will provide radio and television media with selected footage and tapes. Other activities are: monitoring of the world print media for news of interest to FAO, preparation of monthly press summaries, and selection and circulation of over 20,000 clippings.

2000-01 Estimates by Funding Source, Unit and Region (US$ 000)
Funding Source Organizational Unit Region
Fund Total Unit Programme Trust Total Region Total
      of Work Fund      
Programme of Work   AFIP 654 0 654 Global 13 347
Regular Programme 15 495 GII 12 693 0 12 693 Inter Regional 0
    RAF 260 0 260 Africa 260
Programme of Work 15 495 RAP 575 0 575 Asia and Pacific 575
Trust Fund Activities   REU 290 0 290 Near East 512
Trust Funds 0 RLC 511 0 511 Europe 290
Trust Fund Activities 0 RNE 512 0 512 Latin America 511
Programme 5.1.1 Total 15 495   15 495 0 15 495   15 495


(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Trust Fund 2000-01 Total Activities Percent of Total
5.2.1 Financial Services 22 966 (1 804) 21 162 0 21 162 43%
5.2.2 Information Systems and Technology Services 5 276 (2 656) 2 620 0 2 620 5%
5.2.3 Human Resources Services 17 417 1 562 18 979 0 18 979 38%
5.2.9 Programme Management 7 374 (822) 6 552 0 6 552 13%
Total (zero real growth) 53 033 (3 720) 49 313 0 49 313 100%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) 573  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 49 886  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) (501)  
Total (zero nominal growth) 49 385  

751. Major Programme 5.2 covers the financial, computer and personnel services provided by the AF Department, including the development of corporate accounting and administrative systems, and applicable provisions in the Regional and Sub-regional Offices.

Programme 5.2.1: Financial Services

(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme Entity 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total Regional Office Central Accounting, Reporting and Control 14 742 (1 206) 13 536 64% 19% Payables and Receivables 6 455 301 6 756 32% 0% Treasury Operations 1 769 (899) 870 4% 0%
Total (zero real growth) 22 966 (1 804) 21 162 100% 12%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) 441  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 21 603  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) (23)  
Total (zero nominal growth) 21 580  

752. The primary activities of the Finance Division (AFF) are to maintain the accounts of the Organization to the highest standards with reference to the UN Accounting Standards and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and to provide accurate financial information to all levels within the Organization and to the Governing Bodies.

Proposed Activities for 2000-2001

753. The main focus of AFF work in the 2000-01 biennium will be on the consolidation of the implementation of the FINSYS replacement, Oracle Financials, and its related components. The newly implemented Field Accounting System (FAS) will provide the capacity to efficiently process field transactions of all the decentralized locations other than Regional Offices, which will operate on the Headquarters Oracle Financial Systems. Some reorganization is in progress, and once the Oracle systems are fully implemented, AFF may need to undergo further reorganization to align itself to the new business processes of the Organization, based upon the experience gained during the early stages of implementation of the systems.

754. The reduced provision under Sub-programme largely reflects the completion of the development phase of the core central accounting systems. However, increased emphasis will be given to the financial control function by expanding the existing programme of local audits in FAO Representations and initiating a new programme for the audit of field projects.

755. In January 1999, there was a cessation of reimbursements from WFP in respect of treasury services provided to them. This has arisen partly because of the relative size of WFP's investment portfolio, which currently exceeds FAO's portfolio by a factor of three, and in view of the imminent implementation of WFP's own integrated financial systems. Further reductions in services to WFP are foreseen in 2000-01, as WFP will take over their payments functions and probably also their payroll. This has led to a realignment of resources in Sub-programmes and and a concomitant reduction in the programme of work.

2000-01 Estimates by Funding Source, Unit and Region (US$ 000)
Funding Source Organizational Unit Region
Fund Total Unit Programme Trust Total Region Total
      of Work Fund      
Programme of Work   AFF 15 736 0 15 736 Global 18 655
Regular Programme 17 386 AFI 2 038 0 2 038 Inter Regional 0
Credits for AOS 3 309 AFIP 881 0 881 Africa 750
Investment Earnings 252 RAF 612 0 612 Asia and Pacific 480
WFP payments - Non-technical 215 RAP 411 0 411 Near East 416
Programme of Work 21 162 REU 91 0 91 Europe 269
Trust Fund Activities   RLC 462 0 462 Latin America 592
Trust Funds 0 RNE 356 0 356    
Trust Fund Activities 0 SAFR 138 0 138    
    SAPA 69 0 69    
    SEUR 178 0 178    
    SLAC 130 0 130    
    SNEA 60 0 60    
Programme 5.2.1 Total 21 162   21 162 0 21 162   21 162

Programme 5.2.2: Information Systems and Technology Services

(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme Entity 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total Regional Office Information Systems and Technology Services 5 276 (2 656) 2 620 100% 7%
Total (zero real growth) 5 276 (2 656) 2 620 100% 7%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) (33)  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 2 587  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) (171)  
Total (zero nominal growth) 2 416  

756. The implementation of the Organization's programmes, in technical and economic as well as administrative areas, requires effective and efficient information technology and communications (ITC) support, hence the new title for this programme. The demand for such support has been increasing steadily as FAO's user community has experienced the benefits and capabilities of ITC, and is expected to continue to grow at a rapid pace, as technology evolves and as new solutions are brought to the market.

757. The Information Systems and Technology Division (AFI) assists programme managers and technical staff in the effective use of modern information and communication tools and techniques, as well as in the development and implementation of modern corporate systems and in consolidating existing applications. To this end, corporate and departmental strategies and plans for the use of distributed and mobile computing tools are being developed. AFI ensures overall management of shared information technology infrastructure including local and wide area network management, and assists all FAO units in making effective use of computing resources and communication technologies in their work programmes.

Proposed Activities for 2000-01

758. Emphasis will be placed on the technical support required by the WAICENT programme, as well as the full implementation of Oracle applications, with emphasis on the Human Resources, Payroll and Budget Preparation and Programme Implementation Monitoring components. In addition, support will continue to be provided to decentralized units by upgrading the standard ITC infrastructure deployed during previous biennia in Regional Offices, Sub-regional Offices and FAO Representations. Attention will be placed on further improvement of communication links with the Organization's national counterparts, such as ministries of agriculture, chambers of commerce, statistical offices, etc.

759. Information flows will be improved in terms of speed, reliability and accessibility through the use of Internet and the Organization-wide Intranet environment. Corporate data dissemination will be supported through related information management policies and the introduction of new document management solutions. New technology developments will be monitored, particularly in the communications field, with the objective of maximizing the use of Internet facilities. Implementation of ITC standards and coordination of user support will strive to ensure a stable environment at a minimum cost, within the context of a continuously evolving technological market. Technical support will continue to be provided to user divisions for the development of new application systems, as well as in the updating and/or replacement of obsolete software.


760. The provision under this programme covers the direct cost of management of the Information Systems and Technology Division. The remaining costs of information systems and information technology infrastructure services (close to US$ 20 million) are distributed under various programme headings, where use of information technology infrastructure, network services and of computerized applications is required.

761. Substantial (cost neutral) transfers in resources were made from this programme and Chapter 6, into the computer pool account as a result of the consolidation of the telecommunications work as a pooled distributed service.

2000-01 Estimates by Funding Source, Unit and Region (US$ 000)
Funding Source Organizational Unit Region
Fund Total Unit Programme Trust Total Region Total
      of Work Fund      
Programme of Work   AFI 2 352 0 2 352 Global 2 442
Regular Programme 2 494 AFIP 90 0 90 Inter Regional 0
Credits for AOS 126 RNE 178 0 178 Africa 0
Programme of Work 2 620         Asia and Pacific 0
Trust Fund Activities           Near East 178
Trust Funds 0         Europe 0
Trust Fund Activities 0         Latin America 0
Programme 5.2.2 Total 2 620   2 620 0 2 620   2 620

Programme 5.2.3: Human Resources Services

(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme Entity 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total Regional Office Health and Medical Services 2 674 232 2 906 15% 2% Personnel Policy and Planning 2 562 320 2 882 15% 0% Organization Development and Services 4 302 (325) 3 977 21% 0% Recruitment, Servicing and Systems Support 5 999 1 126 7 125 38% 19% Social Security 1 880 209 2 089 11% 0%
Total (zero real growth) 17 417 1 562 18 979 100% 8%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) 195  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 19 174  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) (282)  
Total (zero nominal growth) 18 892  

762. This programme (formerly entitled Personnel Services) relates primarily to the work of the Personnel Division (AFP) and will continue to cover a broad spectrum of human resource management and administration issues. The AF Management Review completed in the last biennium recognized that the personnel function in the Organization should be evolving from a traditional rules-based prescriptive approach to a more consultative one - this is reflected in the shifts in resources between sub-programmes. The implementation of Phase II of Oracle, for which additional resources are provided under, will also require the Division to be involved in the design of the human resources module to replace the existing PERSYS system.

763. AFP will seek to enhance its advisory role and provide more inspection, outreach and support to the decentralized offices. The division will also continue to ensure that the Organization's human resource management policies are fully supportive of cross-organizational issues and overall strategic directions of the Organization. This will be facilitated by the preparation of Human Resources Action Plans, which will include strategies to ensure excellence, enhance inter-disciplinarity and broaden partnerships and alliances.

Proposed Activities for 2000-01

764. The division will continue to cover a broad spectrum of human resource management and administration activities: the development of personnel policies and procedures; position management and control; support to recruitment of staff; management studies and job classification; salaries and allowances administration; social security provisions; identification of training requirements and provision of a range of services in relation to training; administration of appeals procedures and consultation with staff representative bodies; overseeing and monitoring of the administration and servicing of staff and the provision of advisory services to management and staff in the areas of AFP's responsibilities.

765. An important thrust will be to enhance the range and quality of human resource advisory services, particularly in the areas of recruitment, staff development, career development and planning, and improved orientation and induction of new staff members into FAO.

766. For example, in the area of recruitment the implementation of revised procedures for professional positions will be supported, together with management of the Volunteers Programme. Central Recruitment will continue to develop and deliver training workshops on selection and interview skills, act as focal point for the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and provide training and backstopping to the users. In addition, it will continue the management of the centralized recruitment activities, placement, testing and identifying career prospects for general service staff.

767. Another key priority will be to support decentralized offices, particularly through the use of distance learning to deliver better staff development. The ongoing provision of a full range of training facilities in information technology linked to new corporate systems (e.g. Oracle, Internet applications, etc.) and expanded language training in the Organization's languages will also be priorities.

768. Review and streamlining of human resource policies and procedures will continue to ensure that they take account of best practice within the UN common system and national administrations and enhance productivity and efficiency. In this regard, particular attention will be given to the simplification of the establishments and post management procedures through continued development and implementation of core post descriptions.

769. AFP will continue to participate in inter-agency consultations, including meetings of the Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions, the International Civil Service Commission and the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, in order to maintain a common approach on personnel matters. In addition, AFP will complete a comprehensive review of the medical insurance scheme of the Organization.

Medical Service

770. The Medical Service, AFDM (which reports directly to the Office of the ADG, AF) will continue to fulfil its statutory functions and undertake preventive measures to improve the health of the staff, with a view to maximizing human and economical benefits. Increased services are to be provided to other organizations.

2000-01 Estimates by Funding Source, Unit and Region (US$ 000)
Funding Source Organizational Unit Region
Fund Total Unit Programme Trust Total Region Total
      of Work Fund      
Programme of Work   AFD 2 732 0 2 732 Global 17 554
Regular Programme 15 796 AFI 944 0 944 Inter Regional 0
Credits for AOS 1 405 AFIP 826 0 826 Africa 335
Other External Secondments 584 AFP 13 052 0 13 052 Asia and Pacific 456
WFP payments - Non-technical 1 194 RAF 335 0 335 Near East 164
Programme of Work 18 979 RAP 456 0 456 Europe 0
Trust Fund Activities   RLC 365 0 365 Latin America 470
Trust Funds 0 RNE 164 0 164    
Trust Fund Activities 0 SLAC 105 0 105    
Programme 5.2.3 Total 18 979   18 979 0 18 979   18 979

Programme 5.2.9: Programme Management

(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme Entity 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total Regional Office Departmental Direction 4 653 (774) 3 879 59% 0% Divisional Direction 2 721 (48) 2 673 41% 0%
Total (zero real growth) 7 374 (822) 6 552 100% 0%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) (30)  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 6 522  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) (25)  
Total (zero nominal growth) 6 497  

771. This programme covers the Office of the Assistant Director-General of the Administration and Finance Department, and the Offices of the Division Directors. The provision is affected by restructuring of MSUs.

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