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Part 1. Standards and Related Texts Adopted as Final Texts

Standard and Related TextsReferenceStatus
Draft General Standard for the Use of Dairy TermsALINORM 99/11, Appendix IIAdopted with amendments
Draft Revised Standard for ButterALINORM 99/11, Appendix IVAdopted with amendments
Draft Revised Standard for Milkfat ProductsALINORM 99/11, Appendix VAdopted with amendments
Draft Revised Standard for Evaporated MilksALINORM 99/11, Appendix VIAdopted with amendments
Draft Revised Standard for Sweetened Condensed MilksALINORM 99/11, Appendix VIIAdopted with amendments
Draft Revised Standard for Milk Powders and Cream PowderALINORM 99/11, Appendix VIIIAdopted with amendments
Draft Revised Standard for CheeseALINORM 99/11, Appendix IXAdopted with amendments
Draft Revised Standard for Whey CheeseALINORM 99/11, Appendix XAdopted with amendments
Draft Group Standard for Cheeses in BrineALINORM 99/11, Appendix XIAdopted with amendments
Food Grade Salt: Draft Amendments to the Food Additive ProvisionsALINORM 99/12, Appendix VIIAdopted with amendments
Draft Specifications for the Identity and Purity of Food AdditivesALINORM 99/12, Appendix VIII and ALINORM 99/12A, para. 65,68 and Appendix VIIAdopted
International Numbering System for Food Additives: Allocation of new numbers for Konjac Flour, Stevioside, Argon, Helium and OxygenALINORM 99/12, Appendix IX and ALINORM 99/12A, para. 74 and Appendix VIIIAdopted
Draft Maximum Level for Aflatoxins in Peanuts intended for Further ProcessingALINORM 99/12, Appendix XAdopted (Sampling Plan was adopted on interim basis)
General Standard for Food Additives: Draft Table 1 (Additives Permitted for Use Under Specified Conditions in Certain Food Categories or Individual Food Items)ALINORM 99/12A, paras 34,46,56, Appendix II and CorrigendumAdopted with amendments
Proposed Draft Amendment to the General Standard for Food Additives:
Preamble - Footnote
ALINORM 99/12A, paras 33,56, Appendix VAdopted
General Standard for Food Additives: Draft Revised Table 3 and AnnexALINORM 99/12A, para. 52,56 and Appendix IIIAdopted with amendments
• Table 3: Additives Permitted for Use in Food in General, Unless Otherwise Specified, in Accordance with GMP  
• Annex to Table Three: Food Categories or Individual Food Items Excluded from the General Conditions of Table Three  
Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Refrigerated Packaged Foods with Extended Shelf LifeALINORM 99/13, Appendix IIIAdopted
Draft Principles and Guidelines for the Conduct of Microbiological Risk AssessmentALINORM 99/13A, Appendix IIAdopted
Draft Amendment to the Recommended International Code of Practice: General Principles of Food HygieneALINORM 99/13A, Appendix IIIAdopted with editorial amendment
Draft Asian Regional Guidelines for Codex Contact Points and National Codex CommitteesALINORM 99/15, Appendix IIAdopted with amendment
Draft Standard for Named Vegetable OilsALINORM 99/17, para. 62 and Appendix IIAdopted
Draft Standard for Named Animal FatsALINORM 99/17, para. 79 and Appendix IIIAdopted
Draft Revised Standard for Edible Fats and Oils not Covered by Individual StandardsALINORM 99/17, para. 91 and Appendix IVAdopted
Draft Revised Code of Practice for the Storage and Transport of Fats and Oils in BulkALINORM 99/17, para. 123 and Appendix VAdopted
Draft Guidelines for the Sensory Evaluation of Fish and Shellfish in LaboratoriesALINORM 99/18, Appendix IIAdopted
Draft Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods (Except sections for livestock production)ALINORM 99/22, Appendix II and ALINORM 99/22A, para. 33 and Appendix IIAdopted
Draft Amendment to the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods: Foods that can cause HypersensitivityALINORM 99/22, Appendix IIIAdopted with amendments
Draft Amendment to the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods: Composite IngredientsALINORM 99/22A, para. 39 and Appendix IIIAdopted
Draft Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for PesticidesALINORM 99/24, Appendix II;Adopted
Draft Revised Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for PesticidesALINORM 99/24A, Appendix II; 
• AcephateALINORM 99/24, Appendix IV; and ALINORM 99/24A, Appendix IV 
• Bifenthrin
• Carbaryl
• Carbofuran
• Chlorothalonil
• Chlorpyrifos
• Diazinon
• Dicofol
• Diquat
• Dithiocarbamates
• Fenarimol
• Fenbuconazole
• Flumethrin
• Glyphosate
• Methamidophos
• Methidathion
• Myclobutanil
• Parathion
• Parathion-methyl
• Phorate
• Propoxur
• Tebuconazole
• Tebufenozide
• Teflubenzuron
• Thiabendazole
Draft Revised Recommended Methods of Sampling for Pesticide Residues for the Determination of Compliance with MRLsALINORM 99/24A, Appendix IIIAdopted
Draft Revised Standards for SugarsALINORM 99/25, Appendix 1Adopted with amendments
Draft Revised African Regional Guidelines for the Design of Control Measures for Street-Vended Foods in AfricaALINORM 99/28, Appendix IIAdopted
Draft Guidelines for the Development of Equivalence Agreements regarding Food Imports and Export Inspection and Certification SystemsALINORM 99/30A, para. 30 and Appendix IIAdopted
Draft Maximum Residue Limits for Veterinary Drugs in FoodsALINORM 99/31, Appendices II & IIIAdopted
• Azaperone  
• Benzylpenicillin/procaine benzylpenicillin  
• Ceftiofur  
• Diclazuril  
• Dihydrostreptomycin/streptomycin  
• Febantel/fenbendazole/oxfendazole  
• Fluazuron  
• Moxidectin  
• Neomycin  
• Nicarbazin  
• Specitnomycin  
• Tilmicosin  
Draft Standard for LimesALINORM 99/35, Appendix IIAdopted (except for Sections 2.1.2 & 3)
Draft Standard for Pummelos (Citrus grandi)ALINORM 99/35, Appendix IIIAdopted (except for Section 3)
Draft Standard for GuavasALINORM 99/35, Appendix IVAdopted
Draft Standard for ChayotesALINORM 99/35, Appendix VAdopted
Proposed Draft Standard for Mexican LimesALINORM 99/35, Appendix VIAdopted
Proposed Draft Standard for GingerALINORM 99/35, Appendix VIIAdopted
Draft Codex Standard for PineapplesALINORM 99/35A, para. 46 and Appendix IIAdopted
Draft Codex Standard for Grapefruits (Citrus paradisi)ALINORM 99/35A, para. 62 and Appendix IIIAdopted (except for Section 3)
Draft Codex Standard for LongansALINORM 99/35A, para. 70 and Appendix IVAdopted

Part 2. Draft Standards and Related Texts Adopted at Step 5

Standard and Related TextsReferenceStatus
Proposed Draft Maximum Level for PatulinALINORM 99/12A, para. 120Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Revised Guideline for the Development of Maximum Levels of Use for Food Additives with Numerical Acceptable Daily IntakesALINORM 99/12A, para. 55 and Appendix IVAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for the Transport of Foodstuffs in Bulk and Semi-Packed FoodstuffsALINORM 99/13A, para. 52 and Appendix IVAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Cocoa ButtersALINORM 99/14, Appendix IIAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Cocoa (Cacao) Mass (Cocoa/Chocolate Liquor) and Cocoa Cake, for the Use in the Manufacture of Cocoa and Chocolate ProductsALINORM 99/14, Appendix IIIAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Cocoa Powders (Cocoas) and Dry Cocoa-Sugar MixtureALINORM 99/14, Appendix IVAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods: Proposed Draft Amendment concerning the Labelling of Foods obtained through BiotechnologyALINORM 99/22, Appendix VIIAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
Draft Amendment to the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods: Class namesALINORM 99/22A, para. 52 and Appendix VAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for Pesticides
Proposed Draft Revised Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for Pesticides
Proposed Draft Revised Extraneous Maximum Residue Limit (EMRL)
ALINORM 99/24, Appendix V; and

ALINORM 99/24A, Appendix V
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Maximum Residue Limits for Veterinary Drugs in FoodsALINORM 99/31, Appendix VAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Tiquisque (White and Lilac)ALINORM 99/35A, para. 117 and Appendix VAdopted at Step 5 of the Normal Procedure and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Yellow PitahayasALINORM 99/35A, para. 155 and Appendix VIAdopted at Step 5 of the Normal Procedure and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Codex Standard for PapayaALINORM 99/35A, para. 167 and Appendix VIIAdopted at Step 5 of the Normal Procedure and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Oranges including Guide for Use in scoring Freezing InjuryALINORM 99/35A, para. 108 and Appendix XAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Cape GooseberryALINORM 99/35A, para. 145 and Appendix XIAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Codex Standard for AsparagusALINORM 99/35A, para. 87 and Appendix IXAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6
Proposed Draft Revised Regional Code of Practice for the Preparation and Sale of Street-Vended Foods (Latin America and the CaribbeanALINORM 99/36, Appendix IIAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6

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